Watch the original version of Signs
Chapter 1:
Preacher Graham Hess stood atop the hill overlooking his farm, the only thing he had left in the world. The sun was setting and the sky was lit up with a beautiful array of oranges and reds. But he knew that the beauty of the sunset was just a reminder of a day gone by- a day which now felt like a distant memory.
It had been nearly a year since his wife, Miranda, had passed away in a tragic car accident. This day was the anniversary of her death and it had taken a toll on him. Though he had been a man of faith for many years, he had lost all sense of belief in God. In his mind, why would a loving deity take away the person he loved most in this world?
He stumbled his way back to the house, his feet leaden with grief. As he approached the house, he noticed something strange happening in the cornfields. Lights flashed in the distance and he could see strange shapes forming in the fields. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, only to find that the shapes had become more defined. By the time he reached the house, he was sure of it: the shapes in the cornfield were the telltale signs of crop circles.
Chapter 2:
When Graham awoke the next morning, the crop circles were still there. He could see them in the distance, glowing in the morning sunlight. His initial shock had worn off and he was starting to become more curious about the phenomenon. He decided to take a closer look, so he grabbed his shotgun and headed into the field.
As he made his way closer to the circles, he noticed that the shapes were not random. They had been carefully crafted, almost as if they were trying to convey a message. He couldn’t understand what the message was, but he knew that something was up.
He felt a chill go down his spine as he started to make his way back to the house. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something evil was lurking in the shadows, watching him. He quickened his pace and made it back to the house, his heart pounding.
Chapter 3:
When he returned to the house, Graham told his brother and children about the strange shapes in the fields. They were all baffled by the phenomenon, but they also knew that it couldn’t be a coincidence. They all agreed to keep an eye out for anything unusual, just in case the crop circles were an omen of something sinister.
At the same time, the local news had picked up the story and the mysterious phenomenon in the Hess’s cornfield had become a national sensation. Everyday, more and more people came to the farm to catch a glimpse of the mysterious crop circles. Some were merely curious bystanders, but others had come to offer their assistance.
One particular group had caught Graham’s attention. They were a group of scientists from a well-known research facility. They claimed they could help Graham solve the mystery of the crop circles and offered their assistance in studying them.
Chapter 4:
Graham accepted the scientists’ offer and they wasted no time in getting to work. They set up their equipment and started to analyze the crop circles to try and uncover their meaning. After spending days of hard work in the fields, the scientists managed to decode a message.
The message told of an ancient race of beings that had once lived on Earth. They were a peaceful people, living in harmony with the land and its creatures. However, their advanced knowledge of the universe had made them a target for a powerful evil force. The evil force had invaded the planet, leaving behind a sinister mark that would forever remain etched into the landscape.
The scientists had deciphered the message and discovered what the mark was: a series of crop circles. They also found out that the ancient race had left behind a riddle, a warning of sorts. Unless someone solved the riddle in time, the evil force would return and bring destruction.
Chapter 5:
Graham and the scientists quickly set out to solve the riddle. They studied and researched every aspect they could think of; from ancient texts, to folklore, to the behavior of animals in the area. Nothing seemed to make sense until one night, Graham had a strange dream that filled him with hope.
In his dream, he was gazing up at a night sky full of stars. He suddenly noticed that one of the stars was brighter than the rest and he could make out a strange pattern within it. He couldn’t explain why, but he knew in that moment that this pattern was the answer to the riddle.
He awoke from the dream filled with a sense of purpose and excitement. He quickly gathered the scientists and relayed the information he had learned in his dream. After much discussion and contemplation, they realized that the pattern in the stars was actually a set of coordinates leading to an ancient temple hidden deep in the forest.
Chapter 6:
The scientists, along with Graham and his family, quickly set out on the journey to the temple. Along the way, they faced many challenges, but eventually they made it to the temple. When they arrived, they could sense a powerful energy emanating from its walls.
Graham and the others quickly realized that they had found the key to defeating the evil force. Inside the temple was a powerful artifact that held the power to banish the darkness back to whence it came.
The group quickly devised a plan to use the artifact against the darkness. As Graham held the artifact in his hands, a bright light illuminated the sky for miles. The evil force was defeated and the darkness vanished, never to return.
The group returned home, exhausted but victorious. Graham no longer had any doubts about the existence of a loving God. He knew that his faith had helped lead him to the temple and had ultimately saved the world from darkness.
Graham Hess lived to tell the tale of how he defeated the evil force that had threatened the world. He was celebrated for his bravery and courage, and his name went down in history.
But the most important thing he had gained was a newfound faith in a higher power. He no longer doubted that a loving God existed and watched over those who put their faith in Him.
Though the crop circles were no more, the memory of the miraculous event still lingered in the minds of those who had seen it. It was a reminder of the power of faith and how it could bring light in even the darkest of times.
Some scenes from the AI movie Signs
The sun is setting and the sky is lit up with a beautiful array of oranges and reds. Preacher Graham Hess stands atop the hill overlooking his farm, the only thing he has left in the world. He stares out into the distance, lost in thought as he remembers the life he and his wife Miranda once shared.
Suddenly, he notices something strange in the distance—lights flashing and strange shapes forming in the cornfield. He rubs his eyes and takes a closer look. Sure enough, the shapes have become more defined and he’s certain of it—the shapes in the cornfield are the telltale signs of crop circles.
The next morning, the crop circles are still there and they’ve become a national sensation. A group of scientists from a well-known research facility have come to the Hess farm to offer their assistance in studying them.
Graham, his brother, and his children all gather around the crop circles as the scientists set up their equipment and begin to analyze them. The group is baffled by the phenomenon, but they all agree to keep an eye out for anything unusual.
Suddenly, Graham has a strange dream—he’s gazing up at a night sky full of stars and notices one of the stars is brighter than the rest. He can make out a strange pattern within it and he knows in that moment that this pattern is the answer to the riddle.
The group of scientists, along with Graham and his family, quickly sets out on the journey to the temple. After several days of hard travel, they eventually reach their destination.
When they arrive, they can feel a powerful energy emanating from the walls of the ancient temple. Graham and the others quickly realize that they have found the key to defeating the evil force.
The group quickly devises a plan to use the artifact against the darkness. Graham holds the artifact in his hands and a bright light illuminates the sky for miles. The evil force is defeated and the darkness vanishes, never to return.
The group returns home, exhausted but victorious. Graham no longer has any doubts about the existence of a loving God. He knows that his faith has helped him lead them to the temple and save the world from darkness.
A large crowd has gathered in the town square to celebrate the group’s victory and thank Graham for his bravery and courage. As he is cheered and cheered, Graham looks up to the sky and sees the stars twinkling brightly above. He knows, without a doubt, that his faith has brought him to where he is today.
Graham visits the cemetery to pay his respects to Miranda, his beloved wife who had passed away in a tragic car accident. He kneels at her grave and begins to weep as he remembers all that he and she had shared.
Suddenly, he notices a light coming from a nearby tree. He looks up and sees a small, glowing object hanging in the branches. He reaches up and pulls it down to discover it’s an old necklace with a strange symbol on it.
He hangs it around his neck and smiles, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. He knows that the necklace is a sign from Miranda, a reminder that although she is gone, she is still with him in spirit.
Graham returns to his farm, the necklace around his neck. He stands atop the hill overlooking his farm and looks out into the distance. Though the sun is setting and the sky is still lit up with beautiful oranges and reds, he no longer feels the same emptiness that once filled him.
He looks down at the necklace around his neck, a reminder of the love he still has and the faith he will never lose. He knows then that no matter what lies ahead, he will always have the support of a loving God.