Schindler’s List

Experience the ultimate triumph of the human spirit in the face of unspeakable horror in this gripping historical drama.

Watch the original version of Schindler’s List


The air was thick with tension and fear. It was 1939, and Germany had just invaded Poland. The people of Krakow were unsure of what the future held. They knew that the Nazis had a deep hatred of the Jewish people, and they were afraid that they too would become targets of their fury. But amidst the chaos and darkness, there was one man who stood tall and made a difference. Oskar Schindler was a German businessman who had come to Krakow to make his fortune. But what he did instead was to save the lives of over a thousand Jewish people who worked in his factory. This is his story.

Chapter 1: Setting the Scene

Krakow, Poland, was a city of contrasts. On the one hand, it was steeped in history, full of beautiful old buildings and art that told the story of a rich and complex culture. On the other hand, it was a city in crisis. The Nazis were sweeping across Poland, and the Jewish people were being rounded up and sent to ghettos. Oskar Schindler found himself in the midst of this turmoil. He was a tall, imposing figure, with piercing blue eyes and a commanding presence. He was a successful businessman who had made his fortune in Germany, but he had come to Krakow to take advantage of the war.

Schindler was a man of contradictions. On the one hand, he was a German who had come to Poland to take advantage of the chaos and make a profit. On the other hand, he had a deep respect for the Jewish people and was vehemently opposed to the Nazi ideology that sought to exterminate them. He was a complex man, full of contradictions and hidden depths.

As Schindler went about his daily business, he rubbed shoulders with both Nazis and Jews. He would go to a bar that was frequented by both groups, and he would sit and drink with them, laughing and joking as if they were old friends. He didn’t care about the politics of the situation. All he cared about was making money.

It was on one of these evenings that he met Itzhak Stern. Stern was a Jewish accountant who worked in the ghetto. Schindler had heard of his skills and wanted to hire him to help run his factory. Stern was hesitant at first. He knew that working for a German could be dangerous, but he also knew that he needed the money to support his family.

Schindler was persistent, and he eventually convinced Stern to take the job. And so, the two men began a partnership that would change the course of history.

The factory was located on the outskirts of the city, and it was here that Schindler began to employ Jewish workers. They worked long, hard hours for minimal pay, living in squalid conditions in the ghetto. But despite the terrible circumstances, the Jewish workers found moments of hope and kindness. They shared their meager rations of food and supported each other through the darkest times.

Schindler was living the high life, enjoying his success and antagonizing the local Nazis. But as the war raged on, he began to realize the gravity of the situation. He saw the brutality of the Nazis up close and witnessed the fear and desperation of the Jewish people.

It was in these moments that a seed of compassion began to grow within him. He knew that he could not stand by and do nothing. He had to act. And so, he began to devise a plan to save as many Jewish lives as possible. He would use his influence and connections to protect them from the Nazis and even arrange for their safe passage out of the country.

As Schindler looked out over the city, he knew that he was playing a dangerous game. But he also knew that he could not turn a blind eye to the suffering around him. He would do whatever it took to protect the people he had come to know and love. And in doing so, he would become a hero, a shining beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness.

Chapter 2: The Arrival of the Jews

As the Nazis take over Poland, the Jewish population is rounded up, forced into crowded ghettos, and subjected to increasingly harsh restrictions. Oskar Schindler, a savvy businessman, sees an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. He moves to Krakow and begins to build a successful factory, using Jewish slave labor to maximize profits.

Schindler is living the high life, enjoying all the trappings of success. He has a beautiful mistress, a luxurious apartment, and a close relationship with the local Nazi officials. He frequents bars and restaurants where Nazis and Jews mix, but he is always careful to maintain his distance from the Jews.

In one of these bars, Schindler meets Itzhak Stern. Stern is a respected Jewish accountant who has been forced out of his job but still has connections within the Jewish community. Stern is immediately intrigued by Schindler’s business acumen and suggests that he could help him maximize his profits by using Jewish labor. Schindler is skeptical at first, but Stern is persistent, and the two begin to work together.

Schindler sees an opportunity to use Jewish labor to increase productivity and cut costs. He approaches the Nazis and negotiates a deal that allows him to employ hundreds of Jewish workers in his factory. The wages are minimal, and the working conditions are deplorable, but the Jews have no choice but to accept the work.

The factory is in a former enamelware plant and is initially set up to produce cookware and other household items. The Jews work long hours, with little food or rest, and are often subjected to brutal treatment by the Nazi overseers. Schindler’s factory becomes a major employer in the area, with hundreds of Jews working there every day.

Despite the difficult conditions, the Jews in Schindler’s factory find moments of hope and kindness. They support each other through the darkest times, sharing their food and offering comfort whenever possible. Schindler begins to show a more human side, occasionally treating the Jewish workers with a degree of kindness and compassion.

One of the key characters in the story is Poldek Pfefferberg. Pfefferberg is a charismatic and compassionate man who becomes a close friend of Schindler’s. He is deeply committed to the Jewish cause and is determined to do whatever he can to save as many Jewish lives as possible. Pfefferberg becomes Schindler’s right-hand man, working closely with him to ensure the survival of the Jewish workers in the factory.

Another character who plays a pivotal role in the story is Marcel Goldberg. Goldberg is a fiery and outspoken man who is not afraid to speak his mind. He is quick to criticize Schindler’s treatment of the Jews and is constantly pushing for better conditions and treatment. Despite their differences, Schindler comes to respect Goldberg and sees him as a valuable member of his team.

As the war rages on, the Nazis become increasingly brutal. They randomly kill Jews in the streets and in the ghettos, and the Jewish population lives in constant fear of being caught and killed. Schindler is torn between his business interests and his growing concern for the Jewish workers he has come to know. He knows that he must tread carefully, as any misstep could lead to his downfall.

Despite the difficult circumstances, the Jews in Schindler’s factory continue to work hard and try to make the best of their situation. They remain hopeful that someday the war will end, and they will be able to rebuild their lives. And they look to Schindler as their unlikely savior, a man who has given them a chance to survive in the face of overwhelming odds.

Chapter 3: The Kindness of Strangers

Life in the factory was grueling. The Jewish workers woke up before dawn each day, ate a meager meal, and trudged to the factory, where they worked long hours in dangerous conditions. The machines were loud and dangerous, and accidents were common. The workers were underfed and underslept, and many were sick from the poor conditions.

But despite the hardship, there were moments of hope and kindness. The workers in the factory had formed a tight-knit community, bound together by their shared suffering. They shared whatever food they had, pooling resources to make a little go a long way. They looked out for one another, offering words of encouragement when someone was struggling or a shoulder to cry on when someone was overwhelmed.

Among the workers were some remarkable individuals. Poldek Pfefferberg was one such person. He was a small, wiry man with a heart full of courage. He had been in the factory since the beginning, and he had quickly earned the respect and admiration of his fellow workers. He was always looking out for others, even at great risk to himself. He would sneak extra food to the weakest workers or offer a kind word to someone who was struggling. Poldek was proof that even in the darkest of places, there were still rays of light.

Another remarkable individual was Marcel Goldberg. He was a big man with a loud voice and a fiery temper, but he had a heart of gold. He had a quick wit and a talent for storytelling, and he used these skills to keep the workers’ spirits up. He would tell jokes and tall tales, making the workers forget, even for a moment, the terrible conditions they were in.

The women in the factory were also extraordinary. They worked as hard as the men, but they also took care of each other. They would braid each other’s hair or share a scarf to keep warm. They would whisper secrets to each other, sharing stories of their lives before the war.

Despite the camaraderie and kindness in the factory, danger was always lurking. The Nazis would periodically come to inspect the workers, looking for any excuse to punish or kill someone. The workers lived in constant fear, knowing that at any moment they could be dragged away to their deaths.

One day, the Nazis came to the factory looking for a man they claimed had stolen something. They lined up all the workers, and the man was not among them. The Nazis became enraged and started randomly shooting workers, killing some and maiming others. The workers were forced to keep working while the bodies lay on the floor nearby.

This incident shook the workers to their core. They realized that even in the relative safety of the factory, they were not safe. They knew that they were seen as expendable, that their lives did not matter to the Nazis. And yet, in the face of this horror, they continued to look out for each other. They continued to share their meager resources and offer words of comfort. They continued to hope for a better future, even as the present seemed so bleak.

As the war raged on, the workers in the factory found moments of joy and friendship amidst the chaos. They laughed and cried together, sharing the experiences that only they could truly understand. And through it all, they held onto the hope that someday they would be free.

Chapter 4: The Wrath of the Nazis

The war rages on, and with it comes increased brutality from the Nazis. They are intent on exterminating the Jews, and their actions become increasingly violent and erratic. It is against this backdrop that Schindler struggles to reconcile his business interests with his growing concern for the welfare of the Jewish workers in his factory.

As the Nazis tighten their grip on Poland, they begin to randomly kill Jews in the streets and in the ghettos. Schindler witnesses these atrocities firsthand, and they serve as a stark reminder of the danger faced by the Jewish people. He knows that he must do something to help them, but he is unsure of how to proceed without risking his own safety.

Meanwhile, the Jewish workers in Schindler’s factory are living in squalid conditions and working long, hard hours for minimal pay. They are being used as slave labor to fuel the Nazi war machine, and their lives are constantly in danger. Despite this, they find moments of hope and kindness, supporting each other through the darkest times.

One such moment occurs when a young boy is dragged away from his mother and beaten by Nazi soldiers. The boy’s cries draw the attention of several Jewish workers, who rush to his aid. They manage to distract the soldiers long enough for the boy’s mother to grab him and run away to safety. The incident serves as a reminder of the humanity that still exists in the midst of such brutality.

Schindler becomes increasingly conflicted as he watches the suffering of the Jewish people around him. He is torn between his desire for success and his growing sense of responsibility to help those in need. He begins to question the morality of his actions and wonders if he is complicit in the genocide of the Jews.

One particularly disturbing incident occurs when a group of Jewish women are ordered to strip naked in front of Nazi soldiers. Schindler is outraged by this gross violation of their dignity and human rights. He knows that he must use his influence to protect the Jewish workers in his factory, but he is unsure of how to proceed without being discovered by the Nazi authorities.

As the situation in Poland grows more dire, Schindler becomes increasingly paranoid. He fears that he will be caught and punished for his actions, and he begins to take extreme measures to protect himself and his business interests. He installs hidden doors and secret rooms in his factory to hide Jewish workers during Nazi raids. He also begins to stockpile weapons and ammunition, preparing for the worst.

The tension in the factory is palpable as the Jewish workers fear for their lives and Schindler struggles to protect them. He knows that he must act quickly if he is to make a difference, but he is unsure of how to proceed. He begins to seek out others who share his concerns, including Itzhak Stern, the Jewish accountant who has become a trusted ally.

Together, Schindler and Stern begin to formulate a plan to save some of the Jews from certain death. They will create a list of essential factory workers and claim that these Jews are indispensable to the war effort. This will allow them to be transferred to a safer location, away from the death camps and gas chambers.

But even as Schindler and Stern work to save the Jewish workers in their factory, they know that the situation in Poland is growing more dangerous by the day. The Nazis are becoming increasingly desperate, and the Jewish people are being systematically exterminated. Schindler knows that he must act quickly if he is to make a difference, but he also knows that his actions could have dire consequences.

As the chapter comes to a close, the tension is at an all-time high. Schindler and Stern must navigate the dangerous landscape of Nazi-occupied Poland, risking everything to protect the Jewish workers in their factory. The fate of these workers hangs in the balance, and it is unclear if they will survive the horrors of the Nazi regime.

Chapter 5: A Plan Takes Shape

Schindler and Stern sat in Schindler’s office, pouring over the list they had created. It was a list of the most essential employees in Schindler’s factory – the ones who were truly indispensable to the war effort. They knew that if they could get these Jews transferred to a new location, they would have a chance at survival.

“We need more names,” said Schindler. “We have to make sure we get as many people as possible on this list.”

Stern nodded. “I agree. But how are we going to do it? The Nazis are getting more and more suspicious every day. We can’t just add names willy-nilly.”

Schindler leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. “We have to be strategic. We need to focus on the most valuable workers, the ones who are truly irreplaceable.”

Stern nodded again. “I’ll start working on it right away. I’ll talk to the workers and see who they think should be on the list.”

Schindler leaned forward, his eyes intense. “And we need to make sure that the Nazis don’t find out. We can’t let them catch wind of our plan.”

Stern nodded solemnly. “I know. I’ll be careful. We’ll have to be very discreet.”

As Stern left the office, Schindler couldn’t help but feel a sense of urgency. He knew that time was running out for the Jews in his factory. The Nazis were growing more and more ruthless, and he knew that the only way to save these people was to act quickly and decisively.

Over the next few days, Stern worked tirelessly to add names to the list. He talked to the workers, carefully gathering information about who was truly essential to the factory’s operations. He used his position as an accountant to make the list seem as official as possible, using fancy stationery and official-looking stamps.

Schindler, for his part, was constantly on edge. He knew that any slip-up could mean the end of his plan. He tried to stay as inconspicuous as possible, avoiding any unnecessary attention from the Nazis.

Despite their caution, one day a group of Nazi officers arrived at the factory unannounced. Schindler and Stern were both terrified as they watched the officers make their way through the factory, checking machines and counting workers.

Schindler tried to stay calm, but his heart was racing. He knew that if the officers found out about their plan, it would be over.

The officers eventually left without incident, but Schindler knew that they couldn’t count on their luck holding out. They needed to get the Jews off the list transferred to a new location as soon as possible.

Stern had managed to add over 200 names to the list, but they knew that it still wasn’t enough. They needed to add more if they wanted to save as many lives as possible.

As the list continued to grow, Schindler and Stern grew more and more anxious. They knew that the Nazis were becoming increasingly suspicious, and they didn’t know how much longer they could keep their plan a secret.

One day, as they were finalizing the list, Stern received a message that the Nazis were planning a surprise inspection. They had to act fast.

Schindler sprang into action, using his connections and his charm to make sure that the inspection was delayed. Meanwhile, Stern and the workers frantically worked to add more names to the list.

Finally, the day came when the transfer was scheduled to take place. Schindler and Stern watched nervously as the Jews on the list were loaded onto trucks and driven away.

It was an emotional moment for both of them. They knew that these people were now out of harm’s way, but they also knew that there were still so many more who needed their help.

As they watched the trucks disappear into the distance, Schindler and Stern knew that their fight was far from over. They had taken an important step, but there was still so much work to be done if they wanted to save as many lives as possible.

And they knew that time was running out. The Nazis were closing in, and they had to act fast if they wanted to make a difference.

Chapter 6: The List Grows

Schindler and Stern have come to the realization that the only way to save as many Jews as possible is to create a list of essential factory workers that are needed for the war effort. They carefully select the names of those who have the most experience and skill in their jobs, ensuring that each person on the list will be deemed indispensable. They also begin to add the names of those who may not be essential workers, but who they believe will be able to help with the cause in some way.

As the list grows, so too does the tension between Schindler and the Nazis. He takes great risks in his efforts to protect the Jews, and the Nazis become increasingly suspicious of his actions. They begin to monitor his every move, making it difficult for Schindler and Stern to continue their operations.

Despite the danger, they persist in their efforts to save as many Jews as possible. They spend long days and sleepless nights, working tirelessly to add as many names as they can to the list. They explore every possible avenue, bribing guards, forging documents, and using their positions of power to their advantage.

Their efforts are not without setbacks. There are times when they lose hope, when it seems that no more names can be added to the list. But they refuse to give up, knowing that every name they add could mean the difference between life and death for the Jews in their care.

One of the most challenging aspects of creating the list is keeping it hidden from the Nazis. Schindler and Stern know that if they are caught, both they and the Jews they are trying to save will be punished severely. They enlist the help of a few trusted associates within the factory, carefully selecting those who they believe they can trust to keep the secret safe.

As the list grows, so too does the sense of urgency. The Nazis are becoming increasingly aggressive, and it seems that they will stop at nothing to find out what is going on behind the scenes. Schindler and Stern must remain constantly vigilant, always ready to adjust their plans at a moment’s notice.

Despite the challenges, the list continues to grow. Hundreds of names are added, each one representing a life that Schindler and Stern are determined to save. The Jews in the factory begin to realize that they may have a chance at survival, and their spirits are lifted by the prospect of a better future.

But with each new name added to the list, the danger increases. The Nazis become more suspicious, and their patrols become more frequent. Schindler and Stern must remain on their guard at all times, always ready to flee if they are discovered.

As the tension builds, Schindler begins to question his motives. He wonders if he is truly doing enough to help the Jews in his care, or if he is simply using them for his own purposes. He struggles with the morality of his actions, knowing that what he is doing is both illegal and dangerous.

Despite his doubts, Schindler continues to add names to the list. He knows that the Jews in his care are counting on him, and he cannot let them down. He becomes more determined than ever to save as many lives as possible, no matter what the cost.

The chapter ends with a sense of urgency and desperation. Schindler and Stern know that time is running out, and they must act quickly if they are to save as many Jews as possible. They face an uncertain future, but they remain steadfast in their determination to do whatever it takes to protect those in their care.

Chapter 7: The Plan in Action

As the tension builds, Schindler and Stern work tirelessly to add as many names as possible to the list. They bribe, cajole, and beg the Nazis for every name they can get, and the list grows longer by the day. Schindler is constantly on edge, fearful that the Nazis will discover their plan and punish them all.

Finally, the day arrives for the transfer of the workers on the list. Schindler knows that everything hinges on this operation going smoothly. He has arranged for trucks to transport the workers and has even hired a private train to take them to a safer location. It is a huge logistical undertaking, and Schindler is deeply involved in every detail.

As the workers are rounded up and loaded onto the trucks, Schindler can see the fear in their eyes. They have been through so much, and they know that this transfer is their last chance for survival. Schindler does his best to reassure them, promising that he will do everything in his power to protect them.

The convoy of trucks sets off, and Schindler follows behind in his car. He is constantly scanning the surrounding area, looking for any signs of trouble. As they approach the train station, Schindler can feel his heart pounding in his chest. He knows that this is a high-risk operation, and he is gambling everything on its success.

Finally, they arrive at the train station, and Schindler can see the private train waiting for them. He breathes a sigh of relief but knows that the danger is not over yet. They must now transfer the workers from the trucks to the train, and there are still many opportunities for the Nazis to discover their plan.

Schindler and his team work quickly and efficiently, unloading the workers from the trucks and onto the train. Schindler is constantly checking his watch, knowing that every second counts. The workers are frightened and confused, but Schindler does his best to calm them down and reassure them that they will soon be safe.

As the last worker is loaded onto the train, Schindler feels a sense of elation. They have done it, against all odds. The train starts to move, and Schindler watches as it disappears into the distance. He knows that his work is not yet done, but he also knows that this is a major victory.

As Schindler drives back to his factory, he is filled with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he is thrilled that they have been able to save so many lives. On the other hand, he is wracked with guilt over the fact that there are still so many Jews suffering and dying in the ghettos and concentration camps.

When he arrives back at the factory, Schindler is greeted by applause from the workers who are still there. They have heard about the success of the transfer and are overjoyed. Schindler is humbled by their gratitude and can see the hope in their eyes. He knows that he must do everything in his power to continue this work and save as many lives as possible.

As Schindler sits alone in his office, he reflects on the enormity of what they have accomplished. He knows that their success is fragile and that they must remain vigilant to protect the workers who are still in the factory. He also knows that the future is uncertain and that anything could happen at any moment.

Despite the uncertainty, Schindler is filled with a sense of purpose. He knows that he is doing the right thing, and that he must use his position of power and influence to help those who cannot help themselves. He knows that this is his calling, and he is determined to see it through to the end.

Chapter 8: The End of the War

As the war nears its end, Schindler realizes that the Jews in his factory are still in grave danger. He knows that the Nazis will try to kill as many Jews as possible before the war is over, and he is determined to save as many as he can. He uses his connections and his wealth to protect the Jews, even as his own safety is threatened.

Schindler’s first move is to try to get the Jews out of the country. He arranges for trains to transport them to safety, but he knows that this is a risky plan. The Nazis are suspicious of any movement of Jews and will be watching closely. Schindler knows that he will need to be extremely careful and that one wrong move could spell disaster.

As the trains are being prepared, Schindler continues to use his influence to protect the Jews. He bribes the Nazis, he makes deals with other businessmen, and he even goes so far as to use his own factory as a hiding place for Jews who are in danger. He knows that he is putting himself in grave danger, but he cannot bear the thought of abandoning the people who have become like family to him.

Despite his best efforts, Schindler still faces many obstacles. The Nazis are constantly searching for Jews, and they are suspicious of anyone who has connections to Jewish people. Schindler must constantly be on guard, watching for signs of danger and making split-second decisions.

One of the most difficult decisions he has to make is when the Nazis come to him and demand to know where the Jews are hiding. Schindler knows that he cannot reveal their location, but he also knows that he cannot lie to the Nazis without risking his own life. In the end, he decides to distract the Nazis by offering them something else – a shipment of valuable goods that he has stored in his factory. The Nazis are pleased with the offer, and Schindler is able to keep the Jews hidden.

As the war draws to a close, Schindler’s efforts to protect the Jews are finally paying off. Many of them are able to leave the country and start new lives elsewhere. Schindler is happy to see them go, but he also feels a sense of loss. These people have become his friends and have taught him the value of compassion and empathy.

In the end, Schindler’s list of essential workers saved over 1,100 Jewish lives. He is hailed as a hero, but he is also haunted by the knowledge that he could have done more. He reflects on the power of one person to make a difference and wonders what else he could have done to save more lives.

As the novel ends, we see Schindler standing on a hill overlooking his factory, which is now abandoned. He is a broken man, knowing that he will never be able to forget the horrors of the war. But he is also a man who has learned a valuable lesson – that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

Chapter 9: The Legacy of Schindler’s List

As the war came to an end, the Jews were finally liberated from the concentration camps, and Schindler’s list of over a thousand Jews was now safe. They were no longer slaves, but free people. The long journey to recovery and rebuilding their lives had only just begun. The impact of the war on the victims, survivors, and their descendants would last generations.

Schindler, now a changed man, struggled to come to terms with the terrible atrocities he witnessed and the role he played. He had risked his life and fortune to save the lives of many Jews who would have otherwise perished in the Holocaust. He had become a hero, but openly stated that he felt ashamed that he could not save more.

Schindler was now persona non grata in Germany and had to flee. He moved first to Argentina, where he unsuccessfully tried to run a business, and then to Germany, where he was supported financially by Jews he had saved. He lived a modest life, having lost his wealth, but remained grateful for the opportunity to make amends.

The survivors, touched by Schindler’s kindness and bravery, established a new life in Israel, where they founded a new society as a tribute to their fallen brethren. They referred to Schindler as their “Father,” and they named the street where their society was located after him. They visited him whenever they could and remained in touch until his death.

At the end of his life, still haunted by the memories of the Holocaust, Schindler passed the torch to the younger generation, urging them to protect and preserve the memory of the Holocaust, to ensure that such atrocities never happen again, and to make this world a better place. He was buried in Jerusalem beneath a tombstone inscribed with the words, “The unforgettable hero of 1,200 persecuted Jews.”

The legacy of Schindler’s list lives on, reminding us all of the bravery and compassion of one person in the face of the most unimaginable evil. It is a testament to the power of human goodness and the value of standing up for what is right. The story of his life serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in making this world a better place, no matter how small or big that role may be.

As we reflect on Schindler’s legacy, we must also remember the many other heroes of the Holocaust, the survivors, the victims, and the millions who perished. We must honor their memory, continue to educate future generations, and pledge to stand up against all forms of hatred and bigotry. In doing so, we carry on the spirit of Schindler’s list and the legacy of a true hero.

Some scenes from the movie Schindler’s List written by A.I.

Scene 1

Genre: Drama/War

Logline: During World War II, a German businessman named Oskar Schindler saves over a thousand Jewish lives from the Nazis while they worked as slaves in his factory. But as he becomes more involved in their plight, he risks everything to keep them safe.



We see Oskar Schindler, a tall, handsome German businessman, stepping out of a luxurious car. He is dressed in an expensive suit and looks like he’s living the high life. He strides down the street, glancing around at the locals with a mix of arrogance and fascination.


Schindler enters a bar filled with Nazis and Jews. He looks comfortable in this environment, nodding to some of the Nazis and grinning at some of the beautiful women. He approaches the bartender and orders a drink.



What can I get for you, Herr Schindler?


(raising his glass)

A little bit of everything, my friend.

As Schindler sips his drink, he notices a Jewish man sitting at the bar. He watches him for a moment, then approaches.


(to the Jewish man)

What are you doing in here?



Drinking, just like you.



I’m not like you. I’m here by choice.



And I’m here because I have nowhere else to go.

Schindler looks at the Jewish man for a moment, then nods and walks away. He seems to be deep in thought.


Scene 2


We see Oskar Schindler, a charismatic and charming German businessman, enjoying a glass of whiskey at the bar. He is surrounded by Nazi officers and wealthy businessmen, all of whom are toasting their success while the city outside falls to chaos.

Suddenly, the door to the bar slams open, and a group of Jewish workers are thrown inside by Nazi soldiers. They are dirty and disheveled, clearly exhausted from hard labour.

Oskar watches as the Nazis taunt and abuse the Jewish workers, but he can’t help but be drawn to their resilience in the face of such cruelty.

He approaches the group and offers them a deal: he will hire them to work in his factory, paying them a wage and providing them with better living conditions.

The workers are hesitant at first, but they soon realize that this may be their only chance at survival. They accept Oskar’s offer, and he leads them out of the bar and into the night.


We see the Jewish workers arriving at Schindler’s factory, which is located on the outskirts of the city. The factory is a large, foreboding structure, but the workers are relieved to be away from the violence and chaos of the city.

As they enter the factory, they are greeted by the noise of machinery and the smell of chemicals. They are shown to their dormitories, which are small but clean and warm.

Oskar speaks to the workers, assuring them that they will be treated fairly and that their work will be valued. The workers are grateful for his kindness, but they are still wary of their new employer.

As the night wears on, the workers settle into their new surroundings, trying to find some sense of normalcy amid the chaos of war. Oskar watches them from a distance, knowing that he has taken the first step on a long and dangerous path.

Scene 3

Genre: Drama, History, War

Logline: A successful German businessman, Oskar Schindler, saves over a thousand Jewish lives from the Nazis while they worked as slaves in his factory during World War II.

Scene 3: The Kindness of Strangers

We are introduced to some of the Jewish workers inside Schindler’s factory. Poldek Pfefferberg, a kind-hearted man, is sharing his meager rations with his fellow workers. We see him giving a piece of bread to an old man, who is struggling to stand.

Marcel Goldberg, a fiery Jewish worker, is seen arguing with the SS officer in charge of the factory. The officer is threatening to beat Marcel for not working fast enough, but Marcel stands up for himself, refusing to be intimidated.

We see other workers, including mothers with young children, huddled together for warmth. Despite the terrible conditions, they find moments of hope and kindness. They share their food and support each other through the darkest times.

We see Schindler watching all of this from a distance, slowly realizing that these people are not just slaves, but human beings with hopes and dreams. He feels a sense of guilt for using them, but also a growing desire to help them.

Schindler approaches Itzhak Stern, the Jewish accountant who is working for him, and asks him about the conditions in the factory. Stern tells him about the hardships the workers are facing, and Schindler begins to see the Jewish workers in a new light.

The scene ends with Schindler looking out over the factory, deep in thought, as he contemplates what he can do to help the Jewish workers under his control.

Scene 4


The factory is in full swing, with Jewish workers hard at work on the machines. Schindler is overseeing the operations, his eyes scanning the workers with a sense of unease.

Suddenly, a group of Nazi officers enter the factory. They start shouting orders at the workers, who cower in fear. Schindler steps forward, trying to defuse the situation.



What is the meaning of this? These Jews are supposed to be working harder!



They are doing their best, but they are tired and hungry. We need to give them a break and some food.

The Nazi officer sneers at Schindler.



Oh, I see. You’re becoming soft on us, Schindler. Maybe you’re not such a loyal German after all.

Schindler feels a moment of panic. He knows that any suspicion from the Nazis could be fatal for him and his workers.



No, no, I’m just trying to run a successful business. I need these workers to be healthy and strong.

The Nazi officer seems satisfied with Schindler’s response, and he and his men exit the factory. Schindler lets out a deep breath, his hands shaking with fear and anger.


(to himself)

I have to be careful. I can’t let them suspect anything.

The camera pans out as Schindler walks away, leaving the workers to continue their work under the oppressive eye of the Nazi regime.

Scene 5



Oskar Schindler sits at his desk with Itzhak Stern. Stern has just presented him with a list of essential factory workers.


This is a good start, Itzhak. But we need to add more names.


Yes, sir. I will do my best to find more workers who are indispensable to the war effort.


And we need to make sure the Nazis don’t suspect anything. We don’t want them to catch on to our plan.


I understand, sir.


Good. We’ll need to be very careful. Lives are at stake.


Schindler walks through the factory, observing the Jewish workers as they toil away.


I couldn’t help but feel guilty as I watched them. They were working for me, but they were also prisoners in their own country.

Schindler approaches Poldek Pfefferberg, who is working on a machine.


Poldek, I need your help. We’re creating a list of essential workers, and I need you to help us identify who should be on it.


I will do whatever I can to help, Herr Schindler.


Good. And you must be discreet. We cannot let the Nazis catch on to what we’re doing.


I understand, Herr Schindler.


Schindler meets with a Nazi officer, trying to convince him that the workers on the list are essential to the war effort.


I don’t know, Schindler. These workers are Jews, after all. Are they really that important?


Absolutely. Without them, our production would grind to a halt. We need them to keep the war effort going.


I’ll think about it.

Schindler leaves, relieved but still worried that their plan might be discovered.


Stern presents Schindler with an updated list of workers.


We’ve added more names, sir. I believe this is the most comprehensive list we can create.


This is good, Itzhak. We’ll use this list to protect our workers from the Nazis.

Stern nods, relieved that their plan is coming together.


Scene 6


Schindler and Stern sit hunched over a desk, poring over a list of names. Stern looks up at Schindler, worry etched on his face.

Stern: “There aren’t enough names on this list. We need to add more, or we’ll only be able to save a handful of people.”

Schindler: “I know, I know. But it’s not easy to convince the Nazis to let us take anyone out of the ghetto. We need to be careful not to arouse suspicion.”

Stern: “We have to try. Every name we add could mean the difference between life and death for someone.”

Schindler nods, and they get back to work. They brainstorm ways to add more names to the list, scribbling furiously on scraps of paper. Suddenly, Schindler looks up, a smile spreading across his face.

Schindler: “I’ve got it. We’ll add the names of people we don’t even employ. We’ll say they’re essential to the war effort and need to be transferred too.”

Stern’s eyes widen in disbelief.

Stern: “But how are we going to convince the Nazis to believe us?”

Schindler: “I have a plan. We’ll bribe them. We’ll promise them favors, money, anything. We have to make this work.”

Stern nods, his faith in Schindler’s plan growing by the second. They get to work adding more names to the list, their hands moving in a blur as they write. But behind them, a shadow looms. A Nazi officer is watching them, suspicion written all over his face.

Scene 7

Scene 7: The Plan in Action


The factory is in a state of chaos as the Jewish workers are quickly packing their belongings. Schindler paces around nervously, watching over them. Stern approaches him, clutching a piece of paper.


I got it. I managed to add another 200 names to the list.

Schindler snatches the paper and reads it over quickly.


Good, good. But we can’t delay any longer. We need to get them out of here now.


Agreed. I’ve arranged for a train to take them to a safer location. We just need to get them past the guards.

Schindler nods, his mind racing with worry. Suddenly, the sound of boots echoing through the factory brings everyone to a halt. A group of Nazi soldiers enter, led by Goeth, the cruel commander of the labor camp.


What’s going on here?

Schindler steps forward, trying to remain calm.


Just some routine maintenance, Herr Commandant.

Goeth eyes him suspiciously, but then notices the workers frantically packing their things.


What are they doing?


Just cleaning out some excess materials, Herr Commandant. We’re trying to improve efficiency.

Goeth seems to accept the explanation, but then spots Stern in the background.


What is this Jew doing here?

Schindler steps protectively in front of Stern.


He’s my accountant. He keeps the books.

Goeth eyes them both suspiciously, but then turns and leaves with his men. Schindler exhales in relief.


That was too close. We need to hurry.

As the workers continue packing, Schindler and Stern work to discreetly pass the list of names to the guards at the gate. After some tense negotiation, the guards finally accept the list and allow the Jewish workers through. Schindler watches as they board the train, his heart aching with a mix of relief and guilt.



We did what we could. But it’s not enough.

Stern pats him on the back reassuringly.



It’s a start. We’ll keep fighting.

Schindler nods, watching as the train disappears into the distance. He knows that the real battle has just begun.

Scene 8



Oskar Schindler and a group of Jews are walking through the picturesque countryside. They are all dressed in civilian clothing and appear to be traveling under the guise of being tourists.


Schindler and the Jews are waiting on a train platform. They are all nervous and on edge, looking around for any sign of danger.


(to the Jews)

Stay close to me. We’ll get through this.

They hear the sound of approaching trains and start to panic. Suddenly, a group of Nazi soldiers appear on the platform, brandishing their weapons.


(with suspicion)

What’s your business here?



Just a group of tourists, trying to get home.

The Nazi soldiers eye Schindler suspiciously, but they eventually let him and the Jews board the train.


Schindler and the Jews are packed into a train car, tense and anxious. They are all hoping that this is the end of their long journey.


(to the Jews)

We’re almost there. Hang in there just a little longer.

Suddenly, the train comes to a stop.


(to a Nazi officer)

What’s going on? Why have we stopped?



We’ve received new orders. The war is over. You and your Jews are free to go.

Schindler is overcome with emotion. He hugs the nearest Jew, tears streaming down his face.


(to the Jews)

You’re free. You’re finally free.

The Jews all start to cry and embrace each other, overjoyed at their newfound freedom.


Schindler is sitting alone in his hotel room, a bottle of whiskey in front of him. He looks sad and haunted by everything he’s gone through.


(to himself)

Did I do enough? Could I have done more?

He hears a knock at the door and opens it to see a group of Jews from his factory.



We just wanted to say thank you. Without you, we wouldn’t be here.

Schindler starts to cry as the Jews embrace him.



I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

The Jews just hold him, grateful for everything he’s done.



Author: AI