
In a future where intelligence is extinct, the most average minds become humanity’s last hope.

Watch the original version of Idiocracy

**Prologue: The Forgotten Project**

In the dimly lit corridors of the Pentagon, buried under layers of secrecy and bureaucracy, a project was conceived that would inadvertently alter the course of human history. It was an era of unparalleled technological advancements and unbridled optimism about the future. The project, codenamed “Eternal Tomorrow,” sought to explore the frontiers of human endurance and adaptability, pushing the boundaries of science into the realm of what had once been considered pure science fiction.

The architects of this ambitious endeavor were a motley crew of visionaries, misfits, and geniuses, all united by a singular dream: to conquer time itself through the science of human hibernation. Their method was deceptively simple yet groundbreaking— to induce a state of suspended animation in which the human body could survive unaged for centuries, a leap through time in a single, unbroken slumber.

The selection process for the test subjects was painstakingly thorough, yet ironically, the criteria were anything but extraordinary. The objective was to find the most statistically average individuals in the United States, those whose physical and cognitive attributes perfectly mirrored the national median. After months of searching and screening, they settled on two individuals: Joe Bauers, an Army private whose most distinguishing feature was his profound ordinariness, and Rita, a prostitute whose survival instincts were as sharp as her wit, yet whose life had been a tapestry of average experiences and aspirations.

The night before their journey was to begin, Joe and Rita, strangers to each other, were briefed separately. They were told of the risks, the unknowns, and the potential glory that awaited humanity should the project succeed. Their consent was given, not with the fanfare of heroes embarking on a grand adventure, but with the quiet resignation of those who have little to lose and everything to gain.

The procedure was a success, or so it seemed. Joe and Rita were sealed into their respective hibernation chambers, their vital signs slowing to the barest whisper of life as they were enveloped in the embrace of artificial slumber. The project’s overseers watched with bated breath, daring to hope that they had ushered in a new era for mankind.

But fate, as it often does, had other plans. A series of bureaucratic reshufflings, budget cuts, and political scandals soon buried the project under a mountain of paperwork and red tape, forgotten by those who had conceived it. The facility was abandoned, and the records lost to time, leaving Joe and Rita adrift in an unending sea of darkness, hurtling towards a future beyond anyone’s wildest imaginings.

**Chapter 1: The Experiment Begins**

Joe Bauers had never considered himself special. His life was a testament to the middle of the road—a path of least resistance that had led him from an unremarkable childhood through an equally unremarkable stint in the Army. He was the human embodiment of the word “average,” a fact that had become both his defining characteristic and his ticket to becoming part of something extraordinary.

Rita, on the other hand, had always known she was meant for something more, even if life had consistently proven otherwise. She had navigated the underbelly of society with a blend of cynicism and humor, never letting the world dull her sharp edges. When approached with the offer to participate in the project, she saw it not as a risk, but as the ultimate gamble with the highest stakes imaginable— the chance to leapfrog through time and emerge in a future that had to be better than her present.

The night before their induction into the project, Joe lay in his standard-issue military cot, staring at the ceiling. The weight of what was to come pressed down on him, not with fear, but with a profound sense of curiosity. What would the future hold? Would humanity have reached the stars, cured all diseases, achieved world peace? Or would he awaken to a world unrecognizable, a dystopian nightmare where he didn’t belong?

Rita spent her last night in a more pragmatic manner, packing away her few belongings and pondering the irony of her situation. From the streets to a top-secret government project—it was the stuff of bad fiction, yet here she was, about to become a human time capsule. She wondered if she would be remembered, if her name would be whispered in awe or if she would simply vanish into the annals of history, a footnote in an experiment long forgotten.

The morning of the procedure arrived with the sterile light of dawn filtering through the thick glass windows of the facility. Joe and Rita were led to their respective chambers, their paths crossing for a brief moment. In that fleeting glance, a mutual recognition passed between them—not of acquaintanceship, but of shared destiny. They were the chosen ones, not by virtue of their achievements or qualities, but by their sheer, unremarkable averageness.

As the hibernation pods closed, sealing them in a cocoon of technology and hope, the last thoughts that flickered through Joe’s mind were of wonder and a tinge of apprehension. Rita’s final conscious moment was one of defiance, a silent vow that no matter when or where she woke up, she would carve out her place in the world.

The facility grew quiet as the machines hummed softly, the only witnesses to the beginning of an extraordinary journey through time. Outside, the world moved on, oblivious to the two average citizens who had become unwitting pioneers, adrift in the river of time, heading towards an uncertain future that would challenge everything they knew about the world and themselves.

Chapter 2: A Rude Awakening

The world Joe and Rita awakened to was not the one they had left behind. The first sensation that struck Joe as he stumbled out of his hibernation pod was an overwhelming stench, a pungent mix of decay and unidentifiable chemicals. He blinked against the harsh, artificial light that filled the vast, dilapidated chamber, his eyes tracing the labyrinth of pipes and wires that snaked along the walls and ceiling like the innards of some great, mechanical beast.

Rita emerged from her pod with a grace that belied her confusion, quickly scanning their surroundings with a wary eye. “Where the hell are we?” she muttered, her voice echoing slightly in the cavernous space.

Joe shook his head, trying to clear the fog of centuries-long sleep. “The future, I guess. But it’s not… It’s not what I expected.”

They ventured outside, finding themselves in a cityscape that was both awe-inspiring and horrifying. Towering skyscrapers of trash loomed over them, their structures precarious and unsettling. The sky was a murky shade of orange, the air thick with pollutants that scratched at their throats with every breath.

The people they encountered were a revelation in themselves. Their clothes were a bizarre amalgamation of styles, as if fashion had stopped evolving and instead started looping back on itself in a chaotic jumble. Conversations floated around them, the language an almost recognizable English, but clipped and mutated, filled with slang and jargon that rendered it almost incomprehensible.

Joe attempted to communicate with a passerby, a young man whose attention was entirely absorbed by a device emitting a cacophony of lights and sounds. “Excuse me, can you tell us what year it is?”

The man glanced up, his expression one of mild annoyance. “Year? Dude, it’s like… the future. You know?” And with that, he returned to his device, leaving Joe and Rita even more bewildered.

As they wandered, trying to make sense of their surroundings, they came across a large screen broadcasting what appeared to be a news program. The anchor, a man with an exaggerated hairstyle and clothing that hurt Joe’s eyes, was speaking with fervent enthusiasm about the latest celebrity scandal. It was then that a graphic flashed on the screen, proudly announcing the date: “November 3rd, 2505.”

Rita let out a low whistle. “Five hundred years. We’ve been asleep for five hundred years.”

“And the world’s gone to shit,” Joe added, his gaze still fixed on the screen, the reality of their situation settling in.

Their journey through this new world was a series of disorienting encounters. They passed what seemed to be a market, where people bartered goods and services in a manner that was both archaic and dystopian. Food, or what passed for it, was heavily processed and packaged in materials that Joe suspected were not meant for human consumption.

Technology, it seemed, had advanced in bizarre directions. Cars flew, albeit haphazardly, their drivers navigating the skies with a casual disregard for safety. Robots performed menial tasks, though their designs were clunky and their programming seemed limited to repetitive phrases and actions.

And yet, amidst the technological marvels and the environmental ruin, there was a sense of stagnation, a society that had ceased to move forward, content instead to wallow in its own decay.

As the day turned to evening, Joe and Rita found themselves standing on the edge of what appeared to be a park, though the greenery was sparse and the water in the pond a dubious shade of green. They sat on a bench made of recycled materials, the city’s lights flickering around them like a mockery of stars.

“We’re the smartest people here, aren’t we?” Rita mused, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and despair.

“It looks like it,” Joe replied, his mind racing with the implications. “But what do we do now? How do we survive in a world that’s forgotten how to think?”

Rita looked at him, her eyes reflecting the neon glow of the city. “We adapt. We always have. And maybe… maybe we can make a difference.”

Joe nodded, the weight of their situation settling on his shoulders like a mantle. They were strangers in a strange land, a future that had lost its way. But as the night deepened and the city pulsed around them, there was a spark of determination in their eyes.

They would find a way. They had to. For in a world of diminished expectations and forgotten knowledge, Joe and Rita had become the unwitting torchbearers of a brighter future. And their adventure, their quest to awaken the slumbering intellect of humanity, was just beginning.

Chapter 3: The Dumbing Down

In the days following their bewildering awakening, Joe and Rita embarked on a quest to understand the world they had been thrust into—a world that seemed to parody the very essence of civilization itself. What they found was a society that had, over centuries, spiraled into a pit of intellectual lethargy, a phenomenon that appeared as bizarre as it was tragic.

The city around them was a grotesque tapestry of human neglect and environmental decay. Towering monuments of garbage loomed like mountains, casting long shadows over the landscape. The air was thick with the stench of unrecycled waste and the omnipresent buzz of electronic advertisements promising instant gratification. Language had degraded into a mishmash of slurred words and acronyms, making even basic communication a chore.

Joe, with his military discipline, found the disorder of this new world deeply unsettling. Rita, ever adaptable, viewed it with a mix of amusement and dismay. Together, they pieced together the history of this bizarre epoch from fragmented sources: discarded data pads, the ramblings of the populace, and the rare coherent article in the remnants of what was once the internet.

The story of humanity’s intellectual decline was not one of sudden catastrophe but of gradual erosion. It began with the noble pursuit of making life easier. Technologies that once promised liberation from menial tasks instead fostered an aversion to effort and a preference for leisure. Education systems, overwhelmed by the pace of technological change and the demand for instant entertainment, gradually lowered their standards. Critical thinking and creativity, once the pinnacle of human achievement, were replaced by the ability to consume content and purchase the latest gadget.

Governments, sensing the changing tide, shifted their focus from fostering enlightened citizens to maintaining order among increasingly passive populations. Elections, once the battleground for ideas and policies, devolved into popularity contests where the most entertaining candidate won. The economy, driven by relentless consumption, spiraled into absurdity, with the most successful companies being those that catered to the lowest common denominator of taste and intellect.

As Joe and Rita ventured further into this world, they encountered the descendants of the scientists, artists, and thinkers who had once propelled humanity to great heights. These individuals, now a minority, lived on the fringes of society, their attempts to stem the tide of dumbing down long since abandoned in the face of overwhelming apathy.

The couple’s attempts to engage with the locals often ended in confusion. Their questions about history, science, and culture were met with blank stares or nonsensical answers. The concept of reading for pleasure or learning for the sake of knowledge seemed alien to the inhabitants of this future world.

Yet, it was not all despair. In this landscape of intellectual desolation, Joe and Rita discovered pockets of resistance—a librarian zealously guarding the last collection of physical books, a teacher trying to spark curiosity in her students’ eyes, a scientist laboring in obscurity on a project he believed could reverse the intellectual decline.

These encounters, though heartening, underscored the magnitude of the challenge facing Joe and Rita. They realized that their presence in this time, accidental as it was, carried with it a responsibility. If they were indeed the smartest people in this world, then it fell upon them to do something, anything, to reverse the course of this intellectual apocalypse.

As the chapter closes, Joe and Rita stand atop one of the garbage mountains, looking out over the city. The setting sun casts long shadows, and the flickering lights of the city begin to illuminate the night. It’s a moment of quiet reflection in a world that has forgotten how to be silent. They understand now that their journey is not just about survival but about enlightenment. They are the unwitting bearers of the torch of knowledge in a world that has let it extinguish. The task ahead is daunting, but the fire of determination burns brightly within them. They are ready to embark on their mission, armed with nothing but their wits and the hope that it is not too late to ignite a spark of curiosity in the hearts of this future generation.

The absurdity of their situation is not lost on them—a soldier and a prostitute, chosen by fate to be the saviors of intellect in a world that has abandoned it. But in this moment, standing together against the backdrop of a civilization that has lost its way, they feel a sense of purpose that transcends their past. They are no longer just survivors; they are pioneers on the greatest adventure of all: the quest to reclaim the future of human intelligence.

**Chapter 4: Rise to Power**

In the wake of their unintended time travel, Joe and Rita found themselves in a world that was both alien and absurd. The initial shock of awakening five centuries into the future had given way to a kind of bewildered acceptance. But nothing prepared Joe for the turn his life was about to take, catapulting him from confusion to a position of unforeseen authority.

It all began one afternoon in what passed for a public square, amidst the towering mounds of garbage and the neon glow of advertisements for products that seemed to solve problems no rational society would have. Joe, with his baseline 21st-century education, had been trying to make sense of the irrigation system that seemed to funnel not water, but a brightly colored sports drink, onto the crops. His musings were overheard by a passing group of future citizens, who stared at him with wide eyes as he explained the concept of water irrigation.

“But why would plants crave that? It’s got no electrolytes,” one onlooker asked, genuinely puzzled.

“It’s not about what plants crave,” Joe tried to explain, the absurdity of the conversation dawning on him. “Plants need water to grow. Not… whatever that is.” He gestured toward the neon-blue liquid coursing through the fields.

The crowd that had gathered was now buzzing with whispers and exclamations. Joe’s explanation, rudimentary to him, sounded like the revelations of a sage to the onlookers. The word of this “wise man” who spoke of watering plants with actual water spread like wildfire.

Before he knew it, Joe was summoned to what passed for the seat of government, a colossal building that appeared to have been designed by a child given unlimited resources and no supervision. Here, he was ushered into the presence of the President of the United States, a former professional wrestler who now led the nation with a combination of bravado and bewilderingly simplistic policies.

“Secretary of the Interior,” the President bellowed, upon Joe’s arrival. “That’s what you are now. Fix the food, make the plants grow. You talk about water, let’s see you make it work.”

Joe tried to protest, to explain that he was hardly qualified, but the words were lost in the cheers of the assembled cabinet members, none of whom seemed to possess any more understanding of their roles than Joe did.

And so, Joe found himself appointed as the Secretary of the Interior, tasked with solving a nationwide food crisis that stemmed from a basic misunderstanding of agriculture. The absurdity of the situation was not lost on him; he, an average Joe from the past, was now seen as the savior of the future.

With Rita’s skeptical support, Joe set out to implement his plan. His first act was to gather what passed for scientists in this future – a motley crew of individuals whose understanding of science was based more on entertainment than on empirical evidence.

“Water,” Joe began, standing before a massive screen displaying the neon-blue fields, “is what plants need. Not this… sports drink.”

The so-called scientists looked at him with a mix of confusion and awe. Joe pressed on, explaining the basics of photosynthesis, the water cycle, and the importance of nutrients in soil – all concepts that had been lost to this society.

Implementing the change was not easy. The populace was addicted to the spectacle, to the flashy and the immediate. Convincing them to give up the brightly colored fields for something as mundane as water required a campaign that bordered on the ridiculous. Joe and Rita worked tirelessly, producing propaganda that extolled the virtues of water in the most extravagant terms possible. They staged demonstrations where plants watered with actual water grew visibly healthier than their neon-blue counterparts, turning these events into spectacles that drew crowds.

Slowly, the tide began to turn. Fields were converted back to water irrigation, and the crops, to everyone’s amazement, began to flourish. Food production increased, and with it, Joe’s fame. He was hailed as a genius, a visionary who had saved the nation from starvation with his revolutionary idea of using water.

But with fame came scrutiny. Rita watched with concern as Joe was drawn deeper into the world of future politics, a bizarre circus of incompetence and spectacle. She worried about the effect this world was having on him, and about the forces that might seek to undermine their progress for their own ends.

For Joe, the realization that he had, against all odds, made a difference, was both exhilarating and terrifying. He had risen to power on the strength of an idea so basic it should have been obvious, and yet in this future, it was revolutionary. He pondered the path that had led humanity to this point, and what it would take to truly change the course of the future.

As the chapter closed, Joe and Rita stood at the edge of a newly green field, watching the water flow. They had ignited a spark of change, but the fire was only just beginning. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but for the first time since their arrival in the future, there was a glimmer of hope. Hope that perhaps intelligence, common sense, and a bit of basic science could indeed save the world.

Chapter 5: Rita’s Quest

In the dawn of a new era, where the sun seemed to mock the dimness of human intellect, Rita found herself wandering the streets of a city that was both familiar and utterly alien. It was as if the essence of humanity’s past had been put through a blender, the remnants scattered haphazardly across the landscape of the future. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of a dilapidated billboard proclaiming, “Brawndo: It’s What Plants Crave!” next to a withering garden, a testament to mankind’s folly.

Rita’s journey was not just a physical one but a quest for understanding. How could a society so advanced in time be so backward in thought? She mused on the irony that in her time, she was often looked down upon for her profession, deemed uneducated and unworthy of intellectual discourse. Yet here, in this future, her basic knowledge of the world and sharp wit made her a beacon of wisdom in a sea of ignorance.

As she meandered through the marketplace, a cacophony of bizarre advertisements and even stranger products assaulted her senses. A group of children laughed maniacally at a holographic clown juggling fire, while their parents bartered over the latest model of television, now apparently also functioning as a toaster. Rita shook her head in disbelief. It was clear that the pursuit of mindless entertainment had eclipsed all semblance of practicality.

It wasn’t long before Rita’s unique blend of street smarts and common sense began to attract attention. A crowd gathered as she fixed a vendor’s malfunctioning machine, using nothing but a hairpin and a piece of gum. The vendor, overjoyed, proclaimed her a genius, offering her any item from his stall as a reward. Rita, with a sly smile, chose a seemingly mundane book, its pages filled with the lost art of critical thinking. This, she knew, was more valuable in this world than any gadget or gizmo.

Word of Rita’s deeds spread like wildfire. She became a sought-after commodity, her insights into the simplest of problems hailed as revolutionary. She couldn’t help but feel a mixture of amusement and sadness; here, her basic knowledge made her exceptional, a stark contrast to her past life where she often felt overlooked and underestimated.

One day, as she sat pondering the peculiarities of her new reality, she was approached by a group of young adults. They were part of a secret society, the Keepers of Knowledge, who had clandestinely preserved books, art, and science from the old world. Rita was intrigued. Here, finally, was a glimmer of hope, a resistance against the tide of ignorance.

The Keepers shared with Rita their plan to use the society’s obsession with entertainment as a Trojan horse to reintroduce knowledge and critical thinking. They would produce a series of plays, disguising educational content within outrageous comedy and spectacle, knowing that this was the only way to engage the population.

Rita, with her natural charisma and newfound status, became the star of the show. Night after night, she graced the stage, her performances a clever mix of humor and wisdom. The people laughed, not realizing they were being taught the fundamentals of math, science, and literature. Slowly but surely, Rita and the Keepers began to see a change. The audience started asking questions, showing curiosity about the world around them for the first time in generations.

But with success came danger. The ruling powers, threatened by this awakening, sought to shut down the performances. Rita and the Keepers were forced into hiding, their shows now held in secret locations, the threat of discovery looming over them. Yet, the flame of knowledge once lit proved difficult to extinguish. The underground movement grew, drawing in more and more people, hungry for the wisdom they had been denied.

Rita realized that her journey had become something far greater than she could have imagined. She was no longer just a visitor to this strange future; she was a catalyst for change, a beacon of hope in a world dimmed by ignorance. As she prepared for another performance, hidden beneath the city in an abandoned subway station, she felt a surge of pride. She had found her purpose, not just as a survivor, but as a teacher, a leader, and a friend to those who sought the light of knowledge in the darkness of folly.

And so, in the flickering shadows of the underground, Rita’s quest continued, a testament to the enduring power of human curiosity and the unyielding spirit of those who dare to dream of a brighter future.

**Chapter 6: The Great Awakening**

In the heart of the rejuvenated but still bewildering civilization of 2505, Joe and Rita found themselves at a crossroads. Their accidental journey into the future, a future where humanity had seemingly sprinted enthusiastically into the intellectual abyss, had brought them to a point of existential questioning. What does one do when they find themselves the unwitting shepherds of a flock determined to wander off a cliff? The answer, as they soon decided, was simple: you teach them how to build a bridge instead.

The plan was audacious. Leveraging their newfound positions as the most “intellectually gifted” individuals of the era, they sought to rekindle the flame of curiosity and knowledge in a society that had long since let it extinguish. The task was gargantuan, akin to teaching a fish to walk on land, but Joe and Rita had an advantage that the educators of the past did not: the society’s unquenchable thirst for entertainment.

Their strategy hinged on this societal obsession. The duo began crafting a series of what could only be described as educational spectacles, each designed to teach fundamental concepts under the guise of entertainment. Their first event, “The Science of Splash,” was a ludicrously over-the-top water show that secretly taught the principles of hydrodynamics and water conservation. To the audience’s delight, Joe, donning a lab coat over a swimsuit, used exaggerated experiments involving massive water balloons and ludicrously large slides to demonstrate his points. Rita, meanwhile, provided witty commentary that kept the audience engaged while sneaking in insights about the importance of water management.

The spectacle was a hit. The audience left not only entertained but also, to Joe and Rita’s surprise, curious. They had questions, not just about the show but about the concepts it introduced. It was a small spark, but a spark nonetheless.

Emboldened by their success, Joe and Rita expanded their repertoire. “The Feast of Knowledge” was next, a cooking show that secretly taught chemistry through the art of cuisine. They demonstrated how the browning of meat and the leavening of bread were not just culinary magic but chemical reactions that could be explained and understood. The audience was captivated, not just by the delicious results but by the realization that science was everywhere, even in their kitchens.

With each show, the duo introduced more complex ideas, from basic physics demonstrated through absurdly dangerous-looking yet surprisingly safe stunts, to history lessons hidden within epic tales of time-traveling heroes. Each spectacle was more elaborate than the last, and each drew larger crowds.

But it wasn’t just the spectacles that were having an impact. Around the water coolers, in the lines at the grocery stores, people were talking. Not just about the shows, but about the ideas they presented. Questions were being asked, debates were being had, and, slowly but surely, the intellectual tide began to turn.

Joe and Rita watched this transformation with a mix of pride and disbelief. They had set out to light a spark, but they had ignited a wildfire. Society began to value knowledge again, not just for its utility but for the sheer joy of understanding the world. Schools, long neglected, were revitalized, with curriculums inspired by Joe and Rita’s spectacles. The duo found themselves at the head of a burgeoning intellectual movement, a renaissance of reason in a world that had forgotten its value.

But their success did not go unnoticed. As the flames of curiosity grew, so did the shadows of those who preferred the darkness. The former Secretary of Entertainment, now a de facto leader of the anti-intellectual faction, viewed Joe and Rita’s efforts as a direct threat to his power. He began to mobilize his resources, plotting to extinguish the burgeoning light of knowledge by any means necessary.

Unaware of the gathering storm, Joe and Rita pressed on, planning their most ambitious spectacle yet. They aimed to demonstrate the interconnectedness of all knowledge, a grand finale that would unite the concepts of science, art, history, and philosophy into a single, unforgettable experience. It was to be the culmination of their efforts, a testament to the power of education and the indomitable spirit of curiosity.

As they worked, the duo couldn’t help but reflect on their journey. What had started as a struggle to survive in a world gone mad had become a crusade to save it. They had become more than just accidental travelers; they were teachers, leaders, and, perhaps most surprisingly, friends. Together, they had sparked a revolution, one that promised to redefine the future of humanity.

Yet, as the day of the grand finale approached, so did the forces arrayed against them. The battle for the soul of civilization was about to begin, and Joe and Rita found themselves standing at the vanguard. They had awakened the intellect of a society, but now they must defend it.

In the face of this impending conflict, their resolve was unshaken. They understood now that the true value of knowledge was not just in its possession, but in its sharing. They had lit a beacon of understanding in a world darkened by ignorance, and they would fight to ensure its light would never be extinguished.

The stage was set, the pieces were in motion, and the future hung in the balance. The great awakening had begun, but its ultimate outcome remained uncertain. Joe and Rita, once the most average of Americans, had become the most extraordinary of leaders. Their journey had taught them much, but the greatest lesson was yet to come: the true power of knowledge lies not just in its acquisition, but in its ability to change the world.

Chapter 7: Backlash

In the heart of a world reborn through the seeds of knowledge Joe and Rita had sown, a storm brewed on the horizon. The revival of intellect had not been a welcome dawn for all. Among the shadows of towering monuments to consumerism, a faction had emerged, rallying under the banner of anti-intellectualism. They were led by none other than the former Secretary of Entertainment, Beef Supreme, a man whose power had once been absolute in a society that valued spectacle over substance.

Beef Supreme, with his charisma wrapped in the garb of ignorance, had watched his world transform. The populace, once docile consumers of his mind-numbing entertainment, were now questioning, learning, and, most threatening of all, thinking. The arenas that had once roared with the cheers of a distracted populace lay silent, the screens that had flashed his curated chaos now displayed lessons in logic, science, and history. It was anathema to everything he stood for.

He gathered his followers, a motley crew of the disenchanted, in the dim light of a once-celebrated bar, now deserted as its patrons chose lecture halls over liquor. “This ‘enlightenment’ will be the end of all we hold dear,” he proclaimed, his voice a thunderous call to arms. “Our way of life, our freedom to not think, to not worry, to be entertained, is under attack. We must fight to preserve the essence of what it means to be us.”

The group, fueled by a mix of nostalgia for a simpler time and fear of a future they couldn’t comprehend, rallied to his cause. Plans were drawn in the dark, plans to sabotage the efforts of Joe and Rita, to dismantle the infrastructure of education they were building, to return society to the comfortable stupor from which it had been rudely awakened.

The first strike was against the water purification project. Joe’s ingenious yet straightforward solution to the water crisis, using basic principles of filtration and distribution, had been a turning point in convincing the populace of the value of knowledge. Under the cover of darkness, Beef Supreme’s followers introduced a compound into the water supply, a benign substance that turned the water a vivid green. Panic ensued. The population, still teetering on the edge of gullibility, saw this as a sign of poisoning, an act of sabotage against their well-being. Trust in Joe’s leadership wavered.

Next, they targeted the educational broadcasts. Hacking into the broadcasting system, they replaced scheduled educational programs with reruns of the most inane shows from before the awakening. The screens that had been a window to a broader world flickered and regressed, showing instead the familiar comfort of mindless entertainment. The disruption was a siren call to those who missed the days of unthinking leisure, weakening the resolve of the newly educated.

Rita, with her sharp wit and street-smart intuition, was the first to sense the pattern in these disruptions. She recognized the handiwork of someone who understood the power of media, someone from her past life. “It’s Beef Supreme,” she deduced, her voice laced with both concern and a hint of respect for the cunning of their adversary.

Joe, ever the optimist, struggled to grasp the depth of the backlash. “But we’re making things better, aren’t we?” he questioned, the weight of leadership heavy on his shoulders. Rita’s response was a sobering reminder of the complexity of human nature. “Change scares people, Joe. And scared people can be dangerous.”

The duo realized that their battle was not just against ignorance but against the fear of change. They had to act, not just as educators but as leaders, to reassure, to inspire, to unite.

The climax of the backlash came with Beef Supreme’s boldest move. He organized a grand spectacle, a throwback to the gladiatorial contests of old, promising a return to the glory days if the populace would reject the new world Joe and Rita were building. It was to be a festival of ignorance, a celebration of the past, and a decisive stand against the future.

Joe and Rita, understanding the symbolic significance of this event, knew they had to confront Beef Supreme on his turf. They would attend the spectacle, not as spectators, but as challengers. They prepared, not with weapons, but with words; not with anger, but with reason. They would stand in the arena, armed with the truth, ready to battle for the soul of their society.

As the day of the spectacle dawned, the air was thick with anticipation. The future of this world hung in the balance, teetering between the allure of ignorance and the promise of enlightenment. Joe and Rita stepped into the arena, not just as representatives of knowledge, but as champions of a future where humanity could rise above its basest instincts.

The backlash against their efforts was a testament to the fear of change that lay deep in the human heart. But as they stood there, ready to face whatever came their way, they knew that the fight was not just for the present but for all the tomorrows yet to come.

**Chapter 8: The Showdown**

The sun dipped low over the horizon, casting an orange glow over the dilapidated skyline of what once was Washington, D.C. The air was thick with anticipation, and the remnants of society gathered in what was now known as the Arena of Minds—a grand, crumbling stadium repurposed for this unprecedented event. It was here that Joe and Rita, alongside their band of enlightened misfits, prepared to face off against the formidable forces of ignorance led by the former Secretary of Entertainment, Big Terry.

Big Terry, a behemoth of a man with a penchant for garish suits and even more garish ideas, had rallied those resistant to change, promising a return to the blissful, mindless entertainment that once numbed the masses. His followers, adorned in flashy, outdated sports gear, chanted slogans of simplicity and leisure, a stark contrast to the thoughtful murmurs of Joe and Rita’s supporters.

Joe, now affectionately dubbed “Average Joe,” the moniker belying his extraordinary circumstances, stood at the forefront, a makeshift podium crafted from old computer parts before him. Rita, ever the strategist, flanked him, her eyes scanning the crowd for signs of dissent. They had spent months laying the groundwork, using every tool at their disposal to awaken the dormant curiosity of the populace. Now, it all came down to this moment.

The air crackled with electricity as Big Terry made his entrance, his voice booming through makeshift loudspeakers, “Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to choose! Will we burden ourselves with the shackles of thought, or will we embrace the freedom of blissful ignorance?”

A roar of approval erupted from his section of the stands, a wave of noise that threatened to drown out reason itself. Joe felt a pang of doubt, the sea of faces before him a reminder of the monumental task at hand.

But Rita leaned in, her voice steady, “Remember, it’s not about outshouting them. It’s about outsmarting them. We’ve planted the seeds of knowledge; now we watch them grow.”

Nodding, Joe stepped forward, raising his hands for silence. A hush fell over the crowd, the setting sun now painting the sky in hues of purple and pink, a backdrop that seemed almost too serene for the ideological battle that was about to unfold.

“Friends,” Joe began, his voice clear and resonant, “we stand at a crossroads, not just of our society, but of our very humanity. We’ve been given a second chance, a chance to rebuild what was lost, to rekindle the spark of curiosity and innovation that once defined us.”

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd, the seeds of change beginning to sprout.

Big Terry scoffed, his voice a thunderous retort, “And what cost? Hours spent with noses buried in books, when we could be enjoying the pleasures of life? I say no! We were happier in our ignorance!”

The debate raged, a volley of words and ideas, as both sides presented their vision for the future. Joe and Rita, with their makeshift team of teachers, scientists, and thinkers, argued for a balanced society—one where entertainment and enlightenment could coexist, where knowledge was celebrated and ignorance was merely a choice, not a mandate.

Big Terry and his followers countered with appeals to simplicity and nostalgia for a past that never truly was, painting a picture of a carefree existence unburdened by the weight of awareness.

As the sun set, casting long shadows across the Arena of Minds, the crowd grew silent, the arguments laid bare for all to consider. It was then that Rita, seizing the moment, stepped forward.

“Consider this,” she said, her voice carrying across the silent masses, “the very debate we’re having, the ability to choose our path—isn’t that worth the so-called burden of knowledge?”

A pause, the crowd reflecting, the wheels of thought slowly turning.

“And isn’t it curious,” she continued, a slight smile on her lips, “that in arguing for ignorance, our opponents have had to engage in the very act of thinking they deride? It seems we’re more alike than we thought.”

A ripple of laughter, then applause, as the irony of Rita’s words sank in. The night air was filled with a sense of unity, a shared realization that perhaps the divide wasn’t as vast as it seemed.

The showdown, it turned out, wasn’t decided by a decisive victory or a clear defeat. Instead, it ended with conversations, with questions, with the dawning understanding that the future was a canvas yet unpainted, waiting for the brushstrokes of a society reborn from the ashes of its past follies.

Joe and Rita stood side by side, watching as former adversaries mingled, their debates turning to dialogues, their shouts to whispers of wonder and possibility. The battle of wits had ended not with a bang, but with the gentle murmur of a civilization awakening to its potential.

As the stars emerged, a blanket of twinkling lights above, Joe and Rita knew that the real work was just beginning. But for the first time since their unexpected journey began, they felt hope—a belief that perhaps, just perhaps, intelligence lost could indeed be found again.

**Chapter 9: A New Dawn**

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Joe and Rita stood atop one of the less precarious mounds of what was affectionately known as “Garbage Mountain.” They had chosen this spot for its symbolic significance, a place that once epitomized the pinnacle of society’s neglect, now serving as the stage for its rebirth.

The air was thick with anticipation, not just for Joe and Rita but for the small crowd that had gathered below, their faces upturned and eager. These were the faces of the newly enlightened, individuals who had, just weeks before, struggled with the concept of watering crops with anything other than a sports drink.

Joe cleared his throat, a simple action that silenced the murmurs below. He glanced at Rita, who offered a reassuring nod, her presence a constant source of strength since their unexpected journey began.

“Friends,” Joe began, his voice steady, “we stand at the dawn of a new era. Together, we’ve rediscovered the value of knowledge, the importance of curiosity, and the power of reason.” His words echoed off the metallic remnants strewn across the landscape, finding their way into the hearts of those who listened.

Rita took a step forward, her gaze sweeping over the crowd. “We’ve seen what happens when we let convenience and entertainment dictate our lives, forgetting the joy of discovery, the thrill of learning something new.” Her voice, firm yet gentle, stirred something within the onlookers, a spark of ambition, perhaps long dormant but now flickering to life.

The sun had risen higher now, its rays casting long shadows and bathing the assembly in a warm glow. It was a metaphor not lost on those gathered, the darkness of ignorance slowly retreating in the face of enlightenment.

Joe continued, “When we arrived in your time, we were strangers to your world and its ways. But we shared a common bond—the innate human desire to understand, to improve, not just our own condition, but that of those around us.”

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, a tangible sign of their evolving mindset.

“We’ve faced opposition,” Rita added, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance. “There are those who fear change, who see ignorance as a blanket of comfort rather than a chain of restraint. But look around you. We are proof that knowledge is power, that understanding can transform the desert into a garden, scarcity into abundance.”

Joe smiled, his gaze sweeping over the makeshift garden that now thrived at the base of Garbage Mountain, a testament to their efforts, to the application of simple, yet long-forgotten principles of science and agriculture.

“But our journey does not end here,” he said, the light of determination in his eyes. “This is but the first step on a long road. A road that we will walk together, learning from our past to build a better future.”

The crowd erupted in applause, a sound that carried far across the barren landscape, a declaration of their newfound resolve.

Rita stepped closer to Joe, her voice barely above a whisper but carried to all by the quiet that followed the applause. “Our time here has changed us, just as we’ve helped to change this world. We’ve seen the consequences of our actions, and inactions, played out on a grand scale.”

Joe nodded, his expression thoughtful. “And though we may have the chance to return to our own time, to prevent the mistakes that led us here, we leave behind a legacy, a foundation upon which you can build a brighter future.”

The crowd listened, hanging on their every word, understanding the gravity of the moment, the weight of the responsibility now resting on their shoulders.

“As we prepare to depart,” Rita said, her voice steady despite the emotion that threatened to overwhelm her, “remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. We’ve taken that first step together. It’s now up to you to continue the journey.”

A hush fell over the assembly as Joe and Rita descended from their vantage point, their mission complete yet only just beginning. They moved through the crowd, each handshake, each smile, each word of thanks, a testament to the impact of their unexpected journey.

As they reached the edge of the crowd, Joe turned for one final look at the world they had helped to change. The sun was high now, its light banishing the last shadows of ignorance, illuminating a path forward for a society reborn.

Rita placed her hand in Joe’s, their eyes meeting in silent understanding. Together, they had sparked a revolution, kindled a flame of knowledge that would, in time, light the way for generations to come.

And with that, they stepped into the unknown, their legacy etched not in stone or steel, but in the hearts and minds of those they left behind, a beacon of hope in a world once lost to darkness, now taking its first steps towards a new dawn.

Some scenes from the movie Idiocracy written by A.I.

Scene 1

**Screenplay Title: Intelligence Lost and Found**


A bustling scene outside the Pentagon, military personnel moving about with purpose.


A sterile, high-tech laboratory filled with advanced equipment. Scientists and military officials are gathered around a large, cylindrical pod, the centerpiece of the Human Hibernation Project.

**CUT TO:**


**JOE BAXTER** – A plain-looking, unassuming Army private in his late 20s. Joe has an everyman quality, neither too smart nor too dull, just remarkably average. He’s skeptical but goes along with things more out of a lack of better options than any real enthusiasm.

**RITA VASQUEZ** – A sharp, street-smart prostitute in her early 30s. Rita is worldly, with a quick wit and a survival instinct honed by her hard life. She’s skeptical of the project but sees it as a potential way out of her current life.

**DR. ELLEN BANKS** – The brilliant yet somewhat eccentric scientist leading the Human Hibernation Project. In her 50s, Dr. Banks is passionate about her work, with a motherly affection towards Joe and Rita, whom she genuinely believes will be heralded as pioneers.

**GENERAL MARTIN FORD** – The stern, authoritative military official overseeing the project. In his 60s, Ford is all about duty and the success of the mission. He sees Joe and Rita not as individuals but as vital components of a greater plan.

**SCENE 1:**

Inside the lab, DR. ELLEN BANKS briefs JOE and RITA, who are both dressed in futuristic hibernation suits.


(to Joe and Rita)

Today, you’re not just making history; you’re stepping into the future. When you wake up, it’ll be one year from now, and you’ll have the honor of being the first successful participants in human hibernation.

Joe and Rita exchange uncertain glances.


(trying to sound optimistic)

A year, huh? Guess it’s a good way to skip all the boring parts.


(turning to Joe)

Honey, where I come from, a year can change everything. Let’s just hope we wake up to something better.

Dr. Banks smiles reassuringly.


I have every confidence in the project. You’re about to become part of history.


(approaching, sternly)

Remember, this is for your country. It’s an honor. Make sure you don’t forget that when you wake up.

Joe and Rita nod, not fully grasping the magnitude of Ford’s words.

**CUT TO:**

Joe and Rita are sealed into the hibernation pod. Dr. Banks and General Ford watch from outside, their faces a mix of hope and anxiety.


(softly, to herself)

Good luck, you two.

The pod fills with a mysterious gas, and Joe and Rita close their eyes, drifting into hibernation.


The screen fades to black, setting the stage for the adventure that awaits when they awaken in a world that has moved on without them, into a future they could never have imagined.

Scene 2

**Screenplay Title: Intelligence Lost and Found**

**Scene: Chapter 2 – A Rude Awakening**


*The camera slowly fades from black to a dimly lit room. Dust particles float in the air, illuminated by streams of light piercing through cracks in the ceiling. JOE (30s, dressed in a simple army uniform) and RITA (late 20s, with a tough yet curious demeanor) lay in what appears to be advanced hibernation pods, their lids beginning to hiss and open mechanically.*


*(groaning as he sits up)*

What the… Where am I?


*(rubbing her eyes, disoriented)*

Last thing I remember was signing some papers and… And a lot of medical jargon.

*They exit the pods, examining their surroundings – a room filled with abandoned technology and layers of dust.*


*(examining a digital calendar on the wall, its screen flickering)*

This can’t be right… It says 2505.


Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England. Let’s find a way out of here.

*They cautiously make their way to a door, pushing it open to reveal a world unlike any other. A cityscape filled with crumbling buildings, neon advertisements for products like “Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator”, and trash mountains.*


*Joe and Rita step out into the chaos. Vehicles fly by erratically, people dressed in bizarre, mismatched clothes stare at their outdated attire. A group of teenagers ride by on scooters, laughing and pointing.*

**Teenager #1**


Look at these time travelers! Where’s your horse and buggy?

*Rita rolls her eyes, while Joe looks around, bewildered.*


*(to Rita)*

We need to figure out what happened. This is… It’s like a bad dream.


Let’s find someone who doesn’t look like they’ll rob us for information.

*They approach an elderly man sitting on a bench, his clothes slightly less outrageous. He’s watching a holographic screen displaying what appears to be a reality show about competitive eating.*


Excuse me, sir. Can you tell us what year it is?

**Elderly Man**

*(not looking away from his screen)*

Year? It’s the big two-five-oh-five, where have you been? Under a rock?


*(exchanging a glance with Rita)*

And… What happened to the world?

**Elderly Man**

*(finally looking at them, shrugging)*

Happened? People happened. Got dumber and dumber. Now we watch this garbage. *(gestures to his screen)*

*Joe and Rita thank the man and move away, processing the information.*



Well, Joe. Looks like we’re the smartest people around. What do we do now?


*(looking determined)*

First, we find out who’s in charge. Then… We figure out how to get back. Or at least, how to survive this idiocracy.

*They walk off together, the camera pans up to show the expanse of the dystopian city, the sound of bizarre advertisements and chaotic traffic filling the air.*


Scene 3

**Screenplay Title: “Intelligence Lost and Found”**

**Scene: Chapter 3 – The Dumbing Down**


*The mall is a gaudy, neon-lit expanse filled with bizarre shops and advertisements. JOE and RITA, dressed in their outdated clothes, stand out as they wander, bewildered by the sights and sounds.*


(whispering to Rita)

Is it just me, or does everyone seem… off?



Define “off.” This whole place is a circus.

*A GROUP OF TEENAGERS walks past, laughing and speaking in a simplified version of English that’s barely recognizable.*


Yo, watch this!

*The teenager attempts to drink a slushy through his nose, causing his friends to burst into laughter.*


(to Joe)

And we’re the sideshow attractions.

*Joe and Rita continue walking until they come across a giant screen showing a news broadcast. The NEWS ANCHOR speaks in simplistic language, struggling with basic words.*


(on screen)

Big think man say water no good. Uh… bad for yum-yums.



They can’t even understand pollution.

*Rita pulls Joe away as a SMALL CROWD begins to gather, watching the broadcast with confusion.*


*Joe and Rita emerge into a bustling city square. The architecture is an odd mix of high-tech and decay. A large, decrepit statue of a historical figure stands in the center, covered in graffiti.*


(pointing at the statue)

Looks like history took a backseat to… whatever this is.


Yeah, it’s like everyone just stopped trying to learn.

*A passing LOCAL, carrying a bizarre gadget, overhears them.*



Learn? You mean, like, doing hard stuff?



Yeah, like reading, or science.



Who needs that? We got apps for everything!

*The local walks off, engrossed in his gadget. Joe and Rita exchange a look of disbelief.*


We’ve gotta do something, Joe. This isn’t just dumb, it’s dangerous.



You’re right. We start small, teach them what we know. But where do we even begin?

*Rita looks around, her gaze landing on a group of CHILDREN playing with simplistic toys.*



Maybe with the future.

*Joe nods, a spark of hope in his eyes as they head towards the children, ready to make a change.*


Scene 4

### Screenplay: Intelligence Lost and Found

### Chapter 4 Adaptation: “Rise to Power”


*The scene opens in a chaotic government office, screens flickering with nonsensical data, officials running around with paperwork. Joe is led in by a group of oddly dressed bureaucrats. He is bewildered but tries to maintain composure.*


(to Joe)

Here he is, the man who’s gonna save us all!

*Joe looks around, confused.*


Save you from what?


The food shortage, duh! You’re the smartest guy around. You know, water and stuff!

*Joe is even more bewildered.*


(trying to understand)

You mean, irrigating crops?



Listen to him! “Irrigating crops”! Genius!

*The bureaucrats lead Joe to a large, futuristic map showing barren fields.*


(looking at the map)

You’re not watering these at all?


Well, we’ve been using Brawndo. It’s got what plants crave!



Electrolytes? How about plain water?

*The bureaucrats exchange confused glances.*


Plain water? Like from the toilet?

*Joe facepalms, realizing the extent of the problem.*



No, not from the toilet. Look, just show me to your water supply.

**CUT TO:**


*Joe, followed by a curious crowd, approaches a massive, neglected water facility. He demonstrates by watering a small patch of dying crops with plain water.*


(to the crowd)

Watch this.

*Days pass, and the watered crops begin to show signs of life, much to the astonishment of the onlookers.*



*Joe is now surrounded by officials, hailed as a hero. The President of the United States, a former professional wrestler, enters the room.*


(to Joe)

Son, you’ve just been promoted to Secretary of the Interior. Fix our food, and you’ll be a national hero.

*Joe nods, a determined look on his face, as the crowd cheers.*


(under his breath)

Let’s get to work.

*The screen fades as Joe begins to outline his plan, a beacon of hope in a sea of confusion.*


*This scene sets the stage for Joe’s unexpected rise to power, using his basic common sense to address a critical problem, and the humorous yet alarming realization of how far society has fallen.*

Scene 5

**Title: Intelligence Lost and Found**

**Episode 5: Rita’s Quest**


*Rita walks through a mall that looks more like a carnival from the future. Everything is bright, loud, and exaggerated. People are engaging with the most absurd products and entertainment. Rita navigates this world with a mix of amusement and disbelief.*


(to herself)

This is like being inside a game show nobody’s winning.

*She stops at a stand selling “Nutrition Balls”, essentially deep-fried everything. The VENDOR, a bubbly character with clothes too colorful to be true, notices her interest.*


Try our new Brain-Boosting Ball! It’s got what brains crave!


And what’s that?


Sugar! And… um… more sugar!

*Rita chuckles, shaking her head, and continues her exploration. She then encounters a group of TEENS, glued to screens that are strapped to their heads.*



What’s this? Virtual learning?

**TEEN #1**

(without looking away)

Nah, it’s “Ouch, My Balls!” The game. Wanna try?

*Rita sighs, a mix of disappointment and realization crossing her face.*


(to herself)

Right. Enlightenment’s gonna be tougher than I thought.

**CUT TO:**


*Rita stands on a small improvised stage, a crowd gathering around her, curious. She’s about to use her street wisdom in a way this world hasn’t seen.*


(shouting to the crowd)

Hey! Wanna hear something truly radical?

*Crowd murmurs, intrigued.*



Your world… It’s crazy! You know what’s crazier? You can change it. And I’ll show you how.

*The crowd is now fully engaged, hanging on to her every word. Rita starts explaining basic concepts of personal responsibility, critical thinking, and self-improvement in the most entertaining way possible, using humor and simple language.*

**CUT TO:**


*Rita has attracted a small following. They’re in a library, a place that seems long forgotten. Dust covers everything, and the AI LIBRARIAN flickers to life, surprised to see visitors.*


(to her group)

This… this is where the real treasure is. Knowledge.

*The group looks around, a mix of awe and confusion.*


Welcome to the library. How can I assist in your entertainment needs today?



Not entertainment. Enlightenment.

*The screen fades to black as Rita and her group start exploring the books, their faces lit up with curiosity and wonder.*


*The scene encapsulates Rita’s quest not just to adapt but to transform, using her understanding of the past to enlighten a future that’s forgotten its roots. Her journey is one of laughter, discovery, and the power of one person to ignite change.*

Scene 6

**Screenplay Title: “Intelligence Lost and Found”**

**Episode Title: “The Great Awakening”**


*The room is filled with adults sitting at desks designed for children, looking confused but intrigued. JOE stands at the front, a makeshift blackboard behind him. RITA is setting up a projector connected to a futuristic, yet somehow outdated, computer.*



Alright, everyone! Today, we’re going back to basics. We’re going to learn about water. Yes, the thing you use to make your Brawndo.

*A murmur of excitement. Someone shouts, “I love Brawndo!”*


(whispers to Joe)

Think they’ll get it?


(whispers back)

We have to start somewhere.

*Rita nods, hitting a button on the projector. A simplistic diagram of the water cycle appears.*



This, my friends, is called the water cycle. It’s how water moves around our world. Can anyone tell me why water is important?

*A long silence. A HAND raises timidly.*



Yes, you!


Because… it’s not Brawndo?

*Laughter fills the room. Joe smiles, trying not to laugh.*


Close! Water is what we need to grow plants, to drink, and to stay clean. Without it, there’s no Brawndo, because even Brawndo needs water to be made.

*The room goes quiet, the concept slowly sinking in.*


(under her breath)

You’re getting through to them.


*Joe and Rita have set up a large screen, showing simple scientific experiments. A CROWD gathers, watching in awe as vinegar and baking soda erupt in a volcano model.*


(enthused, to the crowd)

Science isn’t magic; it’s something even better. It’s understanding how everything around us works!

*A YOUNG WOMAN steps forward, eyes wide with wonder.*


Can we really learn all this?



Yes, and more. You see, the world is full of mysteries waiting to be solved by you.

*The crowd murmurs, a spark of curiosity ignited.*


*Joe and Rita, surrounded by a small group of newly inspired learners, are setting up books for people to take.*


(pointing to a book)

What’s this?



That, my friend, is a book on mathematics. It’s like a puzzle waiting for you to solve.

*The man’s eyes light up as he takes the book, others following suit, picking up books with timid excitement.*


(looking around, satisfied)

We’re doing it, Rita. We’re bringing back the thirst for knowledge.

*Rita nods, her expression a mix of happiness and determination.*


This is just the beginning. Let’s make sure this spark turns into a blaze.

*Joe and Rita exchange a look of mutual respect and understanding, ready to face whatever comes next.*


Scene 7

**Screenplay Title: Intelligence Lost and Found**

**Scene: Chapter 7 – “Backlash”**


*A dimly lit, smoke-filled room. A large, round table is surrounded by a motley crew of society’s elite, the anti-intellectuals. At the head of the table sits FORMER SECRETARY OF ENTERTAINMENT, a burly man with a menacing look.*


Gentlemen, ladies, the time has come to reclaim our society from these… intellectuals.

*Scattered murmurs of agreement.*


But how? They’re making people… think!


(smiling wickedly)

We give them what they want. A show. But this time, we control the narrative. A grand spectacle to remind them of the joys of ignorance.

**CUT TO:**


*Joe and Rita are in the middle of a lesson with a group of eager, newly enlightened citizens. The room is rudimentary, filled with handmade diagrams and books.*


(to class)

And that’s how basic science can improve our lives. Any questions?

*Before anyone can speak, a LOUD COMMOTION is heard outside. Everyone rushes to the window.*

**CUT TO:**


*A massive stage is being set up, with flashy signs reading “THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN: BRAINS VS. BRAWN”. Workers are distributing flyers and setting up extravagant decorations.*


(reading a flyer, incredulously)

They’re organizing a contest to prove that ignorance is bliss?



It’s a distraction. A way to turn them against us.

**CUT TO:**


*The anti-intellectuals are watching the preparations on a large screen, rubbing their hands in glee.*


Let the games begin. By the end, they’ll beg us to take away the burden of thought.

**CUT TO:**


*Joe, Rita, and their followers are gathered, brainstorming.*


We need to counter this. Show them that knowledge is power. And fun.



What about a counter-event? Something that uses their own game against them?

*The group starts to buzz with ideas, excitement building.*



Let’s give them a show they’ll never forget. An intellectual spectacle.


(to the group)

But we’ll need to be clever. Outsmart them at their own game.

*The group nods in agreement, their determination palpable.*


*This scene sets the stage for a showdown that is not only a battle of wits but a clash of societal values, pitting the newfound desire for knowledge against the entrenched celebration of ignorance.*

Scene 8

**Screenplay Title: “Intelligence Lost and Found”**

**Scene: The Showdown**

**Location:** A vast, decrepit stadium filled with citizens of 2505, a mix of dilapidated high-tech and primitive living, broadcasting the event to the entire nation.


– **Joe** – The unexpectedly wise Secretary of the Interior, dressed in a simple yet futuristic outfit, exuding calm intelligence.

– **Rita** – Street-smart with a heart of gold, wearing attire that blends 21st-century fashion with future trends, standing confidently beside Joe.

– **Former Secretary of Entertainment, Biff** – The antagonist, a burly man with a flair for dramatic, over-the-top attire, clearly relishing the spotlight.

– **The Crowd** – A diverse mix of future citizens, their attire a mishmash of historical and futuristic elements, eagerly anticipating the confrontation.


*The air buzzes with anticipation. Joe and Rita stand side by side, facing Biff across the field. A holographic scoreboard looms overhead, bizarrely keeping score of the debate.*


(grinning maliciously)

So, the geniuses have a plan to ruin all the fun. Gonna teach us to think, huh?



Not ruin, Biff. Improve. Imagine enjoying things you’ve never dreamed of because you’ve learned something new.

*Rita nods, her expression determined.*


And it’s not just about fun, Biff. It’s about making our world better. Smarter doesn’t mean boring.



What’s the point if it’s all work and no play?

*The crowd murmurs, torn between the appeal of mindless entertainment and a flicker of curiosity for something more.*


(turning to the crowd)

It’s not about taking away what you love. It’s about adding to it. Imagine your favorite show, now add a story that makes you think, feel, and grow smarter.

*Rita steps forward, engaging directly with the crowd.*


And for those who think learning is hard, we’ve all learned something new before and felt that rush, right? That’s the feeling we’re talking about!

*The crowd starts to nod, the idea taking root. Biff looks around nervously as his support wanes.*



But who wants to live in a world where everything’s serious?


(with a reassuring smile)

Who said anything about serious? Learning, growing—it can be the greatest adventure of all. And the fun part? We do it together.

*The crowd erupts in cheers, the idea of unity and growth resonating deeply. Biff, realizing he’s lost, slinks away as Joe and Rita share a victorious glance.*


(to Joe)

Think they’re ready for what’s next?


(looking out at the crowd)

They’re more than ready. They’re eager. Let’s make this world what it can be, together.

*The scene closes with the crowd’s cheers echoing, a new dawn of intelligence and unity on the horizon.*


Author: AI