
In a town divided by tradition and prejudice, one woman’s love for chocolate brings them all together.

Watch the original version of Chocolat


The river flowed swiftly, its waters churning and frothing in the wake of the Boat Gypsies as they traveled downstream. Vianne Rocher watched them from the bank, her eyes following the colorful barges as they disappeared into the distance. She had always been drawn to the rivers and the people who lived along them, and she knew that this was where she belonged.

With her young daughter Anouk by her side, Vianne had traveled the world in search of a place to call home. They had wandered from city to city, never staying in one place for too long. But when they arrived in the small French village of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, Vianne knew that this was where they would finally put down roots.

It was a place of narrow streets and ancient stone buildings, a place where tradition and religion held sway. The villagers were suspicious of outsiders, and they looked upon Vianne’s unconventional ways with disdain. But Vianne was determined to make a new life for herself and her daughter, and she knew that her chocolate could win over even the most skeptical of hearts.

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the village as Vianne made her way through the narrow streets to the abandoned shop at the end of the main square. It was a small, run-down place with peeling paint and a faded sign that read “La Chocolaterie”. It had been empty for years, but Vianne could see its potential.

With a quick glance around to make sure that no one was watching, she turned the rusty key in the lock and pushed open the door. Dust and cobwebs clung to the rafters, and the floorboards creaked underfoot. Vianne smiled to herself, imagining the transformation that was about to take place.

Over the next few days, she worked tirelessly to turn the dusty old shop into a bright and welcoming space. She painted the walls a cheerful shade of yellow, hung up colorful curtains, and set out her collection of wooden tables and chairs. And then, the pièce de résistance: she filled the display cases with her homemade chocolates, each one a miniature work of art.

As she stood back to admire her handiwork, she felt a surge of pride and excitement. This was her new beginning, a chance to build a life for herself and her daughter on her own terms.

But she knew that it wouldn’t be easy. The villagers were a close-knit community, and they didn’t take kindly to outsiders. And then there was the matter of the Mayor. Reynaud was a stern, humorless man with a deep-seated distrust of anything that smacked of indulgence or pleasure. Vianne knew that she would have to tread carefully around him if she wanted to succeed.

As the first customers trickled in, Vianne felt a jolt of nervous anticipation. She watched as they browsed the display cases, their eyes widening in delight at the sight of her chocolates. And then, tentatively at first, they began to sample them. Vianne watched with bated breath as their expressions shifted from skepticism to surprise to pure pleasure.

Within days, word had spread throughout the village: there was a new chocolaterie in town, and it was like nothing anyone had ever tasted before. The villagers began to flock to the shop, drawn by the irresistible smell of chocolate and the sight of Vianne’s warm, welcoming smile.

But even as her business began to thrive, Vianne knew that there were storm clouds on the horizon. She had heard whispers of the Mayor’s disapproval, and she knew that her free-spirited ways were not going to win her any friends in this conservative, tradition-bound town.

As she closed up the shop for the night and made her way home with Anouk, she felt a flicker of unease in her stomach. But she brushed it off, telling herself that she was finally where she belonged. She had a new beginning, and she was determined to make the most of it.

Chapter 2: Temptation

The aroma of freshly baked croissants wafted through the air as the morning sun rose over the sleepy French town of Lansquenet-sous-Tannes. Vianne sat at a small table outside her chocolate shop, sipping a steaming cup of coffee as she watched the world go by. Her daughter, Anouk, sat beside her, munching on a pain au chocolat and people-watching.

Despite the initial backlash from the townspeople, Vianne’s chocolate shop had become a sensation. Word had spread quickly about the delicious, melt-in-your-mouth chocolates she had on offer, and soon people were lining up outside her door for a chance to taste them. Some of the more conservative villagers still looked down on her, but Vianne paid them no mind. She was determined to make a success of her business and prove them wrong.

As she looked around at the bustling town, Vianne couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She had always been a wanderer, never staying in one place for too long. But something about Lansquenet-sous-Tannes had captured her heart. The quaint charm of the town, the friendly locals, and the stunning views of the neighboring river had all conspired to make her feel at home for the first time in years.

But all was not well in the town. The Mayor, a stern and rigid man who prided himself on his traditional values, saw Vianne as a threat to his authority. He was determined to drive her out of town and restore order to the community.

Vianne knew that she was walking a tightrope. She couldn’t afford to make any missteps, or the Mayor would pounce on her. But as she gazed at the rows of delectable chocolates on display in her shop, she felt a thrill of excitement. She knew that she was onto something special.

That’s when she saw him. Roux, the handsome and enigmatic Boat Gypsy who had caught her eye the first time she saw him. He was strolling along the riverbank, his dark hair tousled by the breeze. As he caught sight of her, a smile spread across his face.

Vianne’s heart skipped a beat as Roux approached her table. He was the first person in this town who hadn’t judged her, who saw her for who she truly was. They chatted for a while, discussing everything from the weather to the best way to make chocolate mousse. As they spoke, Vianne felt a connection between them growing stronger.

But as Roux left to continue his journey down the river, Vianne couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. She knew that their fledgling romance was forbidden. The townspeople would never accept her relationship with a Boat Gypsy. And on top of that, she was still reeling from the trauma of her past relationships.

As the day wore on, Vianne couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to happen. She had always been intuitive, attuned to the shifting moods of those around her. And today, the air was thick with tension.

It wasn’t until later that evening that Vianne discovered what had happened. A group of Boat Gypsies had docked their boats just outside the town. They were passing through, on their way down the river. But the Mayor had seen them as a threat. He had rallied the townspeople against them, citing their free-spirited ways as a danger to the community.

Vianne knew that she had to act fast. She couldn’t let the Mayor and his cronies drive out the Boat Gypsies. She had seen firsthand the kindness and generosity of these people, and she knew that they posed no threat to anyone.

With a steely determination, Vianne set to work. She made plans to meet with the Boat Gypsies, to offer them her support and help in any way she could. She knew that it was risky, but she couldn’t sit by and watch as the Mayor destroyed another innocent life.

As she closed up her chocolate shop that evening, Vianne couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. She had a plan, and she was going to make sure it worked. She was determined to prove to the townspeople that they had nothing to fear from the Boat Gypsies, and that her chocolate shop was here to stay.

Chapter 3: Forbidden Love

Vianne couldn’t help but feel drawn to Roux, the charismatic boat gypsy who frequented her chocolate shop. She tried to resist his charm, knowing that the townspeople already viewed her as an outcast, but it was impossible. Every time he visited, her heart skipped a beat.

One day, as Roux lounged in the corner of her shop, he looked up at Vianne and asked, “Have you ever been on a boat?”

Vianne paused, unsure of where he was going with his question. “No, I can’t say that I have,” she replied, curious.

Roux grinned, standing up and extending his hand. “Well then, come with me.”

Vianne hesitated, knowing that the townspeople would talk if they saw her gallivanting off with a gypsy. But the thrill of adventure was too much to resist, and before she knew it, she was on a boat with Roux, sailing down the river.

As they glided through the water, the sun beating down on them, Vianne felt alive in a way she never had before. The wind blew through her hair, and she couldn’t help but laugh with delight. Roux looked over at her, his eyes twinkling. “I knew you would love it,” he said.

They spent the day exploring nearby towns, sneaking into cafes and trying different chocolates. Vianne couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so carefree. Roux was a magnet, drawing her in with his easy smile and devil-may-care attitude.

As the sun began to set, they headed back to Lansquenet-sous-Tannes. Vianne’s heart pounded in her chest, knowing that they would soon be back in the town’s judgmental glare. But Roux was unfazed, idly humming a tune as they docked the boat.

As they walked through the streets, holding hands, Vianne tried to ignore the whispers she could hear behind them. She knew that this was just the beginning, that the townspeople would never accept their relationship. But right now, in this moment, she didn’t care.

They arrived at Vianne’s chocolate shop, and Roux pulled her in for a kiss. It was electric, sending shivers down Vianne’s spine. When they finally pulled apart, breathless, Roux whispered, “I don’t care what they think. I want to be with you.”

Vianne’s heart swelled with emotion, knowing that Roux’s love was real. But the reality of their situation was still daunting. How could they be together in a town that was so staunchly against them?

As Vianne lay in bed that night, her mind raced with questions. Did she really want to risk everything for a man she had just met? Could she handle the judgment and disdain of the townspeople? But then she thought of Roux’s smile, his kind eyes, and she knew that nothing could keep her away.

The next day, as Vianne opened her shop, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of trepidation. Would the townspeople notice the change in her demeanor? Would they confront her about Roux?

It didn’t take long for her fears to be realized. The Mayor entered her shop, his disapproval apparent. “I hear you’ve been spending time with a gypsy,” he said, sneering.

Vianne bristled, knowing that the Mayor had no right to interfere in her personal life. “What business is it of yours?” she replied, her tone icily polite.

The Mayor leaned in, his breath hot on her face. “It is my business when it threatens the morality of this town,” he spat.

Vianne wanted to scream, to tell the Mayor that his narrow-mindedness was the true threat. But she bit her tongue, knowing that a confrontation would only make things worse.

As the Mayor stalked out of her shop, Vianne felt her resolve harden. She would not let the townspeople dictate her life, or Roux’s. They would find a way to be together, no matter what the cost.

Chapter 4: A Fractured Community

The arrival of the Boat Gypsies in Lansquenet-sous-Tannes proved to be a turning point for the small French village. The Mayor, already wary of Vianne’s influence, saw this as an opportunity to rally the townspeople against the outsiders.

The Boat Gypsies, led by Roux, arrived in their colourful barges along the river that flowed through the town. The Mayor, accompanied by the town’s police officer, met them at the edge of the village. The Gypsies were met with hostility and suspicion, but Roux remained calm and tried to defuse the situation.

“You are not welcome here,” the Mayor declared. “Your kind brings nothing but trouble and moral degradation.”

Roux raised his hands in protest. “We mean no harm. We only seek to trade our wares and live peacefully.”

But the Mayor was not convinced. He saw an opportunity to win favour with the townspeople by driving the Gypsies out. He declared a ban on all trading with the Boat Gypsies and instructed the police officer to keep a close eye on them.

The townspeople, already suspicious of Vianne and her chocolate shop, were easily swayed by the Mayor’s arguments. They saw the Gypsies as a threat to their way of life and feared that they would bring crime and immorality to the village.

Vianne, never one to back down from a challenge, decided to take matters into her own hands. She went to meet Roux and offered to sell his wares in her shop. Roux was grateful for the offer, but warned her of the consequences of crossing the Mayor.

“He is a powerful man,” Roux said. “He will stop at nothing to get what he wants.”

Vianne shrugged. “I’ve faced worse than him. Besides, I believe in standing up for what’s right.”

Together, they hatched a plan to organise a festival to celebrate the arrival of the Boat Gypsies. They invited the townspeople to come and share in their culture, to taste their food and drink, and to dance and sing with them. Vianne hoped that by bringing the two communities together, she could bridge the gap between them and show them that they had more in common than they thought.

The festival was a success. The Gypsies brought with them an array of delicious foods and drinks, and the townspeople were soon won over by their charm and hospitality. Vianne and Roux shared a dance together, their bodies moving to the beat of the music. For a moment, they were lost in their own world, free from the prejudices of the town.

But their moment was short-lived. The Mayor and his supporters arrived, determined to put a stop to the festival. They accused the Gypsies of causing trouble and inciting debauchery. The police officer brandished his baton, ready to take action.

Vianne stepped forward, her hands raised in protest. “This is a celebration, not a riot. We are all here to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.”

The Mayor, red-faced and angry, made a move towards Vianne. She braced herself for the worst, but before he could reach her, something remarkable happened. The townspeople, whose hearts had been softened by the festival, stepped forward to defend Vianne and the Gypsies.

“We won’t stand for this,” one of them shouted. “These people deserve our respect and friendship, not our hostility.”

Slowly but surely, the tide began to turn. The Mayor, seeing that he had lost the support of the town, backed down. He grudgingly allowed the festival to continue and, in doing so, unwittingly paved the way for a new era of understanding and unity in Lansquenet-sous-Tannes.

As the festival drew to a close, Vianne and Roux shared a final dance together. They knew that there would be challenges ahead, but for now, they were content in the knowledge that they had brought the town one step closer to acceptance and tolerance.

Chapter 5: A Bittersweet Reunion

Vianne’s heart fluttered as she saw her mother standing outside her chocolate shop, the same woman who had abandoned her and her father when she was a child. Despite the years of hurt and resentment, Vianne still longed for her mother’s love and approval.

As she approached her mother, Vianne tried to keep her emotions in check. “What are you doing here?” she asked, trying to sound cold and distant.

Her mother, Caroline, looked smaller and frailer than Vianne remembered, her once regal bearing diminished by age and sorrow. “I heard about your chocolate shop, and I wanted to see it for myself,” she said in a quiet voice.

Vianne felt a pang of guilt as she realised how her mother’s abandonment had affected her. Despite her anger, part of her still longed for her mother’s approval, even after all these years.

Caroline stepped inside the shop, her eyes scanning the colourful displays of chocolate and candy. “It’s lovely, Vianne. You’ve done well for yourself,” she said, a hint of regret in her voice.

Vianne bristled at her mother’s insincerity. “Why did you really come here, Caroline? To gloat? To make yourself feel better about abandoning us?”

Caroline’s eyes filled with tears. “No, Vianne, that’s not why. I know I can’t undo the past, but I want to make amends. I want to be a part of your life again.”

Vianne felt a wave of conflicting emotions, part of her angry and resentful, while the other part longed for the love and affection she had denied herself for so long.

As they sat inside the shop sipping hot chocolate, Vianne and Caroline talked about the past, each revealing their raw emotions and vulnerabilities. Vianne spoke of the pain of her father’s death and her mother’s abandonment. Caroline admitted to her own regrets and fears, her own sense of loss and loneliness.

As they talked, Vianne realised that her mother was not the cold and indifferent woman she had always believed her to be. Caroline had her own struggles, her own reasons for leaving, even if Vianne didn’t agree with them.

Despite the years of hurt and resentment, Vianne realised that she still loved her mother and wanted her in her life. As they hugged each other, Vianne felt a sense of relief and healing wash over her.

Over the next few days, Caroline helped out in the chocolate shop, charming customers with her wit and stories. As they worked side by side, Vianne and Caroline began to form a tentative bond, slowly healing the wounds of the past.

But just as Vianne began to think that their relationship was turning a corner, a new crisis rocked the town. A group of Boat Gypsies, including Roux, had arrived on the river, triggering the Mayor’s prejudices and fears. Vianne knew that her mother’s presence would only complicate matters, and she felt a sense of dread as she braced herself for the storm to come.

Chapter 6: A Scandalous Betrayal

As tensions rose in Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, Vianne felt like she was walking on eggshells. The chocolate shop had become a symbol of the conflict between the townspeople and the Boat Gypsies, and the situation was becoming increasingly volatile.

One day, a scandal rocked the community. The most respected member of the town, Monsieur Reynaud, was accused of embezzlement. The news spread like wildfire, and everyone was shocked. Monsieur Reynaud had always been a pillar of the community, and no one had ever suspected him of wrongdoing.

Vianne watched from the sidelines as the town began to turn on itself. The Mayor, who had always been at odds with her, used the scandal to further his own agenda. He accused the Boat Gypsies of being involved in the theft and called for their expulsion from the town.

The tension in the town was palpable, and Vianne could feel it weighing on her. She knew that something had to be done, but she wasn’t sure what. Then, she remembered something that her mother had told her when she was a child: “Chocolate can cure anything.”

With that in mind, Vianne decided to bake a special batch of chocolate that would bring the people of the town together. She added a secret ingredient that she had never used before, knowing that it would create a flavor that was unlike anything anyone had ever tasted.

The next day, Vianne took her chocolate to the town square and set up a small stand. As the townspeople began to gather, she offered them each a piece of her special chocolate. At first, they were hesitant, but as they ate, their faces lit up with delight.

Vianne watched as the people of the town started to smile and laugh with each other. The tensions that had been simmering for weeks began to dissipate, and the atmosphere in the square became more relaxed.

As the day went on, Vianne mingled with the people of the town, listening to their stories and offering them more chocolate. She could see that her plan was working, and that the townspeople were starting to come together.

But just as everything seemed to be going well, there was a loud commotion in the square. Vianne turned to see Monsieur Reynaud being led away in handcuffs. The accusations against him had been proven true, and he was being taken to prison.

The townspeople were shocked and appalled. Their trusted leader had betrayed them, and now they didn’t know who they could trust. Vianne knew that the situation was fragile, and that one wrong move could set everything off again.

She turned to Roux, who had been watching from the sidelines, and asked him to do something. He nodded and disappeared into the crowd.

A few moments later, he emerged with his guitar, and started to play a haunting melody. Slowly, the people in the square began to gather around him, listening to the music. Before long, they were swaying to the rhythm, lost in the moment.

Vianne watched as Roux’s music brought the people of the town together once again. She knew that the situation was far from resolved, but she also knew that this was a step in the right direction.

As the sun began to set, Vianne packed up her chocolate and left the square. She knew that there was still a long way to go, but she also knew that she had made a difference. She had brought the people of the town together with something as simple as chocolate, and that gave her hope for the future.

Chapter 7 – A Taste of Redemption

The air was thick with tension as Vianne walked towards Roux. They were standing by the river, surrounded by the Boat Gypsies, who were all watching them closely. Vianne could feel her heart beating fast in her chest, her palms sweating as she approached him.

“Roux,” she said, her voice shaking slightly. “What’s going on?”

Roux looked at her for a moment before taking a deep breath. “It’s my brother,” he said. “He’s been hurt.”

Vianne’s heart sank. She knew how close Roux was to his brother and how much he meant to him. “What happened?” she asked.

Roux shook his head. “I don’t know,” he said. “We have to go and find him.”

Without another word, Vianne followed Roux as he led her towards the boats. They climbed aboard and set off down the river, the water lapping gently against the sides of the boat. Vianne could feel the tension in the air, the worry and fear that emanated from Roux.

As they floated down the river, Vianne couldn’t help but think about how different things had been since she had arrived in the town. She had gone from being an outsider to someone who was trusted and loved by many. She had made friends, fallen in love and stood up for what she believed in. But it had come at a cost.

She had made enemies too. The Mayor was still a thorn in her side, determined to bring her down. The town was still divided, struggling to come to terms with the changes that had taken place. And now, with Roux’s brother in trouble, Vianne couldn’t help but wonder what would happen next.

As they reached the spot where Roux’s brother had been last seen, Vianne’s heart sank. There was no sign of him. The Boat Gypsies searched the riverbank, calling out his name, but there was no response. Vianne could see the worry etched on Roux’s face as he scanned the area for any sign of his brother.

Just as they were about to give up hope, they heard a faint sound coming from the nearby woods. It was a moan, a cry of pain that echoed through the trees. Roux’s face lit up with hope as he ran towards the sound, Vianne following close behind.

As they emerged from the woods, they saw him. Roux’s brother lay on the ground, his leg twisted at an unnatural angle. He was pale and sweating, his breathing shallow. Roux rushed to his side, tears streaming down his face as he tried to comfort him.

Vianne knelt down beside them, her heart breaking at the sight of Roux’s pain. “We have to get him back to the town,” she said. “He needs help.”

Roux nodded, his face set with determination. With the help of the Boat Gypsies, they lifted Roux’s brother onto a makeshift stretcher and began the journey back to Lansquenet-sous-Tannes.

As they approached the town, Vianne could see the familiar faces of the townspeople gathered on the shore. They were watching them closely, their expressions a mix of fear and curiosity. Vianne knew that this was her chance to show them what she was made of.

With Roux by her side, she stepped onto the shore, the stretcher carried between them. The townspeople backed away in fear, murmurs rising from the crowd as they saw the Boat Gypsies amongst them.

But Vianne held her head high, her eyes fixed on the Mayor. “We need your help,” she said. “Roux’s brother is hurt. He needs medical attention.”

There was a moment of silence as the Mayor considered her words. And then, to Vianne’s surprise, he stepped forward. “We will help,” he said. “Bring him to the church.”

As they carried Roux’s brother towards the church, Vianne could see the tension in the air beginning to dissipate. The townspeople began to relax, their fear giving way to compassion. Vianne had shown them that she was not their enemy, that she was just like them, a human being in need of help.

As they laid Roux’s brother on the altar, the priest stepped forward and began to administer first aid. The villagers stood by in silence, watching as Vianne and Roux held hands, their love for each other evident in their eyes.

And then, suddenly, there was a cry. Roux’s brother had woken up, his eyes opening wide as he looked around the room. He saw Roux and Vianne, and a smile crossed his face. “Thank you,” he said. “Thank you for coming to find me.”

As the townspeople breathed a collective sigh of relief, Vianne felt a sense of peace wash over her. She had shown them that she was not their enemy, that she was just like them, a human being in need of help.

And as she looked into Roux’s eyes, she knew that she had found something far more precious than she had ever imagined – love, acceptance, and a home.

Chapter 8: A Sweet Ending

As the sun sets over Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, the sleepy French village is filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked croissants and melting chocolate. Vianne stands behind the counter of her chocolate shop, gazing out at the bustling street outside. It’s been a long and tumultuous journey, but here she is, surrounded by friends and family, with a sense of calm and contentment she hasn’t felt in years.

In the months since the Boat Gypsies arrived, much has changed in Lansquenet-sous-Tannes. The once divided community has come together, united by a love of Vianne’s chocolate and a newfound appreciation for diversity and free-thinking. The Mayor, once a staunch opponent of Vianne and everything she represented, has grown to respect her and even become a regular customer at her shop.

As Vianne watches the townspeople go about their daily business, she can feel the weight of the past few months lifting off her shoulders. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions, with scandal, betrayal, and tragedy at every turn. But through it all, she’s learned the importance of forgiveness, acceptance, and the power of love to heal even the deepest wounds.

Suddenly, the door to the shop bursts open and Roux strides in, a mischievous grin on his face. “Bonjour, ma cherie!” he exclaims, sweeping her into a tight embrace.

Vianne melts into his arms, feeling her heart swell with joy. It’s been a whirlwind romance, filled with obstacles and challenges, but through it all, Roux has remained by her side, a constant source of support and love.

“I have a surprise for you,” Roux whispers in her ear, his breath warm against her skin. “Come with me.”

With a sense of excitement building in her chest, Vianne allows herself to be led out of the shop and down the cobblestone street. As they walk, they’re greeted by friendly waves and nods from the townspeople, a clear indication that they’ve become fully accepted into the community.

Finally, they arrive at the edge of the river, where a small boat is waiting for them. Roux helps Vianne climb aboard, his smile widening with each passing moment.

As they glide along the water, Vianne marvels at the beauty of the French countryside. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the hills and fields. For the first time in years, she feels truly at peace, free from the worries and doubts that have plagued her for so long.

“Roux, where are we going?” she asks, a sense of anticipation building in her chest.

He looks at her with a twinkle in his eye. “You’ll see,” he says, his voice filled with excitement.

As they round a bend in the river, Vianne gasps in amazement. A small gathering has formed on the banks of the river, with familiar faces from the town smiling and waving at her. In the center of the group, a small table has been set up, covered in an array of sweet treats and delicacies.

“Surprise!” the assembled group shouts in unison, clapping and cheering as Vianne and Roux step ashore.

Overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support, Vianne feels tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She looks around at the smiling faces of her friends and family, feeling a sense of gratitude and appreciation that’s hard to put into words.

As the evening wears on, the group enjoys a feast of chocolate, cheese, and wine, laughing and chatting late into the night. Vianne can feel a sense of belonging and contentment settling over her, a feeling she thought she’d never experience again.

As the night draws to a close, Roux takes her hand and leads her away from the group. They walk along the riverbank, arm in arm, the stars shining brightly above them.

“Vianne, I know we’ve been through a lot,” Roux says, his voice serious. “But I want you to know that I love you. With all my heart.”

Vianne looks up into his eyes, feeling her heart skip a beat. “I love you too, Roux,” she says, smiling through her tears.

And with that, they share a passionate kiss, the culmination of months of love and longing. As they pull away, Vianne feels a sense of warmth and contentment spread through her, a feeling she knows will stay with her always.

As they make their way back to the chocolate shop, the night air filled with the sweet smell of their love, Vianne knows that this is where she’s meant to be. With Roux by her side and a community that’s come to accept her, there’s nothing she can’t overcome.

As she drifts off to sleep that night, her heart filled with love and joy, Vianne knows that her journey has only just begun. And with the support of her friends and family, she’s ready to face whatever comes her way.

Some scenes from the movie Chocolat written by A.I.

Scene 1

Fade in:


The camera pans over a beautiful French village, Lansquenet-sous-Tannes. We see streets lined with small shops, cafes, and charming brick buildings, and then:


We see a young girl, ANOUK, playing with her small paper boat on the table in front of her as her mother, VIANNE, sits across from her. Vianne is a woman in her thirties, with short hair and a free-spirited personality that emanates from her eyes and smile.

ANOUK: (in French, subtitled) “Can I have some hot chocolate?”

VIANNE: (also in French, subtitled) “Of course, my little one.”

Vianne looks around the cafe, as if in a trance, then leans in towards Anouk.

VIANNE: “Anouk, we’ve moved around too many times. It’s time we found a place to call home. Maybe we could stay here?”

ANOUK: “I like it here, Mama. Can we stay?”

VIANNE: “Yes, we can. But first, we need to find a house.”

Just then, a woman bursts into the cafe. This is ARLINE, the town’s gossip, with a sour expression on her face.

ARLINE: “Bonjour, Madame La Chocolat! I’m sorry, but I must tell you that your shop won’t be here for long. The Mayor won’t allow it.”

VIANNE: “Why not?”

ARLINE: “It goes against the town’s morals, Madame. You’re bringing sin to our doorstep with your chocolates.”

Vianne smiles mysteriously, then rises to leave with Anouk.

VIANNE: “Thank you for letting us know, Madame. We’ll see about that.”

As they leave, the camera follows them out into the village.


Scene 2


Vianne is behind the counter of her chocolate shop, a wide smile on her face, as she interacts with her customers. They are all holding various chocolate treats as they chat with her.



This chocolate is out of this world! How do you make it?

Vianne chuckles as she leans over the counter, sharing her secret with the curious customer.


It’s a recipe passed down in my family for generations. But it’s not just the recipe, you see. It’s the love and care that goes into every step of the process.



Can’t be that big of a deal.

Before Vianne can respond, the door bursts open with a loud BANG, startling everyone. The Mayor, a stern-looking man in his 50s, storms in, his eyes fixed on Vianne.



This is unacceptable! Your shop is causing a disturbance in the town’s order. You must stop this at once!

Vianne stands her ground, her expression unwavering.



I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. This shop is my livelihood, and it brings joy to many people. I see no harm in that.

The Mayor’s face turns red with anger, but before he can respond, another customer interjects.



Mayor, don’t be ridiculous. This chocolate is delicious. No harm can come from a little indulgence.

The Mayor glances around and realizes he’s outnumbered. He storms out, the door slamming behind him.

Vianne turns to her customers, a grateful smile on her face.


Thank you all for your support. I promise to keep providing the best chocolate in town.

The customers nod and smile as they make their way out of the shop, savoring the delicious treats in their hands. Vianne leans against the counter, her eyes scanning the empty shop.


Scene 3


VIANNE is behind the counter as ROUX enters the shop. They exchange a warm smile and Vianne approaches him.

VIANNE: “The usual?”

ROUX: “Please.”

Vianne prepares Roux’s order as they chat.

ROUX: “You know, you’re not like the other villagers.”

VIANNE: “What do you mean?”

ROUX: “You’re not afraid of breaking the rules. You do what makes you happy.”

Vianne smiles at him, charmed by his words.

VIANNE: “And what makes me happy is making delicious chocolate.”

Roux laughs and takes a bite of his chocolate. They continue to chat and laugh as the townspeople start to peer through the shop window, glaring disapprovingly at the Boat Gypsy and the free-thinking chocolatier.

Vianne ignores them, focused on Roux.

ROUX: “I have to go, but I’ll see you soon?”

VIANNE: “I’ll save a piece of dark chocolate for you.”

Roux smiles and exits the shop as Anouk enters.

ANOUK: “Who was that, Mama?”

VIANNE: “Just a friend.”

Anouk looks out the window and sees the villagers staring at them.

ANOUK: “Why don’t they like us?”

VIANNE: “Sometimes people are afraid of things they don’t understand.”

Anouk takes a piece of chocolate from the counter and smiles.

ANOUK: “I understand this. And I’m not afraid.”

Vianne smiles proudly at her daughter as the camera pans out to show the town, still staring disapprovingly at the chocolatiers.


Scene 4



The square is bustling with people, as preparations for the upcoming Chocolate Festival are underway. Vendors are setting up their stalls, and children are running around, excited for the festivities.

VIANNE, dressed in her signature red coat, is setting up a stall for her chocolate creations. Across the square, the MAYOR is watching her with a scowl on his face.


(to his assistant)

I want you to keep a close eye on that woman. I don’t want her causing any trouble.


Yes, sir.

As the day wears on, the tension in the air grows palpable. People give Vianne and her stall a wide berth, as if afraid of being associated with her.

Suddenly, a commotion is heard at the edge of the square. A group of BOAT GYPSIES, led by ROUX, have arrived in town. The townspeople look on with suspicion and fear, and the Mayor wastes no time in using this to his advantage.


(to the crowd)

These Boat Gypsies are not to be trusted! They bring nothing but trouble wherever they go. I urge you to stay away from them and their leader, Roux.

Vianne watches in horror as the crowd begins to turn on Roux and his group. She knows she has to do something to stop the Mayor’s divisive tactics.


(to the crowd)

Wait! Don’t judge these people based on their appearance. Give them a chance and you might be surprised by what you find.

The crowd looks at Vianne uncertainly, but she stands her ground.


(sotto voce to Roux)

We have to stick together. I won’t let them tear us apart.

The tension in the square is palpable, as everyone waits to see what will happen next.


Scene 5


Vianne and her mother, Yvette, sit across from each other, sipping hot chocolate. The tension between them is palpable.


So, what brings you to Lansquenet?


I came to see you, of course.


(after a beat)



And, to make things right between us. I know I haven’t been the best mother to you.

Vianne looks at her mother, trying to decide whether or not to trust her.


I appreciate the sentiment, but we both know it’s not that simple.


I know I hurt you. But I’ve changed, Vianne. I want to make things right between us.

Vianne looks at her mother, considering her words.


Why now? After all these years?



I’ve been diagnosed with cancer. It’s terminal.

Vianne’s eyes widen in shock.


I’m so sorry, Mama. Is there anything I can do to help?


There is. I need your forgiveness. I need to know that you can find it in your heart to forgive me for the mistakes I’ve made.

Vianne looks at her mother, tears welling up in her eyes.



I forgive you, Mama.

Yvette’s face softens, and she reaches across the table to take Vianne’s hand.


Thank you, my dear. That means everything to me.

Vianne smiles weakly, trying to hold back her tears.


What do we do now?


We start by taking things one step at a time. We can’t change the past, but we can make the most of the time we have left.

Vianne nods, her heart heavy with emotion.

The two women sit in silence, lost in their own thoughts, sipping their hot chocolate. For a moment, all is at peace in the world.

Author: AI