Watch the original version of Cold Dog Soup
Ding! The bell rang, signaling the start of school. Mrs. Smyth, who was already in the classroom, put down her chalk and gave her students a warm smile. As they made their way to their desks, they couldn’t help but notice the unusual atmosphere in the room.
Mrs. Smyth cleared her throat before she began.
“Good morning, class. Today, we are going to be talking about something very special. Today, we are going to have our very first comedy hour!”
The class perked up at the news. Mrs. Smyth had promised them a surprise, and this definitely seemed like it. She clapped her hands, and a tall, distinguished figure stepped up to the podium. He was none other than renowned comedy writer and director, Mr. Warren.
Mr. Warren smiled at the class before he began.
“Today, I’m going to be teaching you all the fundamentals of comedy. So get ready, because you’re going to have fun!”
Chapter 1
Mr. Warren had everyone laughing right away. As he talked about the basics of comedy, everyone soon got hooked and were eagerly awaiting more. One by one, he handed out different topics for them to work on and the class was soon divided into groups of three.
The first group was Harry, Lana and Tim, who had been assigned the topic of ‘diet and nutrition’. As they got to work, they quickly found that this wasn’t as boring as they had initially thought. Soon enough, they were throwing out some hilarious jokes about dieting and nutrition. Everyone in the room was in stitches.
Chapter 2
The second group was composed of Emma, Sarah and Eric. They had been assigned the topic of ‘home appliances’. Their jokes were especially creative, with Sarah coming up with the best one.
“What do you call a robot vacuum cleaner with a broken wheel?” she asked. “A Deflato-Matic!”
The whole room was in hysterics. Everyone was starting to realize that comedy was much harder than they had thought.
Chapter 3
The third group was composed of Amy, Ryan and Jake. They had been assigned the topic of ‘school events’. After a few minutes of brainstorming, they had come up with some outrageous ideas.
“We should have a water balloon fight!” shouted Ryan.
“We should have a pillow fight!” shouted Amy.
The room erupted in laughter. It was going to be impossible to top their ideas.
Chapter 4
The fourth and final group was composed of Brooke, Alex and Mark. They had been assigned the topic of ‘pets’. After a few minutes of brainstorming, Brooke came up with the best joke.
“What do you call a pet hedgehog that won’t leave your house?” she asked.
“A stay-at-home prickly!”
The whole room burst into laughter. The next few hours were filled with hilarious jokes and amazing ideas. By the end of the day, everyone had come away with an appreciation for the art of comedy.
The day had flown by, and everyone was exhausted but happy. Mrs. Smyth thanked Mr. Warren for his help and the class thanked him for the wonderful lesson. They had learned so much that day and were eager to practice what they had learned.
The next day in class, Mrs. Smyth asked the students to share some of their jokes with the rest of the class. Everyone took turns telling their jokes, and the room erupted in laughter. Mrs. Smyth smiled, pleased with the results of their first comedy hour.
From then on, Mrs. Smyth made comedy hour a regular part of the class schedule. The students looked forward to it all week, eager to practice their skills and show off their comedic timing. As they continued to learn and grow, the jokes got better and better.
Eventually, some of the students even started performing at local comedy clubs, and Mrs. Smyth couldn’t be more proud. After all, she realized that she had given her students the tools they needed to make their dreams of becoming professional comedians a reality.
Some scenes from the AI movie Cold Dog Soup
The bell rings, signaling the start of school. Mrs. Smyth stands in the front of the classroom, chalk in hand.
Mrs. Smyth:
Good morning, class! Today, we are going to be talking about something very special. Today, we are going to have our very first comedy hour!
The class starts to murmur in excitement. Mrs. Smyth claps her hands and a tall, distinguished figure steps up to the podium.
Hello, everyone! As Mrs. Smyth said, this is our very first comedy hour. I’m going to be teaching you all the fundamentals of comedy today, so get ready, because you’re going to have fun!
The students are divided into groups of three and everyone is assigned a topic to work on. The groups start to work, coming up with hilarious jokes and creative ideas. Everyone in the room is having a great time.
Mrs. Smyth is smiling and applauding as the class presents their jokes to the rest of the group. Everyone is in stitches.
Mrs. Smyth:
Well done, everyone! I can already tell that this comedy hour is going to be a success!
It is a sunny day and the whole class is gathered in the school park. Mrs. Smyth is standing in front of the group, ready to begin.
Mrs. Smyth:
Alright everyone, let’s get started! We are here today to perform our comedy show! Now, let’s get into our groups and get ready to perform!
The class breaks off into their groups and starts to practice their jokes. Everyone is laughing and having a great time.
The groups start their performances, telling hilarious jokes and making everyone laugh. The audience is enjoying it, and everyone is having a great time.
The group finishes their performance to thunderous applause. Everyone is smiling and congratulating each other. Mrs. Smyth looks proudly at her students, pleased with their success.
Mrs. Smyth:
Wow! That was amazing! You all did such a great job! I’m so proud of you!
The next day in class, Mrs. Smyth asks the students to share some of their jokes with the rest of the class. Everyone takes turns telling their jokes, and the room erupts in laughter. Mrs. Smyth smiles, pleased with the results of their first comedy hour.
Mrs. Smyth:
Well done, everyone! I can see how much you have all improved! Comedy is not an easy art, but you all worked hard and it paid off!
The students all start to applaud each other for their hard work.
Mrs. Smyth:
Now, let’s start regular comedy hours here in the classroom! Who’s ready to get started?
The class cheers in agreement. Mrs. Smyth smiles, excited for what’s to come.
The students of Mrs. Smyth’s class have gotten their big break! They are standing in front of the local comedy club, getting ready to make their debut. The group is nervous but excited.
The students take the stage and start telling their jokes. Everyone in the audience is laughing and cheering. The students feel like they are on top of the world.
The show ends to a standing ovation. Everyone is congratulating each other, thrilled with their success. Mrs. Smyth is beaming with pride.
Mrs. Smyth:
I’m so proud of all of you! You have all worked so hard and you deserve this success!