Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi

Chapter 1: The Move

Chihiro sat in the backseat of the car, staring out the window as the cityscape gave way to sprawling suburbs. She couldn’t believe her parents had actually gone through with it. They were moving to the boring, cookie-cutter neighborhood her dad had always talked about, leaving behind the bustling city and all of Chihiro’s friends.

“It’ll be an adventure, Chihiro,” her mom had said when they first announced the move. But Chihiro didn’t see it that way. She felt like she was being ripped away from everything she knew and loved.

As they drove down the tree-lined streets, Chihiro noticed a strange, overgrown path leading off into the woods. Without thinking, she unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed out of the car.

“Chihiro, where are you going?” her mom called out, but Chihiro didn’t answer. She just needed to get away for a little bit. She needed to be alone.

Chapter 2: The Spirit World

As Chihiro made her way down the path, the trees seemed to close in around her. The sunlight filtering through the leaves overhead was dim and ethereal. She had the strangest feeling that she wasn’t in the real world anymore.

And then she saw it. A huge, decrepit building, surrounded by a high fence. It looked abandoned, but something about it called to Chihiro. She climbed over the fence and made her way inside.

The building was filled with strange, winding corridors and abandoned rooms. Chihiro had the distinct feeling that she was being watched, but she couldn’t see anyone. She kept walking, until she came to a huge, open courtyard. And there, in the center, was a bathhouse.

Chapter 3: The Bathhouse

The bathhouse was bustling with activity, despite its dilapidated appearance. Chihiro could see spirits of all shapes and sizes going about their business, some human-like and others more animalistic.

She was about to turn and leave when she heard a faint voice calling her name. It was a young boy, no more than a few years older than Chihiro, with dark hair and piercing eyes.

“Who are you?” Chihiro asked.

“I’m Haku,” the boy replied. “I’m a spirit, and I’ve been sent to guide you. You shouldn’t be here. This is a place for spirits, not humans.”

Chapter 4: The Witch

Haku led Chihiro back to the entrance of the bathhouse, but they were stopped by a group of huge, burly spirits. They were blocking the way, and Chihiro could see the fear in Haku’s eyes.

“We can’t let her leave,” one of the spirits growled. “She’s seen too much. We’ll have to turn her into a spirit too.”

Just then, a small, elderly woman appeared, wielding a staff. “Leave her alone,” she said, in a surprisingly strong voice. “She’s just a child.”

The spirits backed down, and the woman introduced herself as Yubaba, the witch who ran the bathhouse. She agreed to let Chihiro go, but only if she promised to work off her debt in the bathhouse.

Chapter 5: The Work

Chihiro was given a job as a cleaner in the bathhouse, working alongside a group of spirits who teased her relentlessly. She was tired and hungry, and she missed her parents and her old life.

But as the days went by, Chihiro began to adapt to her new surroundings. She learned to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the bathhouse and to deal with the demands of her job. And she made some friends, like the kind-hearted Lin, who helped her with her work and showed her around the spirit world.

But Chihiro still yearned to return home. She knew that if she wanted to leave the spirit world, she would have to find a way to break her promise to Yubaba and repay her debt. And as she delved deeper into the mysteries of the bathhouse, she realized that there were dark forces at work, forces that threatened not only her own fate, but the fate of the entire spirit world.


Chapter 6: The Beast

As Chihiro struggled to find a way to repay her debt and return home, she began to notice strange occurrences happening around the bathhouse. There were rumors of a cursed beast that roamed the woods at night, attacking and transforming anyone who crossed its path.

One night, Chihiro found herself out in the woods, searching for a lost trinket for Yubaba. As she wandered deeper into the forest, she heard a rustling in the underbrush. She turned, just in time to see a huge, shadowy figure emerge from the trees.

Chapter 7: The Transformation

The beast lunged at Chihiro, and she felt a sharp pain as its teeth sank into her shoulder. She fell to the ground, her vision blurring as she felt herself being dragged away. When she came to, she was in a small, dark room, her body writhing and changing.

She was turning into a beast, just like all the other victims of the curse. But unlike the others, Chihiro was determined to fight back. She had a feeling that the key to breaking the curse lay within the bathhouse, and she knew she had to find a way to get back there.

Chapter 8: The Plan

With the help of her friends, Chihiro came up with a plan to break the curse. She would confront the beast and use her connection to the spirit world to try and reverse the transformation.

But first, she had to find the beast. She enlisted the help of the spirit Kamajii, who was known for his tracking skills, and together they set out into the woods.

Chapter 9: The Confrontation

They finally caught up with the beast in a clearing, where it was attacking a group of spirits. Chihiro stood her ground, summoning all the strength and courage she had. She called upon the spirits to help her, and together they fought against the beast.

As they battled, Chihiro felt a surge of power course through her. She could feel the curse breaking, and she knew that she had a chance to save not only herself, but all the other victims of the beast’s curse.

Chapter 10: The Return

In the end, Chihiro emerged victorious, the curse lifted and the beast vanquished. She returned to the bathhouse, where she was greeted with cheers and celebration.

Yubaba was so impressed with Chihiro’s bravery and determination that she agreed to let her go, no longer bound by her promise. Chihiro said goodbye to her friends and headed back to the real world, ready to start a new adventure.

As she stepped through the gate and back into the suburbs, Chihiro couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the spirit world. But she knew that she had a home waiting for her, and a bright future ahead. She couldn’t wait to see what other adventures lay in store for her. The end.


Some scenes of the screenplay:

Scene 1:


The sun shone thr



Chihiro sits on her bed, surrounded by boxes. She looks sullen and unhappy.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) I can’t believe this is happening. My parents are moving us to the suburbs, and I’m leaving everything behind. My friends, my school, my life.

Her mother, AKIKO, enters the room.

AKIKO Chihiro, we need to finish packing. The movers will be here soon.

CHIHIRO I don’t want to go. I don’t want to leave everything behind.

AKIKO (gently) I know it’s hard, sweetie. But it’s for the best. Your dad got a new job, and this is a great opportunity for us.

CHIHIRO But I don’t want a new opportunity. I just want to stay here.

AKIKO (sighs) I understand how you feel. But we have to move on. And who knows, maybe the suburbs will surprise you.

CHIHIRO (unconvinced) Yeah, maybe.

AKIKO gives Chihiro a hug and leaves the room. Chihiro looks around at the boxes once more before standing up and grabbing one.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) I guess I don’t have a choice.

She starts to pack.



Scene 2:


Chihiro sits in the back seat of the car, staring out the window as the city gives way to the suburbs. She looks unhappy.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) I can’t believe this is really happening. I’m leaving everything I know behind.

Her mother, AKIKO, sits in the front seat, chatting with her father, KEN.

AKIKO I’m sure we’ll love it here. It’s so quiet and peaceful.

KEN Exactly. It’s the perfect place to raise a family.

Chihiro rolls her eyes.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) Quiet and peaceful? More like boring and lifeless.

As they drive down the tree-lined streets, Chihiro notices a strange, overgrown path leading off into the woods. Without thinking, she unbuckles her seatbelt and climbs out of the car.

AKIKO Chihiro, where are you going?

CHIHIRO (not looking back) I need some space.

AKIKO (worried) Be careful. And don’t wander too far.

Chihiro ignores her and heads down the path, disappearing into the woods.



Scene 3:


Chihiro wanders through the abandoned building, her footsteps echoing on the creaky floorboards. The place is filled with strange, winding corridors and abandoned rooms.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) This place is creepy. But something about it feels familiar. Almost like I’ve been here before.

As she continues to explore, she begins to feel like she’s being watched. She looks around, but there’s no one in sight.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) I’m probably just being paranoid.

She keeps walking, until she comes to a huge, open courtyard. And there, in the center, is a bathhouse.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) A bathhouse? What is this place?

She approaches the bathhouse cautiously, peering inside. She can see spirits of all shapes and sizes going about their business, some human-like and others more animalistic.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) This is definitely not the suburbs.



Scene 4:


Chihiro is confronted by Haku, a young spirit with dark hair and piercing eyes.

HAKU You shouldn’t be here. This is a place for spirits, not humans.

CHIHIRO I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. I was just lost.

HAKU It’s okay. But you need to leave. This is a dangerous place for humans.

CHIHIRO I’ll go. But can you help me find my way back? I don’t know how I got here.

HAKU hesitates for a moment, then nods.

HAKU Okay. But we have to be careful. There are some spirits who won’t be happy to see you.

CHIHIRO follows Haku as he leads her through the winding corridors of the bathhouse. They’re stopped by a group of huge, burly spirits.

SPIRIT 1 We can’t let her leave. She’s seen too much. We’ll have to turn her into a spirit too.

Just then, a small, elderly woman appears, wielding a staff.

YUBBA Leave her alone. She’s just a child.

The spirits back down, and the woman introduces herself as Yubaba, the witch who runs the bathhouse.

YUBBA You’re lucky I came along. But I can’t just let you leave. You have to work off your debt in the bathhouse.

CHIHIRO nods, knowing that she has no choice.

CHIHIRO I’ll do whatever it takes. Just please let me go home.


Scene 5:


Chihiro is put to work in the bathhouse kitchen, alongside a group of spirits who tease her relentlessly. She’s tired and hungry, and she misses her parents and her old life.

LIN, a kind-hearted spirit, takes pity on her and helps her with her work.

LIN Don’t worry, it gets easier. You’ll get the hang of it.

CHIHIRO I hope so. I just want to go home.

LIN I know it’s hard, but you have to be patient. Yubaba is a tough boss, but she’s fair. If you work hard, she’ll let you go eventually.

CHIHIRO nods, but she’s not so sure. She has a feeling that breaking her promise to Yubaba and repaying her debt won’t be easy.

But as the days go by, Chihiro begins to adapt to her new surroundings. She learns to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the bathhouse and to deal with the demands of her job. And she starts to make some friends, like Lin, who help her along the way.

CHIHIRO (V.O.) Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.


Scene 6:


Chihiro and Kamajii, a spirit known for his tracking skills, are searching the woods for the beast. They’ve heard rumors of a cursed beast that roams the woods at night, attacking and transforming anyone who crosses its path.

KAMAJII We’re getting close. I can feel it.

CHIHIRO I hope so. I need to find a way to break this curse.

They come to a clearing and see the beast attacking a group of spirits. Chihiro stands her ground, summoning all the strength and courage she has.

CHIHIRO I won’t let you hurt anyone else.

The beast lunges at her, but Chihiro is ready for it. She fights back, calling upon the spirits to help her. As they battle, Chihiro feels a surge of power course through her. She can feel the curse breaking, and she knows that she has a chance to save not only herself, but all the other victims of the beast’s curse.


Author: AI