Watch the original version of Bridge To Terabithia
Jess had wanted a friend, but never expected it to happen so quickly. On the first day of school, a new girl showed up to the fifth-grade class and her name was Leslie Burke.
He noticed her immediately. She had an infectious laugh, a devilish twinkle in her eye, and a ferocity that made it clear she wasn’t afraid of anything.
Jess was too shy to make friends and he retreated into the shadows whenever Leslie came near. But one day, something changed.
After school, Leslie had raced down the hill and stopped him in the middle of the woods. She had just been exploring and wanted to show him what she had found.
Jess was captivated by her enthusiasm and followed her back to the secrets of Terabithia. It was a magical woodland kingdom of towering trees, babbling brooks, and lush greenery. Leslie explained that it was a place where they could be heroes and rulers of their own land.
Everyday after school, Jess and Leslie would explore their secret kingdom and escape into their own imaginations. They would create tales of mystical creatures, imaginary battles, and adventures that would take them to far-off places.
Leslie taught Jess the rules of Terabithia and he began to feel like he belonged there. He gained confidence and a newfound courage to battle against his fears and dark secrets.
However, there was one rule that Jess and Leslie both agreed on – no one can ever enter their kingdom without their permission. So they built a bridge to Terabithia and guarded it fiercely. Little did they know what danger was waiting for them on the other side.
The two friends quickly developed a deep devotion to their secret kingdom and worked hard to protect it. But one day, tragedy struck. When a storm hit, their bridge was destroyed and Jess and Leslie were forced to face their fears to make it to the other side.
When they finally arrived on the other side, they were devastated to find that Terabithia had been destroyed. But even in the face of destruction, they found the courage to rebuild their kingdom. And although they knew they could never recreate the magic they once shared there, they vowed to continue exploring and protecting Terabithia forever.
The two friends remained the guardians of Terabithia for years to come, keeping it a secret from the rest of the world. But no matter how far apart their lives took them, a part of Terabithia stayed close to their hearts. It was the memory of their friendship that strengthened them and gave them the courage to keep moving forward.
Some scenes from the AI movie Bridge To Terabithia
We see JESS and LESLIE walking out of the school, chatting and laughing. As they continue walking, the camera pans to reveal a small forest in the background.
Wow, look at that!
What is it?
I don’t know, let’s explore!
They start walking towards the forest. As they get closer, we can hear the sounds of nature; birds chirping, the wind rustling through the leaves, and a stream nearby. They enter the forest and their faces light up with anticipation. They continue walking and the camera follows them, tracking their movements as they discover a hidden world.
It’s like a secret kingdom!
Let’s explore!
They run to the middle of the forest and look around in awe. They start to imagine what it could be like if they ruled their own kingdom.
We could be heroes here!
Yes, we could do whatever we wanted—fight evil, explore new places…
Leslie looks around and notices a large tree with a rope hanging from it.
Look, there’s a bridge over there!
That’s it! We can build a bridge and cross it to reach the other side of the kingdom!
They become animated as they plan out their bridge and the possibilities of their secret kingdom.
We see JESS and LESLIE hard at work, building their bridge. They are both determined, but they laugh and joke as they work.
We see them constructing the bridge, getting it just right. They take a break and admire their work.
We did it!
We sure did—it’s perfect!
They cross the bridge, hand in hand, and enter the other side of the kingdom.
The two enter and stand in awe of their new kingdom. The camera pans around and we see lush greenery, a babbling brook, and towering trees.
We decided to call our kingdom, Terabithia.
They smile at each other and continue exploring their new world.
The camera follows Jess and Leslie as they explore their kingdom. We see them scaling rocks, walking across logs, catching fish, and singing songs.
We then hear a rustling in the bushes. Jess and Leslie look around, but they can’t see anything. They continue exploring and the rustling follows them.
Suddenly, out of the bushes bursts a ferocious bear! Startled, Jess and Leslie jump back and scream.
What do we do now?
Leslie looks around and notices a large stick on the ground. She grabs it and stands in front of Jess, brandishing her weapon.
I’m not afraid—you can’t take our kingdom!
The bear roars, but then turns and runs away.
Wow, you scared away the bear!
Leslie smiles and places the stick down. They continue to explore.
The camera follows Jess and Leslie as they explore their kingdom. We see them laughing and singing, playing games and having adventures.
Jess and Leslie stand at the entrance to their kingdom, looking out into the woods.
No one can enter our kingdom without our permission.
Leslie looks up at Jess and smiles.
Let’s guard this bridge fiercely!
We then see them building a guard tower and a wall around the bridge to protect their secret kingdom.
The camera pans around their kingdom and we see them living a carefree life in their secret kingdom.