Driving Miss Daisy

A story of friendship that defied all odds.

Watch the original version of Driving Miss Daisy


Daisy Werthan had lived a long and storied life. She had seen the world change and evolve around her, and she had adapted to the changing times as best as she could. But nothing could have prepared her for the day her family told her she could no longer drive. Daisy was a fiercely independent woman, and the thought of giving up her car and her freedom was almost too much to bear.

It was then that her family hired a chauffeur for her, a young man named Hoke who was tasked with driving her around and taking care of her. At first, Daisy was resistant to the idea, but over time she and Hoke formed a bond that would last for decades. They shared stories and experiences, and through their friendship, they defied societal norms and proved that true connections can transcend race and age.

Chapter 1 – The Introduction:

Daisy Werthan was a proud woman. She had lived in Atlanta all her life, and she had seen the city grow and change around her. She had been married once, but her husband had passed away many years ago. Since then, she had lived alone in a large house on a quiet street.

Despite her age, Daisy was fiercely independent. She drove herself around town and took care of everything in her life on her own. But when her family started to notice that her driving skills were deteriorating, they decided it was time for her to give up her car.

At first, Daisy was resistant to the idea. She argued that she was still perfectly capable of driving, but her family wouldn’t budge. They hired a chauffeur for her, a young man named Hoke Colburn.

Daisy was not pleased with the idea of having a chauffeur, but she begrudgingly agreed to let him drive her around. Hoke was a black man, which made Daisy uncomfortable at first. She had grown up in a time when segregation was still the norm, and she had never had much interaction with people of color.

But Hoke was different. He was kind and gentle, and his soothing voice soon put Daisy at ease. They started to talk, and Daisy found herself opening up to him. She told him stories about her life, and he shared his own experiences with her.

Despite their differences, Daisy and Hoke found common ground in their shared experiences of discrimination. They were both outsiders in their own way, and their friendship grew stronger with each passing day.

As time went on, Daisy’s health started to decline. She was no longer as mobile as she once was, and Hoke became more than just a chauffeur to her. He became a caretaker and a friend, someone she could rely on to take care of her.

Their friendship faced challenges, of course. Society was still deeply divided along racial lines, and their relationship was often scrutinized and frowned upon. But they persevered, and their bond only grew stronger.

For 25 years, Daisy and Hoke remained friends. They defied the odds and proved that true connections can be formed in the unlikeliest of circumstances. And even though Daisy was no longer with us, their story lives on as a testament to the power of friendship and human connection.

Chapter 2 – The Early Days

Daisy Werthan was not pleased with the idea of having a chauffeur. She was an independent woman, who had always driven herself wherever she needed to go. But as she got older, her family became concerned about her driving abilities and hired a chauffeur for her. That’s how she met Hoke, the man who would become her chauffeur and eventually her friend.

Their first few days together were a struggle. Daisy was not used to someone driving her around and she made sure Hoke knew it. She would criticize his driving, his choice of routes, and even his appearance. She was not used to being told what to do or how to do it. Hoke, on the other hand, was patient and polite. He knew that he had to earn Daisy’s trust and respect.

Hoke had been driving for over 30 years and had seen it all. He knew that sometimes, you just had to let people vent and get it out of their system. So, he would listen to Daisy’s complaints and nods his head in understanding. He knew that eventually, she would come around and see that he was a capable driver.

One day, as they were driving around town, Daisy started talking about her past. She told Hoke about growing up in a Jewish family in Atlanta and how she had always felt like an outsider. She talked about her husband, who had passed away, and how she missed him dearly. Hoke listened intently, and for the first time, Daisy felt like someone was really listening to her.

Over time, Daisy and Hoke’s relationship began to change. They started to bond over their shared experiences of discrimination. Hoke was a black man, living and working in the Jim Crow South. He had seen the worst of humanity and yet, he remained optimistic and kind. Daisy was a Jewish woman, living in a country that was not always welcoming to her kind. They both understood what it was like to be an outsider in their own community.

As their friendship deepened, Daisy started to confide in Hoke more. They would talk about everything from the weather to politics. Daisy found that Hoke was a great listener and he always had a way of putting things in perspective. Hoke, in turn, enjoyed spending time with Daisy. She was a smart and witty woman, who always had something interesting to say.

Despite their growing friendship, there were still challenges to overcome. Society at the time was not accepting of relationships between black men and white women, especially ones that defied traditional roles. Daisy’s family disapproved of their friendship and would often make snide remarks. Hoke was also aware of the risks of being seen driving around town with a white woman in the passenger seat.

But Hoke and Daisy didn’t care about what others thought. They knew that they had something special and that their friendship was worth fighting for. Hoke would always make sure that Daisy felt safe and protected while they were out and about. He knew that he had a responsibility to keep her out of harm’s way.

As time passed, Daisy and Hoke’s relationship continued to flourish. They had formed a strong bond based on mutual respect and understanding. Daisy had grown to rely on Hoke for more than just driving her around. He had become a friend and confidant, someone she could trust and confide in.

In the end, their relationship proved that friendship knows no bounds. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, true friendship is about caring for each other and being there through thick and thin. Daisy and Hoke’s early days together may have been a struggle, but their friendship would stand the test of time.

Chapter 3 – A New Era

As the years passed, Daisy and Hoke’s relationship deepened beyond just a work dynamic. Daisy began to confide in Hoke about her past, and he listened patiently as she shared stories about her family and childhood. Hoke also shared stories about his life growing up in the South as a black man, and Daisy listened with interest.

Their conversations gradually shifted from small talk to more serious topics. Daisy revealed that she had lost most of her family in the Holocaust and had moved to Atlanta to start a new life. She talked about the prejudice she faced as a Jewish woman in the Deep South and how she learned to stand up for herself. Hoke was sympathetic and understanding, having faced his own share of discrimination.

As they spent more time together, Daisy and Hoke began to see each other as friends rather than just employer and employee. Hoke would occasionally share a joke or a funny story, which would cause Daisy to laugh heartily. The two of them enjoyed each other’s company, and Daisy would often invite Hoke into her home for a cup of tea or a snack.

Despite their growing bond, they were still limited by the societal norms of their time. Daisy was a wealthy white woman, and Hoke was a black man who worked for her. Many people around them disapproved of their friendship, and they were often subjected to harsh judgment and criticism.

One day, after returning from a trip to the grocery store, Daisy found a group of her friends waiting for her at her house. They were all white women, and they were outraged that she would dare to befriend someone like Hoke. Daisy was taken aback, but she stood her ground and defended her relationship with Hoke.

“They don’t understand,” Daisy said to Hoke later that day. “They don’t understand how kind and gentle you are, how much you care for me.”

Hoke smiled, grateful for Daisy’s words. He understood that their friendship was something special, something that defied the societal norms of their time. They continued to support each other, even when others disapproved.

As the years passed, Daisy’s health began to fail. She had always been a stubborn woman, and she refused to acknowledge her own limitations. But Hoke could see that she was struggling, and he stepped in to help her. He became her primary caretaker, accompanying her to doctor’s appointments and making sure that she took her medications on time.

In many ways, their roles had reversed. Daisy, who had always been in control, now relied on Hoke for everything. He cooked for her, cleaned her house, and even helped her get dressed in the morning. But he did so with grace and kindness, never making her feel like a burden.

Despite their close bond, they still faced challenges from society. It was still uncommon for a white woman and a black man to have a close friendship, and many people around them disapproved. Hoke was often treated as inferior, and he was subjected to racism and discrimination. But Daisy stood up for him, defending him whenever she could.

One day, they went to a restaurant together, and the owner refused to serve them. Daisy was outraged, but Hoke stayed calm. He knew that this was just another example of the prejudice they faced every day.

“Don’t let it get to you, Miss Daisy,” he said. “We’ll find another place to eat.”

Daisy nodded, realizing that she had much to learn from Hoke’s patience and resilience. She had always been tough, but he showed her a new kind of strength. As they left the restaurant, she took his arm, and they walked together, determined to face whatever challenges came their way.

Their friendship continued to grow, and they became an essential part of each other’s lives. Daisy couldn’t imagine living without Hoke, and he couldn’t imagine not being there for her. They knew that their friendship was something special, something that had defied the odds and lasted over twenty-five years.

As they sat together on Daisy’s front porch, watching the sun set over Atlanta, she turned to him and said, “Hoke, you’re my best friend.”

Hoke smiled and squeezed her hand. “You’re mine too, Miss Daisy.”

In that moment, they both knew that their friendship would endure, no matter what the future held. They had defied convention and created something beautiful, something that would forever be a part of their lives.

Chapter 4 – Struggles and Triumphs

As Daisy’s health starts to decline, Hoke becomes her primary caretaker. He goes above and beyond in his duties, taking care of her every need and becoming a constant presence in her life. Despite their growing friendship, the societal norms of the time cause tension between them. Hoke is treated as inferior and his race becomes a barrier to their friendship.

One day, while driving Daisy to her weekly temple meeting, they are pulled over by the police. The officer demands to see Hoke’s driver’s license, and when he produces it, the officer looks at it with disdain. Daisy tries to intervene, but the officer tells her to stay out of it. The tension is palpable as Hoke is made to feel like a criminal for simply doing his job.

After the incident, Hoke is visibly shaken. Daisy tries to reassure him that it’s not his fault and that he shouldn’t take it personally, but Hoke knows that the officer’s behavior was motivated by his race. He confides in Daisy about his own experiences with racism, and she’s appalled by what he’s had to endure.

Over the next few weeks, Hoke becomes more distant. Daisy can tell that something is bothering him, but he won’t talk about it. She suspects that it’s related to the incident with the police, but she’s not sure how to broach the subject without making him feel uncomfortable.

One evening, while they’re sitting in the living room, Hoke finally opens up. He tells Daisy about the many struggles he’s had in his life because of his race. He talks about how he’s been denied jobs, housing, and even basic respect because of the color of his skin. Daisy listens intently, and she’s moved by Hoke’s honesty.

She realizes that she’s never had to deal with the kind of discrimination that Hoke has faced every day of his life. She starts to see him in a new light, not just as her driver, but as a person with a rich and complex history.

As their friendship continues to grow, they face more challenges from society. Daisy’s family is not happy about her close relationship with Hoke, and they make no effort to hide their disapproval. They warn her about the dangers of getting too close to a black man, and they remind her of the social norms that she’s breaking.

Despite their warnings, Daisy refuses to let anyone come between her and Hoke. She knows that their friendship is something special, and that it’s worth fighting for. She stands up to her family and anyone else who tries to interfere in their relationship.

Over time, Hoke becomes more than just her driver and caretaker. He becomes a true friend, a confidant, and someone who she relies on for emotional support. He’s there for her when she needs him the most, and she’s there for him in return.

Together, they navigate the challenges of their changing world, holding onto each other and their friendship through thick and thin. They show that love and friendship can transcend race, age, and societal norms, and that true connections are worth fighting for.

As the days turned to months and the months turned to years, Daisy and Hoke’s friendship continued to grow stronger. They faced many obstacles along the way, from societal pressures to Daisy’s declining health, but their bond remained unbreakable.

Chapter 5 – The Turning Point

It was a beautiful summer day in Atlanta when Daisy and Hoke were driving through the city, running errands and enjoying each other’s company. They had just left the grocery store when another car ran a stop sign and slammed into Daisy’s car.

Daisy was rushed to the hospital while Hoke waited anxiously for news. It turned out that she had suffered a broken hip and several other injuries that left her unable to drive. For Daisy, this was a devastating blow. Driving was her independence and without it, she felt helpless.

Hoke stepped in as her primary caretaker, driving her to doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping, and anywhere else she needed to go. Despite the accident, their relationship deepened even further. Hoke became more than just a driver to Daisy, he became a trusted friend and companion.

As Daisy’s health continued to decline, Hoke’s role in her life became even more important. He helped her with tasks she could no longer do herself, like getting dressed or preparing meals. He even helped her to write letters to her family and friends, as Daisy’s sight had become too poor for her to see the words on the page.

Despite the close bond they had formed, Hoke still faced disrespect and discrimination from others. One day, while out running errands, a police officer pulled them over and accused Hoke of stealing Daisy’s car. It was a shocking moment for both of them, as they had never experienced such blatant racism before.

However, Hoke remained calm and composed, explaining to the officer that he was Daisy’s chauffeur and had been driving her for years. Eventually, the situation was resolved, but it left both of them shaken and even more aware of the prejudices they faced every day.

As Daisy’s health continued to decline, Hoke suggested that she move into a retirement home where she could receive the care she needed. At first, Daisy was resistant to the idea, but eventually, she agreed to it. Hoke helped her to pack up her belongings and move into a room at the home.

The days that followed were some of the hardest for both of them. Daisy was no longer able to leave the home and Hoke’s visits became more limited. They both knew that their time together was coming to an end and they cherished every moment they had left.

One day, while Hoke was visiting, Daisy took his hand and looked into his eyes. “Hoke,” she said, “you’ve been more than just a driver to me. You’ve been a dear friend and companion. I don’t know what I would have done without you all these years.”

Hoke smiled and replied, “Miss Daisy, you’ve been more than just a passenger to me. You’ve been like family. This friendship we’ve formed, it’s one of a kind. Nothing can ever break it.”

The moment was bittersweet, as they both knew that their time together was coming to an end. But they held onto each other, comforted by the knowledge that their bond would always be remembered.

As the years went by, Hoke continued to visit Daisy at the home, bringing her small gifts and reading to her from the newspaper. Despite the distance between them, they remained close, connected by a friendship that had defied all odds.

It wasn’t until many years later that Hoke received word that Daisy had passed away. He attended her funeral, surrounded by her family and friends. As he stood beside her coffin, he thought back to all the memories they had shared, from their early days of bickering to the final moments they had spent together.

Driving away from the funeral, Hoke felt a mix of emotions. He was saddened by Daisy’s passing, but also grateful for the years they had shared. He knew that their friendship was one that would never be forgotten, an example of the power of connection and the importance of defying societal norms.

Chapter 6 – A New Chapter

Daisy’s family decided to move her to a retirement home, even against her wishes. They believed that it was for Daisy’s own good, and that she would be able to receive better care and attention there. However, Daisy was not happy with this decision. She loved her home, and even though she was getting older, she still cherished her independence.

Hoke continued to visit Daisy at the retirement home, but their time together became limited. Daisy’s health continued to decline, and she was no longer able to take long walks or engage in the activities that she used to enjoy. Hoke noticed the changes in her, and he could see the sadness in her eyes.

Despite the difficult circumstances, Hoke tried to keep Daisy’s spirits up. They reminisced about old times, and Hoke shared stories about his life and his family. They talked about the discrimination that they faced, and how they both wished that society was more accepting of their friendship.

Hoke noticed that Daisy was becoming more forgetful, and that she was having difficulty remembering names and faces. He tried to help her by providing cues and reminders, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before her memory would fail her completely.

One day, Hoke arrived at the retirement home to find Daisy in a state of distress. She was crying and shaking, and she could not explain what was wrong. Hoke was alarmed, and he immediately called for help.

The staff at the retirement home examined Daisy, and they discovered that she had suffered a stroke. They rushed her to the hospital, and Hoke followed closely behind.

At the hospital, the doctors told Hoke that Daisy’s condition was critical. She had lost the ability to speak, and her memory had been severely affected. Hoke was devastated by the news, and he felt helpless as he watched Daisy struggle.

Despite the dire situation, Hoke remained by Daisy’s side. He held her hand and spoke softly to her, hoping that she could somehow understand. He knew that Daisy had always been a strong and resilient woman, and he prayed that she would overcome this new challenge.

Days turned into weeks, and Hoke continued to visit Daisy in the hospital. He saw her slowly recovering, although she was never the same as before. Her memory was still impaired, and she needed assistance with even the most basic tasks.

As Daisy’s condition improved, her family decided that it was time to move her to a different retirement home. Hoke was sad to hear this news, but he knew that it was for the best. He prepared himself to say goodbye to Daisy, knowing that their time together was coming to an end.

Before Daisy left, Hoke gave her a small gift that he had made himself. It was a framed picture of the two of them together, taken many years ago. Daisy looked at the picture with tears in her eyes, and Hoke could see the gratitude and love that she felt.

Hoke said goodbye to Daisy, promising to visit her at her new home. He watched as she was moved into the car, and he felt a sense of emptiness inside him. Daisy had been a constant presence in his life, and he knew that he would miss her deeply.

As Hoke drove away from the retirement home, he thought about the years that he had spent with Daisy. He remembered the challenges that they had faced, and the joy that they had shared. He knew that their friendship was something special, something that would always stay with him.

The story ends with Hoke driving away, carrying with him memories of a friendship that will always be remembered. Daisy may be gone, but the bond that they shared will live on forever.

Chapter 7 – The End of an Era

The day of Daisy’s funeral was a somber one. Hoke arrived at the church early, dressed in his best suit and tie. He saw Daisy’s family seated in the front row and made his way towards them. He shook their hands and expressed his condolences before taking a seat towards the back of the church. He didn’t want to intrude on their grief, but he felt that he needed to be there to pay his final respects to his dear friend.

The service was beautiful, with hymns and readings that spoke of everlasting love and the promise of eternal life. As the pastor delivered the eulogy, Hoke closed his eyes and remembered all the time he spent with Daisy. He thought about all the laughter they shared, the meals they ate together, and the deep conversations they had about life and death.

When the service was over, Daisy’s family greeted the mourners, thanking them for coming to pay their respects. Hoke waited towards the back, not wanting to intrude. But then he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Daisy’s granddaughter standing there. She had tears in her eyes.

“Hoke,” she said, “I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for my grandmother. She loved you so much, and she always talked about how grateful she was for your friendship.”

Hoke felt a lump form in his throat. He didn’t know what to say, but he nodded his head and gave her a small smile.

As he left the church, Hoke felt a sense of emptiness. He had lost not just a friend, but a confidant, and a companion. He knew that he would miss Daisy terribly, but he also knew that he would cherish their memories forever.

As he approached his car, Hoke saw a young man standing there. He was dressed in a suit and carried a briefcase. Hoke didn’t recognize him, but the man approached him with a smile.

“Excuse me, sir,” the man said, “are you Mr. Hoke Colburn?”

Hoke nodded his head cautiously.

“I’m an attorney,” the man continued, “and I have a letter for you from Mrs. Werthan.”

Hoke’s heart skipped a beat. He had no idea that Daisy had left him anything in her will. He took the envelope from the attorney’s hand and opened it slowly. Inside was a handwritten letter from Daisy.

“My dear Hoke,” the letter read, “I want to thank you for the love and kindness you showed me these past twenty-five years. You were more than just a chauffeur to me, you were a true friend. I will always remember the time we spent together, and I want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart. With love, Daisy.”

Hoke felt tears come to his eyes as he read the letter. He couldn’t believe that Daisy had left him such a beautiful message of love and appreciation. He folded the letter carefully and placed it in his pocket, feeling a sense of warmth spread throughout his body.

As Hoke drove away from the church, he thought about Daisy’s words, and he realized that their friendship had been a gift. It was a gift that transcended race and age, and it was a gift that would never be forgotten. He knew that he would miss Daisy terribly, but he also knew that he would carry her memory with him always.

As he drove down the familiar streets of Atlanta, Hoke felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he had been blessed to have Daisy in his life, and he knew that their friendship had been something truly special. As he smiled to himself, he realized that their story was not just about an old Jewish widow and her black chauffeur, it was about two people who defied the odds to form a bond that was unbreakable. It was a story of love, friendship, and the true meaning of acceptance.

The end.

Some scenes from the movie Driving Miss Daisy written by A.I.

Scene 1


A classic car pulls up to a grand southern mansion. The driver gets out and walks around to open the passenger door.


An elderly woman, DAISY WERTHAN, stands at the top of the grand staircase glaring down at the driver. This is Hoke.



I don’t want a driver, I’ve been driving myself for over 50 years!



I understand, ma’am. But your son felt it was time for you to have a driver.

Daisy snarls, but begrudgingly begins to walk down the staircase. Hoke offers his arm to help her down the last few steps.


My name is Hoke, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.



Oh, how gracious of you.

Hoke smiles and opens the door for Daisy. She shuffles towards the car.


Daisy is fuming as Hoke pulls away from the house. She starts making small talk, trying to intimidate Hoke.


So, Hoke, where are you from?


I was born and raised in Atlanta, ma’am.



Oh, so you’re a local boy. I suppose you know your way around.



Yes, ma’am. I know the city like the back of my hand.

Daisy rolls her eyes and looks out the window. Hoke stays silent, but his calm demeanor shows he’s not going to be intimidated by Daisy’s hostility.


Scene 2



We see an old, beige Buick Century driving through the streets of Atlanta. We then cut to the inside of the car where we meet Daisy Werthan, a stubborn and slightly cantankerous Jewish widow in her 70s. Seated next to her is her new chauffeur, Hoke Colburn, a patient and affable African American man in his 60s.


(to Hoke)

I don’t need a chauffeur, you know. I’m perfectly capable of driving myself-


(interrupting her)

Yes ma’am, I know. But your son Boolie hired me to drive you, so here I am.



Well, I don’t see why I need a driver. I’ve been driving for over 50 years.



I bet you’ve got some stories to tell from those 50 years.

Daisy looks over at Hoke and something in his pleasant demeanor puts her at ease. She begins to recount some of the more memorable moments from her driving career, and Hoke listens patiently.



Hoke helps Daisy out of the car and walks her to the door. As he hands her the keys, she looks at him with a newfound respect.


(to Hoke)

You know, you’re not half bad for a driver.

Hoke grins, pleased with the compliment.


And you’re not half bad for a passenger.

Daisy chuckles as Hoke closes the door behind her. As she walks inside, she can’t help but think that having Hoke as her driver might not be so bad after all.


Scene 3


Daisy sits in her armchair, sipping tea while Hoke stands nearby, holding a tray of biscuits.

DAISY: “You know Hoke, I never thought I’d find a friend in you. A black man, of all people.”

HOKE: “Why not Mrs. Werthan? We may come from different worlds, but we’re not so different.”

DAISY: “It’s just how I was raised, Hoke. My parents instilled those beliefs in me. But you’ve shown me that I was wrong. You’ve shown me that there’s good in everyone, regardless of their skin color.”

Hoke nods, a small smile on his face.

HOKE: “I’m glad I could show you that, Mrs. Werthan. And I’m grateful for our friendship.”

Daisy places her tea cup down and leans forward.

DAISY: “Hoke, I want you to promise me something.”

Hoke looks at her, curious.

HOKE: “What is it, Mrs. Werthan?”

DAISY: “Promise me that you’ll keep visiting me, even after I move to that retirement home. Promise me that we’ll still be friends.”

Hoke smiles warmly at her.

HOKE: “Of course, Mrs. Werthan. I’ll visit as often as I can. We’ll always be friends.”

Daisy looks relieved, tears welling up in her eyes.

DAISY: “Thank you, Hoke. That means the world to me.”

Hoke places the tray of biscuits down and takes a seat in the armchair next to Daisy.

HOKE: “You’re welcome, Mrs. Werthan. You’ve become like family to me.”

Daisy smiles through her tears, and they continue their conversation, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

Scene 4


Daisy is sitting in her living room, looking out the window. Hoke enters the room.


How you doing, Miss Daisy?


I’m fine, Hoke. Just feeling a bit tired today.

Hoke notices the tiredness on her face and walks closer to her.


You should rest then. Let me get you something to drink.

Daisy nods and Hoke goes to the kitchen to get her a glass of water. As he comes back, he notices that Daisy is deep in thought.


What’s on your mind, Miss Daisy?


(sighs) It’s just…this whole thing. Me being taken care of like a child. I never thought I would have to rely on anyone like this.


You ain’t a child, Miss Daisy. You’re a grown woman who needs help. And there ain’t no shame in that.

Daisy looks at Hoke, grateful for his kind words.


(smiling) You always know what to say, Hoke.


(smiling back) That’s what I’m here for, Miss Daisy. Now let’s get you something to eat.

Daisy nods and Hoke helps her up from the sofa. As they walk towards the kitchen, they hear a knock on the door.

Daisy looks at Hoke, confused.


Who could that be?

Hoke goes to answer the door and opens it to find a group of protesters holding signs that read “End Racism Now” and “Equal Rights for All”.

Hoke looks at them, confused.


We’re here to protest the way you’re being treated, Hoke. It’s not fair that you have to put up with this kind of discrimination.

Hoke is taken aback by their support.


(thankful) Thank you, but I don’t need your help.


No one should have to put up with racism, Hoke. We won’t stand for it.

Hoke nods and closes the door. As he turns around, he sees the look of worry on Daisy’s face.


(grinning) Don’t worry, Miss Daisy. They won’t be bothering us anymore.

Daisy looks at Hoke, grateful for his protection.


(smiling) You always know how to take care of me, Hoke.

Hoke smiles back at her, happy to have made her feel safe. They walk towards the kitchen, ready to enjoy a meal together.

Scene 5

Genre: Drama

Logline: The story of an unlikely friendship that defied societal norms, as an aging Jewish widow and her black chauffeur bond over 25 years of working together, navigating the challenges of race, class and prejudice.

Scene 5 – The Turning Point


Daisy sits on her couch, looking out the window with a sad expression. She’s still wearing her neck brace from the accident, and her arm is in a sling. Hoke enters the room, carrying a tray with a glass of water and some pills.


Here you go Miss Daisy, your medicine.

Daisy takes the pills and sips the water, looking exhausted. Hoke puts the tray on the coffee table and sits down next to her.


You know Miss Daisy, I’ve been thinking. Maybe it’s time for you to stop driving.

Daisy looks at him, surprised.


What are you talking about? I’ve been driving my whole life, I’m not going to stop now.


I know Miss Daisy, but after the accident, I just think it’s not safe for you anymore. Maybe we can hire a driver for you, or I can take you wherever you need to go.

Daisy considers this for a moment, then looks at Hoke with a mixture of gratitude and sadness.


You’re right, Hoke. I can’t keep putting myself and others in danger. I’m getting too old for this.

Hoke smiles, relieved.


Don’t worry Miss Daisy, I’ll take care of everything.

Daisy nods, then suddenly tears up.


I don’t know what I’d do without you, Hoke. You’ve been such a good friend to me.

Hoke takes her hand, squeezing it gently.


I’ll always be here for you, Miss Daisy. That’s what friends are for.

Daisy smiles through her tears, feeling grateful for the bond that has formed between them. She knows that Hoke will always be there for her, no matter what. They sit in companionable silence, watching the world go by outside the window.


Author: AI