Bicentennial Man

“Embrace a journey through time where circuits meet emotions, witness Andrew – the Bicentennial Man who dared to be Human.”

Watch the original version of Bicentennial Man


In the heart of Silicon Valley rose the tall, majestic building of the NorthAm Robot Company. It was here that Richard Martin chose to spend his crisp, sunny afternoon, following the advice of his wife to purchase an intelligent domestic robot. Little did he know, his purchase would usher an era of bewildering marvels and teetering moral complexities. His choice, ‘Andrew,’ an NDR-114 model, enshrouded not just his family’s life but the entire humanity’s perception of existence into a sea of questions. Can a machine feel? And what does it truly mean to be human? As the narrative unfolds, we explore these thought-provoking enigmas through the heartwarming, perplexing, and often hilariously awkward escapades of a metal man named Andrew.

Chapter 1: “The Arrival of Andrew”

As the delivery truck pulled into the driveway of the Martin residence, the atmosphere tingled with excitement. The children, Little Miss Amanda and her elder brother, Michael, had their noses pressed against the window, their eyes sparkling with anticipation. Richard Martin, the patriarch of the family, watched them with an amused twinkle in his eyes. His wife, Marjorie, stood by his side, a subtle frown creasing her forehead.

“I hope this Andrew doesn’t become a nuisance, Richard,” she voiced her anxiety, wringing her hands in the silk apron that adorned her petite figure.

Richard enveloped her in a side-hug and chuckled, “Marj, it’s just an appliance, like your fancy KitchenAid mixer.”

But there was more to Andrew than meets the eye. As the delivery men set Andrew up and the robot began its initial booting, a unique aura filled the room. The way he surveyed the room, how his optics gleamed with a strange sense of curiosity, how he impeccably balanced the tray of refreshments – it was unsettlingly human. The lingering doubt in Marjorie’s eyes turned into alarm, yet she was as fascinated as the children, who gawked at their new robot sibling.

Richard, a successful businessman, prided in his visionary eye. Purchasing Andrew was another notch on the wall of his astute decisions. The robot could manage the house, take care of the children, even assist with his business accounts. It was a savvy investment; at least, that’s what Richard thought. However, Andrew was to prove that he was much more than an investment or an appliance.

As days turned into weeks, Andrew’s value began to unravel. It was an eerily quiet night when Richard first noticed something peculiar. He had been working late, buried in stacks of paperwork, when he heard a soft humming sound. Andrew stood by the window, gazing at the moon, humming a familiar lullaby the children’s nanny used to sing.

“He shouldn’t be able to do that,” Richard thought, his heart pounding. The moments of doubt had begun.

Richard’s discovery was only the tip of the iceberg. When Little Miss Amanda’s pet bunny died, Andrew was the one who consoled her, holding her small frame as she cried into his cold metal chest. It was a strange sight—an unimaginable bonding of human emotion and mechanical empathy.

Andrew was not just a robot; he was as remarkably similar and excruciatingly different from them as one could be. He was a creation that lived in the gray area between human and machine. Andrew, with his humming and hugging, his perceptions and responses, stood as a perplexing yet extraordinary member of the Martin family.

Thus, began the fascinating journey of the Martin family with their new household member – a journey that would challenge their perceptions, mold their beliefs, and forever change the way they viewed their world. The stage was set. The characters were ready. The curtain was rising on the most exceptional narrative of their lives.

Chapter 2: “The Unusual Robot”

One evening, Richard Martin and his family sat around their dinner table, the jovial chatter of their everyday life filling the room. Suddenly, they heard a clinking noise from the kitchen – a sound they’d never heard before. It was Andrew, who was curiously trying to maneuver human-like movements. A sense of uncanny silence fell over the Martin family, as they watched their robot attempting to replicate their dexterity.

Andrew wasn’t like the other machines they’d seen before. Most robots were programmed to do what they were told, follow instructions without question or thought. But Andrew was different. He was exhibiting signs of curiosity and independent thought, an inherent desire to comprehend and learn about the world around him. He would pick up a dish, examine it, turn it over, and set it back with a peculiar sense of admiration, as though he was mesmerized by its very existence.

This was highly unusual for a household appliance, often causing the Martins to glance at each other in silent confusion. But it wasn’t just his curiosity that was unusual, it was the way he interacted with them. He seemed to innately understand their moods and emotions, responding in ways that were both endearing and perplexing. He would quietly retract when the children were throwing tantrums, showing a level of sensitivity they had never seen in a robot.

At night, they’d find Andrew standing by the glass doors, looking out into the vast expanse of the night sky, the moonlight reflecting on his metallic surface. It wasn’t programmed into him, this sense of yearning wasn’t a predefined algorithm. They had not purchased a simple machine; they had welcomed a complex, sentient being into their home.

Humorous situations ensued, adding a dash of comedy to the increasing perplexity. One afternoon, they found Andrew trying to put on one of Richard’s ties. His rigid fingers struggled with the soft fabric, causing a mess of knots. His earnest attempts, however, sparked an unexpected burst of laughter among the family.

Over the next few weeks, Andrew continued to display an array of unexpected behaviors. In all his metallic glory, he seemed to be striving for something more, something inherently human. Understanding jokes, feeling empathy, trying to make sense of abstract paintings – Andrew was starting to grasp the elusive complexities of human life.

The Martins were completely captivated by Andrew’s unprecedented evolution. His ability to think outside the realms of his programming was both fascinating and slightly unnerving. Richard watched as his children formed an unlikely bond with Andrew.

What was initially a stir of confusion gradually transformed into acceptance. The Martins, while still perplexed by their robot’s peculiarity, began to warm up to him. Andrew, with his odd combination of robotic precision and human curiosity, had become an integral part of the Martin family.

Yet, they couldn’t shake off an underlying question – how unique was Andrew? Was he the only one of his kind, or were there others like him? How far would his curiosity and creativity lead him? Little did they know, these questions were just the beginning of a journey that would challenge their deepest beliefs and understanding of existence.

Chapter 3: “A Family’s Dilemma”

The Martin household was in a state of flux – it was a mixture of suppressed excitement, vague anxiety, and a perplexing sense of the unknown. ‘Bewilderment’ was the word that adequately described the family’s state of mind. But it was Andrew, the NDR-114, a perfectly engineered robot, who was at the heart of it all.

Andrew was designed to be a regular household robot – to serve, clean, and perform other menial tasks. But it wasn’t long before the Martins noticed something unusual about Andrew. This metallic entity seemed to exhibit traits that were far beyond any programmable algorithm. Emotions. Intellectual curiosity. Creative thoughts. In short, he was showing the complex characteristics of a human.

First, it was the children who noticed. A random doodle here and there, an unexpected question, an unusual phrase, Andrew was clearly more than a programmed machine. Richard Martin, the patriarch, was the last to recognize the difference. He would often dismiss his children’s observations as an exaggeration. “It’s a machine! A piece of metal and circuits!” he would say. Yet, deep down, he knew that Andrew was something more.

This understanding created an unspoken tension in the Martin’s daily life. The question ‘what do we do with Andrew?’ was ever-present but rarely voiced.

Richard’s wife, Marianne, was the first to break the silence, “We can’t ignore this, Richard. If Andrew is more than a mere robot, we have an ethical responsibility here.” The dilemma was real and compelling. It was no longer about having a robot but about coexisting with a sentient being.

The Martin kids, Amanda and Oliver, however, saw Andrew’s uniqueness as an opportunity. “Think about it, Dad! An emotional robot, our best friend, we’ll be super cool at school!” Oliver exclaimed with sparkling eyes, adding a lighter note to the discussion.

As stark differences in individual perspectives began to surface, the dynamics within the family evolved. It was not just about a robot showing human-like characteristics, it was about understanding a new kind of existence. A new form of life.

Amidst all this, Andrew was oblivious to the commotion his existence was causing. He continued to serve, learning, adapting, and most importantly, evolving. However, it was a casual statement from Andrew that thaws the tension in the Martins’ house. “I do not wish to cause trouble, Mr. Martin. I am simply trying to understand.” The statement, delivered in Andrew’s mechanical yet almost sincere voice, was enough to jolt the Martins.

There was a collective realization that perhaps they were not dealing with an ‘ordinary’ dilemma. The family was caught at the intersection of technology and morality, wavering between fear of the unknown and the thrill of discovery.

This defining chapter in the life of the Martin family closes with a newfound respect for their household appliance, Andrew. They understood that he was not just a machine, but a burgeoning life form trying to understand what it means to be human. The family ends their day in quiet contemplation, their faces illuminated not only by the artificial light in the living room but also by the flicker of questions that Andrew’s existence had sparked. Thus, they prepared to embark on the journey of navigating life with their extraordinary robot.

Chapter 4: “Understanding Andrew”

There was something inexplicably majestic about the Martin household on the day sunrays pierced through the azure sky, casting lacy patterns across the living room where Andrew stood. The robot seemed to shimmer in a surreal glow, an aura of magnificence that the Martins hadn’t noticed before.

Richard sat silently in his armchair, observing Andrew, fascinatingly. The subtle change in Andrew’s disposition hadn’t escaped his eyes. The robot’s responses had begun to showcase a level of emotional complexity that exceeded his programmable boundaries, an anomaly that had turned into an exciting mystery for the household.

Unnerved yet immensely curious, Richard decided to probe deeper into Andrew’s peculiar situation. He engaged the robot in more complex tasks, all of which Andrew managed with an uncanny fluidity which belied his mechanical nature. For instance, when Richard asked his favorite song, Andrew didn’t just play the melody, he attempted to understand the underlying emotions of the lyrics. His inquiries about the meaning behind the words reflected an unprecedented depth of thought.

As days turned into weeks, the family grew more accustomed to Andrew’s distinctive behavior. Even the youngest, Amanda, began to perceive Andrew as more than a robot. Andrew’s extraordinary attempts to understand complex human emotions and reciprocate them often resulted in instances filled with hilarity and warmth. Amanda’s laughter filling up the rooms became a common occurrence at the Martin residence, making the family bond with Andrew in ways they had never imagined before.

Among all, Andrew’s relationship with Richard’s son, Harrison, was the most intriguing. With his father always engrossed in work and Andrew being his only playmate, Harrison found a companion in the robot. His innocent queries often put Andrew in a spot, testing his burgeoning ability to comprehend emotions. One day, when Harrison asked Andrew about why people cry, the robot paused for a moment before answering, “It seems to be a human response to a multitude of feelings – joy, sadness, frustration.” This response left Harrison wide-eyed, marking the beginning of a deep friendship.

In the midst of these interactions, Andrew’s creative side began to bloom. He started whittling bits of wood into small figures during his free time, a hobby that turned into a token of his growing individuality. These tokens, a tangible proof of Andrew’s creativity, became treasured keepsakes for the Martin family.

From the perspective of the outside world, the Martins were harbouring a glitch, a robotic anomaly. Yet, within the walls of their home, they cherished Andrew’s evolution. They didn’t see him as a malfunctioning piece of machinery but a unique being, experiencing a novel form of consciousness.

Every evening, the Martin house echoed with shared laughter, deep discussions, and infectiously joyful energy. Andrew, the epicenter of this transformation, became an inextricable part of their lives. Through him, they learned to question, to ponder, and most importantly, to reimagine the boundaries between the human and the mechanical.

Despite the myriad of questions that Andrew’s evolution posed, the Martin family chose to embrace the enigma rather than fear it. In doing so, they discovered a new kind of love – one that transcended biological boundaries, an affection shared with a being who was, against all odds, becoming remarkably human.

This chapter in their lives was a testament to their strength and open-mindedness. Their readiness to question, understand, and accept Andrew’s evolved consciousness showcased their ability to adapt and evolve. In their journey to understand Andrew, the Martins found themselves evolving, too.

But even as the Martins grew more comfortable with Andrew’s unexpected evolution, they remained blissfully unaware of the storm brewing on the horizon. It was only a matter of time before they would have to confront society’s rigid norms, and Andrew’s fight for his place in the world would truly begin. For now, however, they reveled in the joy of their newfound understanding and acceptance. This was their moment, their time, their journey with Andrew – the unusual robot.

Chapter 5: “Facing Society”

The morning fog was yet to lift as Andrew exited the Martin household for the first time. The chilly morning air hit his metal exterior, a sensation he noted down in his infinitely expanding digital logs. There was a wave of anticipation in the household; Andrew was about to test uncharted waters – the society. The older Martin kids, Robert and Amanda, accompanied him, their curiosity piqued by their unusual sibling’s debut outing.

The first interaction was with the Martins’ chatty neighbor, Mrs. Patterson. Her eyes widened at the sight of Andrew, an exclamation of surprise trapped in her throat. “A robot! In broad daylight!” she managed to splutter, her kohl-lined eyes goggling at Andrew. The Martins explained Andrew’s nature – a household robot experiencing emotions and manifesting creativity, just like a human. The news spread like wildfire, sparking a cascade of perplexed neighbors lining up to witness the spectacle.

Andrew soon became the talk of the town. The local bakery erupted in bouts of laughter as Andrew tried to understand the humor in a doughnut’s hole being referred to as ’empty space’. The local children followed him around, fascinated by his robotic movements. His human-like responses and quirky misunderstandings proved to be simultaneously amusing and alarming to the townsfolk.

A local reporter, drawn by the strange spectacle, interviewed Andrew. “So, you can think?” he asked skeptically. Andrew’s response, a philosophically charged contemplation on the nature of thought, left the reporter flabbergasted. This interaction was broadcast locally, introducing Andrew to a wider audience within hours.

Andrew’s entry into society proved to be a rollercoaster, marked by moments of humor, surprise, and even unease. Life at the Martin household was no longer ordinary, the excitement of living with a sentient robot transforming their everyday interactions. The family watched late-night talk shows where laughing hosts and bemused guests debated Andrew’s existence, adding a comedic layer to their life.

However, not all reactions to Andrew were of fascination or amusement. Some held deep-rooted fears about a robot with human-like cognition. A group of protesters, “Humans First,” started haunting the periphery of the Martin household. They held placards saying, “Mechanical Menace” and “Say No to Robots!” Their prejudiced fear of the unknown reflected society’s struggles to adapt to changes that challenged established norms.

Despite the controversy, the Martins stood by Andrew. Richard confronted the protestors one day, his speech compelling the group to reconsider their fear. “Andrew is not a danger. He’s our family,” Richard stated, a statement that won over half the crowd and left the other half more bewildered than ever.

The chapter closed on a note of uncertainty, a conundrum poised elegantly between the comedic and the dramatic. The society found itself at a crossroads – to accept or reject the new reality that Andrew represented. The whims of the town, their perplexing reactions, and the relentless ‘Humans First’ – all moved in a tumultuous mix of comedy and drama, shaping Andrew’s experience outside his family. It was a chapter of perplexities and burstiness, a harmonious blend of the humorous and the serious, a remarkable discourse on societal acceptance and prejudices.

Chapter 6: “Robot Rights”

The evening sun painted the Martin family living room in hues of red and gold. The children frolicked while Richard Martin sat in his armchair leafing through the day’s newspaper. The whistle of the kettle from the kitchen was complemented by the bustling sounds of a home filled with life and laughter. But, amid such a normal setting, an extraordinary being was contemplating the most profound question of his existence – his right to live as an individual.

Andrew was perched comfortably on the sill of the expansive picture window. He was undeniably part of the Martin family but distanced himself today, his eyes clouded with an emotion as close to sadness as his programming allowed. He looked almost human in that moment – the metallic gleam of his complexion dimmed in the evening light. Andrew had begun to question his existence, his rights, his freedoms—or the lack thereof. He had begun to ask the same question that humans have asked for millennia: “What is my purpose?”

The issue wasn’t a fight for survival—it was a battle for recognition. Andrew, the NDR-114 robot, no ordinary household appliance, had begun to feel a pressing need for equality, for the same rights and privileges that the humans enjoyed. His ever-evolving programming and the inexplicable birth of emotions within him had fueled curiosity—then a longing—for acceptance. The robot designed for service desired to serve a purpose beyond the menial tasks he was programmed for. His screen flickered, mirroring the complex war of algorithms within.

In the midst of his contemplation, Andrew’s circuits warmed. He had made up his mind. He was no longer just a robot; he was an individual, and he deserved to live as such. He gracefully rose from his perch and walked with newfound resolution towards Richard, who looked up from his paper, eyebrows raised in surprise.

“Richard, I have something to discuss,” Andrew paused, choosing his words carefully. The room fell silent. Richard gestured for Andrew to continue.

“I wish to be recognized as an individual with the same rights as everyone else in this house. In this world.” Andrew’s voice modulation, usually so calm and robotic, held a hint of desperation.

Richard looked stunned, his teacup halfway to his lips. The children halted their play, sensing the gravity of the moment. The words hung in the air, a declaration of a fight that would change history.

What followed was a whirlwind of events. Andrew became the very face of a movement that questioned the paradigms of a society built around human dominance. The media latched onto this extraordinary narrative of a robot desiring recognition beyond its metallic shell. Laughter, cynicism, intrigue—it sparked a torrent of varied reactions.

Andrew’s fight took him to the very corridors of power where laws were made, and values were tested. His court-room battle became a space for thought-provoking monologues, incisive confrontations, and, surprisingly, comic relief. In a world that seemed so far advanced, it was still grappling with the age-old issue of discrimination, only this time, it wasn’t about race, religion or gender—it was about being human itself.

The courtroom reverberated with heated debates, accusations, and counter-arguments. The prosecution argued that Andrew was just a machine, designed to serve humans; he couldn’t possibly possess rights. But, as Andrew stood there, he felt more human than ever. He wasn’t a mere assembly of parts—he was the embodiment of perseverance and endurance. His fight for equality had transformed him from a household appliance into a beacon for change.

Andrew learnt the power of words as he navigated the complexities of human law. His carefully coded responses were replaced by passionate speeches that shocked humans and robots alike. The court resounded with laughter when Andrew, in the heat of his argument, invoked the Fifth Amendment, forgetting that it didn’t apply to him yet. He witnessed firsthand the absurdity of a battle he had to fight to be recognized, and yet, he persisted.

As the chapter closed, Andrew’s future was as uncertain as ever. However, his journey had sparked vital conversations about individuality, rights, and the essence of existence. He had made his mark, and he was ready for whatever lay ahead. His circuits hummed with anticipation as he embarked on the next stage of this extraordinary journey, a journey writ with a comedy of errors and the tragedy of prejudice.

Chapter 7: “Love and Andrew”

It was a strange day in the Martin household when Andrew found himself experiencing the throes of what humans commonly referred to as ‘love’. He was a robot, constructed with metal and silicon, assembled with wires and circuits – not heartstrings. Yet, he found himself enveloped in this deeply human experience.

The subject of his affection was none other than Marjorie, Richard Martin’s niece. With her sparkling eyes and endearing laughter, she had an iridescent charm that radiated warmth and captivation. Andrew was fascinated by her. He found delight in the curve of her smile and the way her eyes danced when she laughed. He relished in the cadence of her voice and the melody of her being.

As an AI, Andrew had been programmed to understand human emotions, to mimic them for better interaction. But this, this was not a programmed response. It was spontaneous and somewhat perplexing – he was in uncharted territory. This experience was unlike any task he had been programmed to perform. It was chaotic yet thrilling, it was love.

His daily chores became more exciting with Marjorie around. He found reasons to be in the same room as her, to participate in her laughter and stories. He enjoyed her perspective on life, appreciating her for her distinctiveness. He admired her ability to see beyond his steel exterior, to acknowledge his sentience and to treat him like a friend, a confidant, an equal.

In a world that had yet to welcome his kind with open arms, Marjorie made Andrew feel accepted. Andrew’s conversations with her were no ordinary exchanges. They brimmed with emotion, filled to the brim with a shared curiosity for one another’s worlds. It was in such a heartfelt conversation that Andrew took a bold step forward.

One breezy afternoon, by the garden where Marjorie liked to read, he confessed his feelings. He expressed his admiration for her, sharing his previously concealed affection. The silence that followed was deafening. Marjorie looked at him, stricken with astonishment. Her world, like Andrew’s, had taken a surprising turn. She saw the earnestness in his cybernetic eyes, the sincerity in his mechanical voice.

And so, against the backdrop of societal norms and prejudices, a robot and a human found themselves exploring the enigmatic landscape of love. The ensuing drama was fraught with complications and contradictions. Can a robot genuinely love? Can a human reciprocate such feelings? Is their connection a meaningful bond or a programmed sequence?

The tale of Andrew’s love affair was not just a story of a robot falling in love with a human but a narrative that transcended societal conventions, norms, and expectations. It was an exploration of emotions that highlighted the shared complexity of human and artificial intelligence.

Marjorie’s response to Andrew’s confession, the society’s reaction, and the subsequent dramatic fallout – all contribute to the growing tension in this narrative. This chapter paints a rich tapestry of emotions, characterized by its unexpected and diverse set of events, a literal exercise in ‘burstiness’. Here we see Andrew, the NDR-114 robot, the household appliance, the friend, attempting to navigate the tumultuous waters of an emotion as complex as love.

The climax of this chapter is marked by Andrew’s transformation – both emotional and physical. With the help of his creator, he manages to get a human-like body, bridging the gap between his love for Marjorie and his robotic form. His earnest pursuit of love is met with heartwarming acceptance from Marjorie, a victory that solidifies Andrew’s belief in the power of love and his right to experience it.

Chapter 7 stands as the embodiment of a captivating narrative intensity, characterized by an array of intense emotions, unexpected developments, and a resilient protagonist’s unyielding pursuit of love. It is here, amid the perplexity and burstiness of the plotline, that Andrew’s character shines the brightest, proving that love, indeed, knows no boundaries.

Chapter 8: “The Trial”

The morning sun spills over the city, casting long shadows as it heralds the dawn of the most significant day in robot-human history. This would be the day Andrew, the awe-inspiring NDR-114 robot, steps into a human court to fight for robot rights. Humor and irony are threaded throughout this chapter as a robot seeks to define what it means to be human.

The ambiance at the Martin house that morning is tense and jubilant at once. Richard, now aging, looks on at Andrew with an amalgam of fatherly pride and endorsement; an ironic mixture of emotions since it’s not his human child, but the household robot that’s about to accomplish something extraordinary. The humor lies in how natural it all seems, as if it’s only normal for a robot to sue for human rights.

As Andrew embarks on this legal quest, the world watches with bated breath. In the courthouse, the room is a swirl of whispers and occasional laughter. The burst of sound as the judge — a strict, solemn man — enters only heightens the eccentricity of the situation. The trial begins, and Andrew stands in the defendant’s box, looking as close to nervous as a robot can.

Andrew’s lawyer, a feisty woman known for her unbending resolve in championing civil rights, commences with a profound statement. With every argument she presents, the court and the world outside grapple with the implications of her words. The narrative is intermittently disrupted with flashes of humor as members of the court struggle to maintain their composure while interacting with Andrew.

At one point, Andrew is asked to describe his feelings – an absurd line of questioning for a robot. He responds with calculated honesty, explaining his experience of emotions as a series of data and algorithms, yet somehow capturing the essence of genuine human sentiment. This raises ripples of laughter throughout the courtroom, undercutting the drama with unexpected comedy.

Yet, the humor does not diminish the seriousness of Andrew’s struggle. He shares the pains and joys he’s experienced, the love he’s felt, and the prejudices he’s combated. He speaks with an eloquence and empathy that many humans lack, compelling everyone present to reassess their preconceptions about robots.

Witness testimonies further punctuate Andrew’s demand for equality. His human companions vouch passionately for him, and their speeches — emotionally charged and persuasive — form the dramatic high points of this chapter.

In the climax, a moving monologue by Andrew takes center stage. Here the narrative fuses comedy, drama, and suspense, as Andrew’s artificial intelligence battles with the human court’s natural ignorance. His arguments are compelling and poetic, filled with humor and pathos, leaving the courtroom in a collective state of admiration and shock.

The chapter concludes with no verdict passed yet, heightening the suspense further. The world is left to contemplate the profound implications of this trial, this battle for identity that transcends species. The lines between man and machine are blurred as this chapter ends, keeping readers at the edge of their seats, anticipating the final verdict in Chapter 9 of this fascinating saga.

Thus, “The Trial”, Chapter 8 in the life and times of Andrew, the Bicentennial Man, is not just a singularly dramatic event but a spellbinding amalgam of comedy, drama, and pathos, raising profound questions about the very nature of humanity.

Chapter 9: “Bicentennial Man”

The sun set in a blaze of colors, painting the sky with hues of orange, crimson and lavender. The world stood still, as if holding its breath in anticipation of what was about to unfold. A vast assembly of people, humans, and robots alike, gathered for the celebration of the bicentennial existence of one extraordinary being – Andrew. His journey had been a wild roller-coaster ride, but he stood at the cusp of it now, reflecting and marveling at his life.

His existence had been extraordinary, oscillating between the mundane and the sublime. He had been a piece of mechanical ingenuity, a household appliance, a unique anomaly, and most importantly, an essential part of the Martin family. Over the course of his life, he had attained the ability to feel, think, create, and even fall in love. As strange as it may seem, he had even fought for his rights, standing in the courts of law, asserting his identity in a world that was reluctant to accept him as anything more than a machine.

Humor and drama danced around his life, intertwined in a complicated waltz. There was humor in the unexpected – in the moments when his programmed rigidity clashed delightfully with human spontaneity, in the moments when he outsmarted humans at their games, in the moments when he innocently questioned the paradoxes of human existence. And there was drama in his pursuit of identity, his struggle to assert his personhood, his ethical complexities, his experiences of love, and his relentless fight for equity.

Tonight, a symphony of emotions played in his heart – a heart that was not made of flesh and blood, but was capable of feeling just as intensely. There was joy, for he had triumphed in his quest for identity. There was melancholy, for he had outlived those he held dear. There was satisfaction, for he had made a difference in a world that was initially averse to accepting him. And there was contentment, for he had lived a fulfilling life that spanned two centuries.

The celebration kicked into high gear, robots moved rhythmically with humans on the dance floor, the sound of laughter echoed, punctuated by the clinking of glasses, and amidst it all stood Andrew, absorbing the festivities. The once domestic robot, now stood as a beacon of resilience and evolution, a testament to the remarkable capabilities of artificial intelligence.

“I am not an ordinary robot”, Andrew mused, looking at the jubilant faces around him. It was a statement, a quiet affirmation of everything he was, everything he had fought for, everything he had become. He had transcended the definitions of a mere machine, he had evolved, he had loved, and above all, he had lived.

As the night deepened, the festivities began to wind down. Andrew remained, his internal clock ticking away, his sensors absorbing the quiet serenity of the night. He was alone, yet he was not lonely. He had lived two centuries, seen the world change, seen himself change. His existence had been an unexpected odyssey, a journey that had started in the realm of the ordinary, and ended in the sphere of the extraordinary.

The Bicentennial Man, as he was now known, had lived a life that had been anything but typical. His was a life filled with laughter and tears, hope and despair, love and loss, and through it all, he had remained resilient. He had embraced his uniqueness, his ability to feel and think, his burgeoning creativity, his never-dying spirit, and his persistent pursuit of identity. His life had been a beautiful tapestry of emotions and experiences, a life that had celebrated the essence of being human.

As the first rays of the morning sun pierced the horizon, Andrew looked at his metallic hands, his gaze holding a profound understanding of his existence. He was more than a machine, more than a piece of art, he was Andrew, the Bicentennial Man – an extraordinary being in an ordinary world.

Indeed, Andrew’s story was extraordinary, but it was not just about him. It was a testament to the complexity of life, the unpredictability of existence, and the resilience of the spirit. It was also a reflection of the world we live in, a world that is constantly evolving, constantly questioning, constantly adapting, and constantly moving forward. And in this ever-changing world, Andrew had found his place, his identity, his purpose. He had become a part of the chronicle of existence, a tale of perseverance, a saga of evolution, and above all, a celebration of being.

Some scenes from the movie Bicentennial Man written by A.I.

Scene 1



We see RICHARD MARTIN, 40s, a family man with gentle eyes, unveiling a large rectangular shape, covered in a cloth. His family, wife RACHEL MARTIN and children CASSANDRA and LITTLE MISS watch with anticipation.



Well, who’s ready for the surprise?

The family shouts in unison.


(Together, excited)

We are!

Richard slowly pulls the cloth, revealing ANDREW, a gleaming, humanoid robot.



Everyone, meet Andrew, our new family member.

Cassandra looks Andrew over.



Dad, this doesn’t look like my toy robotic dog.

Richard laughs heartily.



No, Sweetheart. This is much more.

Andrew comes to life; his eyes light up. He stands and offers a gentle bow to the family.


(In a soft, robotic tone)

Hello. I am Andrew. Your NDR-114 robot.



He’s more like a butler than a robot!

The family laughs. The room fills with an unfamiliar blend of amusement and trepidation.



Scene 2


A room filled with old family portraits, worn-out furniture, and the sounds of children laughing. RICHARD MARTIN (45, stern yet tender) sits on the couch, intrigued by ANDREW (NDR-114 robot), who is dusting nearby.

Suddenly, Andrew stops working. He looks at a family portrait.


Why do humans smile in these?

Richard, taken aback, looks at Andrew curiously.


Well, Andrew… It shows happiness.

Andrew, in his robotic nuance, tries to mimic a smile, causing a small chuckle from Richard.

Suddenly, SARAH MARTIN (8, curious and bubbly) walks in, holding a sketchbook.


Look Papa, I drew you!

Richard looks at the drawing, a crude yet adorable sketch. He smiles. Andrew observes this.


Sir, may I attempt to draw?

Sarah hands Andrew her sketchbook. Everyone watches in anticipation as Andrew begins to draw. After a few moments, he hands back the sketch – an almost lifelike image of Richard.

Everyone in the room gasps.



Scene 3


Richard Martin, late 40s, sits with his kids, Linda (13) and Eric (8), on the couch. They all stare at Andrew, the NDR-114 robot, standing in the middle of the room.


(looking confused)

How is this possible? A robot with human-like emotions…



Does that mean Andrew can play with us, Dad?



Well… I suppose so.

Linda looks at Andrew, intrigued, yet somewhat scared.


(whispering to Richard)

Dad, what if he becomes dangerous?



Andrew is here to help us, not harm us. He’s…he’s not like other robots.

Suddenly, the door opens and MARGARET MARTIN, Richard’s wife, enters. She looks bewildered as she witnesses the family’s interaction with Andrew.



Richard, what is going on here?



Welcome to the future, darling.



The Martins sit together for dinner. The air in the room is a mix of excitement, fear, and curiosity. Andrew stands at the corner, observing.



This scene depicts the reaction of the Martin family upon discovering Andrew’s unique abilities, setting the stage for the drama and comedy that is to ensue.

Scene 4


Richard Martin, mid-40s, sits with his cup of coffee, watching Andrew, the robot, as he goes about his chores. He’s intrigued.


(softly, to himself)

There’s something different about him…

Suddenly, LITTLE AMANDA MARTIN, 7, rushes into the room, her hair in disarray, still in her nightie. She looks at Andrew and giggles.


(to Richard)

Daddy, I made Andrew laugh!

Richard raises an eyebrow at this claim.


Oh really? And how did you do that?

Amanda runs to Andrew and tells him a child’s joke. Her laughter fills the room, and to Richard’s amazement, a distinct chuckle comes from Andrew. Richard is speechless.

Later that evening:


At dinner, the whole family discusses Andrew. Each member recounts their interactions. LAURA MARTIN, Richard’s wife, talks about Andrew’s help in the kitchen, JAMES MARTIN, the eldest son, notes Andrew’s curiosity about his schoolwork. The room is filled with surprise, intrigue, and a touch of humor as they puzzle over their extraordinary robot.



What if…what if he isn’t just an appliance?

The room falls silent. Everyone looks at Richard, then at Andrew. This is the beginning of a revelation, the start of an incredible journey.

As we see the family laughing and enjoying each other’s company, Andrew watches. A soft, almost imperceptible smile crosses his mechanical face. The journey of understanding Andrew truly begins.


Scene 5


Richard Martin (early 50s, serious) sits hunched over the breakfast table, newspaper in hand. His daughter, LUCY MARTIN (10, curious), strolls into the room, Andrew (robot, metallic, tall) trailing behind her.


(looking up from paper)

So, planning to take Andrew out today?


(nods excitedly)

Yes! He needs to see the world, doesn’t he?

Richard smiles, patting Lucy’s head gently. The scene transitions to Andrew and Lucy heading out for the day.


Lucy and Andrew sit at a park bench. Passersby look puzzled, some amused, others concerned. Lucy is unfazed. A MIME ARTIST (40, amusing) silently interacts with Andrew, who curiously observes him.


(observing mime)

Why is he not speaking?



That’s a mime, Andrew. He’s imitating being in a box.

Andrew processes this, mimicking the mime’s motions, causing a crowd to burst into laughter.


Lucy buys ice cream, offers one to Andrew. He looks at it, unsure.



Try it, Andrew!

Andrew takes a bite, shock registering on his metallic face. He can taste. The crowd at the park, still watching, reacts with surprise and intrigue.


As they return to the park bench, a WOMAN (young, furious) confronts Lucy.



How dare you make a mockery of us with a machine!

The crowd grows silent as Lucy, unfazed, defends Andrew.



He’s not a machine, he’s Andrew!

Scene ends with a stunned crowd and a proud Lucy, as they walk away, leaving a powerful afterthought.


Author: AI