Good Bye, Lenin!

How far would you go to protect the ones you love?

Watch the original version of Good Bye, Lenin!


Alex Kerner’s world was turned upside down when the Berlin Wall fell. His mother, an avid communist supporter, had fallen into a coma just days before the historic event took place. Alex had always been his mother’s caregiver, but this new reality was something he never could have prepared for. As he sits by her bedside day after day, he realizes he must protect her from the truth about the fall of the Berlin Wall at all costs, no matter how difficult or deceptive it may seem. This is the story of a son’s love and devotion to his mother and the lengths he will go to protect her from the harsh reality of the outside world.

Chapter 1: The Fall of the Wall

It was the fall of 1989, and the Berlin Wall was coming down. The city was alive with excitement and celebration, as people poured into the streets to witness history unfolding before their eyes. But for Alex Kerner, there was no time for celebration. His mother lay in a coma, her body frail and weak, as he watched over her day and night.

Alex’s mother had always been a devout communist, and she had instilled those beliefs in her son from a young age. But when the wall came down, Alex knew he had to keep the truth from her. He couldn’t bear the thought of her waking up to find out that everything she had believed in was gone.

As Alex sat by his mother’s bedside, he heard the sounds of celebration from outside. He knew that the world was changing, but he couldn’t let it penetrate the walls of his mother’s hospital room. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to drown out the noise and focus on his task at hand.

But as the days passed, Alex realized that keeping the truth from his mother would be much more difficult than he had anticipated. He would have to create an entirely new reality around her, one that would shield her from the harsh truth about the fall of the Wall.

Alex knew he couldn’t do it alone. He enlisted the help of his sister, Ariane, who was skeptical about the plan at first but eventually agreed to help. Together, they set out to create a world that their mother would believe in, a world where the Berlin Wall still stood and communism still reigned supreme.

They spent hours planning and strategizing, coming up with elaborate lies to keep their mother in the dark. Alex couldn’t believe how much he was changing, how much he was willing to deceive his own mother. But he knew that it was the only way to keep her safe.

As the days turned into weeks, Alex and Ariane watched over their mother, watching for any signs that she might be waking up. They knew that the longer she remained in a coma, the more difficult it would be to keep up the deception.

Then, one day, it happened. Alex’s mother began to stir, her eyes opening for the first time in weeks. Alex’s heart raced as he watched her, wondering if she was aware of the world around her. But as she looked around the room, her eyes filled with confusion and fear, Alex knew that he had to act quickly to protect her from the truth.

“Mother,” he said, taking her hand in his. “You’ve been in a coma for a while. Things have changed, but we’re here to take care of you. You don’t need to worry about anything.”

His mother looked at him, her eyes filled with confusion and fear. Alex realized in that moment just how difficult his task would be. He was going to have to deceive his own mother, to keep her from the truth about the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was a heavy burden to bear, but he knew that he had no choice. He had to protect her, no matter what the cost.

Chapter 2: A Difficult Decision

Alex sat in the hospital waiting room, his mind swirling with thoughts and emotions. He had just been told by the doctor that his mother, a lifelong communist supporter, had fallen into a coma just as the Berlin Wall had fallen.

The news was a shock to Alex, who had grown up in a household where communism was revered and any criticism of the system was met with disdain. His mother had always been a staunch believer in the communist cause, and had instilled those beliefs in her children.

But now, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, Alex found himself at a crossroads. He knew that if his mother were to wake up and discover what had happened, it could be a major shock to her system, one that could even lead to another heart attack.

Alex knew that he had to make a difficult decision. He could either tell his mother the truth and risk her health, or he could create a false reality around her and shield her from the truth.

As he sat in the hospital waiting room, Alex weighed his options carefully. He knew that taking care of his mother while keeping up the deception would be a monumental task, but he also knew that it was the best course of action for her health.

Finally, after much deliberation, Alex made his decision. He would bring his mother home from the hospital and take care of her himself. He would create a false reality around her, one in which communism still reigned supreme and the fall of the Berlin Wall had never happened.

Alex knew that this would be a difficult and complicated task. He would have to work hard to keep up the deception, to make sure that his mother never discovered the truth. He would have to rely on the help of his sister, Ariane, to keep the charade going.

But despite the challenges, Alex was committed to his plan. He knew that it was the only way to keep his mother’s health intact, and to preserve her beliefs and worldview.

As he sat in the hospital waiting room, Alex felt a sense of purpose wash over him. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was ready for the challenge. He would do whatever it took to keep his mother from discovering the truth about the fall of the Berlin Wall, even if it meant lying to her every day for the rest of her life.

With a sense of determination, Alex gathered his things and headed to his mother’s hospital room. It was time to bring her home and begin the difficult journey ahead.

Chapter 3: The Challenge Begins

Alex knew that he had a daunting task ahead of him. The challenge of keeping his mother in the dark about the fall of the Berlin Wall would be no easy feat. He had decided to bring her home from the hospital and take care of her himself, in order to keep her safe from any potential shocks that could potentially lead to another heart attack. Alex was determined to keep his mother’s political views intact and avoid having her learn of the changes that were taking place in Germany after the Wall fell.

As he helped his mother into the car, Alex couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt. He knew that he was deceiving her and keeping her in the dark about the events that had taken place. It was a necessary evil, he told himself. He had to do what was best for his mother’s health and well-being.

As they drove home, Alex’s mother remained in a semi-conscious state, still groggy from the anesthesia. Alex couldn’t help but feel sad as he looked at his mother’s peaceful face. She had aged considerably over the years, and Alex knew that she would not be able to keep up with the changes that had taken place in the world around her. He resolved to do his best to keep her safe and happy in her own little world.

As they arrived at their apartment, Alex helped his mother to her bed and tucked her in. He dimmed the lights so that she could rest comfortably, then began the task of creating a false reality around her. He gathered all of her communist memorabilia and put it on display around the room, making sure that her favorite picture of Lenin was prominently featured. He even went as far as to fabricate news clippings that showed the continued strength of communism in the world.

Alex knew that he was walking a fine line. He had to create a convincing enough charade to fool his mother, but not so elaborate that it would raise any suspicions. He spent hours perfecting the details, making sure that everything was just right. He even hired actors to come in and play the parts of his mother’s communist friends, just to lend a sense of authenticity to the whole thing.

Days turned into weeks, and Alex’s mother remained blissfully unaware of the world outside. She spent her days reading party literature and watching propaganda films, completely oblivious to the fact that the world around her was changing rapidly. Alex watched her closely, making sure that she did not see anything that would shatter her illusions about the continued strength of communism.

Even though he knew that what he was doing was wrong, Alex could not help but feel a sense of satisfaction. His mother was happy and content, and that was all that mattered. He knew that there would come a time when he would have to face the consequences of his actions, but for now, he revelled in the thought that he had made his mother’s life a little brighter.

As the days went by, Alex became more and more embroiled in the elaborate ruse. He spent all his time maintaining the illusion, constantly worrying that it would all fall apart. His sister Lara helped him out, coming in every now and then to lend a hand. Together, they worked tirelessly to keep their mother’s world intact.

One day, as Alex was sitting with his mother, she suddenly looked up at him with a knowing smile. “Alex,” she said, “I know that things are changing outside. I can sense it in the air. But I trust you to keep me safe and happy here. You have always been my rock, and I trust you to do what is best for me.”

Alex felt a lump form in his throat as he looked at his mother’s trusting face. He knew that he was betraying her trust, but he also knew that he had to do what was best for her. He resolved to redouble his efforts, to make sure that his mother remained happy and content in her own little world.

As he left the room, Alex could not help but feel a sense of dread. He knew that his mother was smarter than he had given her credit for, and that she would eventually figure out the truth. But for now, he would continue to do what he had been doing, hoping against hope that his mother would never have to face the harsh realities of the world outside.

Chapter 4: The Growing Deception

As the days went by, Alex’s deception grew more elaborate. He had enlisted the help of his sister Ariane, and together they worked to create a false reality around their mother, ensuring that she remained in the dark about the fall of the Berlin Wall.

It was a difficult task, but one that Alex was determined to see through. He knew that any slip-up could be catastrophic, and so he was constantly vigilant, always on the lookout for any potential mishap.

Ariane was a great help, providing a second pair of eyes and ears, and together they managed to keep their mother fooled for days. They created fake news broadcasts, fabricated letters from friends and family, and even staged a fake protest outside their apartment to keep up the appearance that East Germany was still under communist rule.

But as the days went on, the deception became more and more tiring. Alex and Ariane were constantly on edge, afraid that their mother would discover the truth at any moment. They had to be careful with everything they said and did, and the stress was starting to take its toll.

One day, Alex came home to find that his mother had woken up from her coma. He rushed to her side, relieved to see her eyes fluttering open. But as he looked into them, he saw a glint of recognition, a hint that she might be starting to remember what had happened.

He quickly ushered his sister out of the room and sat down next to his mother, taking her hand in his. “Mom, are you okay?” he asked, trying to keep the worry out of his voice.

His mother blinked slowly, still groggy from the coma. “Alex? Is that you?”

“Yes, mom, it’s me. You’ve been in a coma for a while. Do you remember what happened?”

His mother’s brow furrowed, and Alex could see the confusion in her eyes. “I… I don’t remember. What happened?”

Alex hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. He couldn’t tell his mother the truth, not yet. “There was some trouble in East Germany, mom. But everything is okay now. You’re safe.”

His mother nodded slowly, not fully understanding. “Okay, Alex. Whatever you say.”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. For now, at least, the deception had continued to work. But he knew that it couldn’t go on forever. They would have to keep up the elaborate ruse until they came up with a more permanent solution.

Days turned into weeks, and Alex and Ariane continued to keep up the charade. They had become experts at fabricating news stories and letters, and their mother remained blissfully unaware of the truth.

But the stress was starting to take its toll. Alex was constantly on edge, afraid that his mother would discover the truth at any moment. He had trouble sleeping, and his work began to suffer as a result.

One night, as he lay in bed, Alex realized that he couldn’t keep up the deception forever. He needed to come up with a better plan, a way to tell his mother the truth without causing her undue stress.

He sat up in bed, his mind racing. There had to be a way to gently ease his mother back into the real world, to help her understand that the Berlin Wall had fallen without shocking her too much.

And then it hit him. He would create a fake documentary, one that would explain the events of the fall of the Berlin Wall in a way that his mother could understand. He could carefully craft the narrative, ensuring that it was both informative and gentle, and then show it to his mother when she was feeling more stable.

Excited by the idea, Alex jumped out of bed and began working on the documentary immediately. He spent hours researching the events leading up to the fall of the Berlin Wall, carefully selecting footage and images that would help tell the story.

Days turned into weeks, and Alex worked tirelessly on the documentary. He poured all of his creative energy into the project, determined to make it as perfect as possible.

Finally, the day arrived when he felt it was ready. He sat down with his mother and Ariane, nervously hitting the play button on his laptop.

The documentary began, detailing the events of the fall of the Berlin Wall in a clear and informative way. Alex watched his mother’s face carefully, looking for any signs of stress or shock.

But to his surprise, his mother seemed to be taking it all in stride. She watched the documentary with interest, occasionally nodding along as Alex explained the different events.

And when it was over, she turned to him with a smile. “Thank you, Alex. That was very informative.”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. The deception had come to an end, and his mother was finally aware of what had happened. And while it wasn’t easy, he knew that it was the right thing to do.

From that day on, Alex and his family were able to move forward, overcoming the difficulties caused by the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent deception. It had been a challenging journey, but in the end, they had all emerged stronger for it.

Chapter 5: The Push and Pull of Truth

As Alex’s mother began to slowly awaken from her coma, she became more and more aware of the world around her. Alex knew that he had to be careful, as any misstep could lead to disastrous consequences. He had to continue to create a false reality around her, hiding the truth about the fall of the Berlin Wall to avoid shocking her and causing another heart attack.

Everyday, Alex would play an elaborate charade, pretending that the world was still the same as it was before her coma. He would play old news broadcasts on TV, where they talked about the communist regime and the Wall. When Alex’s mother asked about the news, Alex would quickly change the channel, pretending that the news was just boring.

Alex’s sister, Ariane, was helping him in the deception. Ariane was a theater actor and she was able to create whole new worlds with just her words. Alex knew that he was lucky to have Ariane as a sister, as he could not have done it without her.

One day, as Alex’s mother was watching the TV, she saw a newscaster announcing the fall of the Berlin Wall. Alex quickly turned off the TV and tried to change the subject, but his mother asked him about it. She was confused and wanted to know what had happened.

Alex tried to cover up the truth, telling his mother that there was some confusion in the news and that the Wall was still standing. His mother was not convinced and demanded that he tell her the truth. Alex realized that he had to think on his feet and come up with an elaborate story to keep her from knowing the truth.

He told her that there was a rumor that the Wall had fallen, but it was just an elaborate hoax perpetuated by the West to try and sow dissent in the East. His mother believed the story, but Alex knew that he had to be even more careful.

Over the next few days, Alex’s mother became increasingly curious about the world around her. She started asking questions about the news and the people she used to know. Alex had to be careful, as he knew that his mother was smart and could easily see through his lies.

Alex’s sister, Ariane, suggested that they create a whole new world for their mother. They started by recreating the East Germany that their mother knew before her coma. They created a fake newspaper, and filled it with stories about the communist government and the military. They even hired actors to play roles in their mother’s new world, pretending to be neighbors and friends.

As the days went by, Alex’s mother became more and more involved in their created world. She would read the fake newspaper every morning and would talk to the actors as if they were her old friends. It was a difficult charade to keep up, but Alex knew that it was worth it to keep his mother from knowing the truth.

As the weeks turned into months, Alex’s mother became more comfortable in her new world. She started to believe that everything was the same as it was before her coma, and that the Berlin Wall was still standing. Alex knew that the deception was complete.

However, Alex knew that he was living on borrowed time. He knew that the truth would eventually come out, and he didn’t know how his mother would react. He was scared of what might happen if she found out, but he knew that he had to keep up the deception for as long as he could.

The push and pull of truth was taking its toll on Alex. He was constantly on edge, afraid that his mother would find out the truth. He was constantly lying and covering up the truth, and it was weighing on him. He knew that he couldn’t keep up the charade forever, but he didn’t know what to do.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Alex became more and more isolated. He didn’t tell anyone about the deception, and he felt alone in his struggle. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep up the charade, but he knew that he had to keep trying for his mother’s sake.

The push and pull of truth was taking its toll on everyone involved. Alex’s mother was happy in her new world, but she didn’t know the truth. Alex was living a lie, constantly hiding the truth from his mother. Ariane was helping in the deception, but she knew that it couldn’t last forever.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into months, Alex knew that the charade was coming to an end. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep up the deception, but he knew that he had to be prepared for the consequences.

Chapter 6: The Struggle to Keep Up Appearances

Alex was beginning to feel like his entire life was one big lie. His mother’s daily routine had become a carefully orchestrated dance of deception, with Alex and his sister carefully maneuvering around each other to ensure that their mother remained in the dark about the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Every morning, Alex would wake up early to prepare his mother’s breakfast. He would carefully arrange the food on her plate, making sure to include all of her favorite things. Then, he would carry the tray up to her bedroom, where she still lay in a coma-like state.

“Good morning, Mama,” he would say, smiling brightly. “I have your breakfast for you.”

He would then sit with her and chat about the weather, the news, and anything else he could think of, all the while carefully avoiding any mention of the Berlin Wall or the events that had led up to its fall.

It was a delicate balancing act, and Alex was finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the façade. His mother’s growing awareness of the world around her only added to the tension, making him more nervous than ever.

One day, as they sat together in her room, his mother suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.

“Alex,” she said, her voice weak but determined. “I know something is going on. I can feel it. Please, tell me the truth. What happened while I was asleep?”

Alex’s heart rate skyrocketed, and he could feel the sweat breaking out on his forehead. He had been dreading this moment, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before his mother began to piece together the truth.

“I don’t know what you mean, Mama,” he said, trying to sound as calm as possible. “Nothing has happened. You’ve just been asleep for a while.”

But his mother was not so easily deterred. She continued to stare at him with an intensity that made him uncomfortable.

“I’m not stupid, Alex,” she said finally. “I can see the way you and your sister are always whispering to each other, and the way you avoid certain topics. I know something has happened, and I want you to tell me what it is.”

Alex took a deep breath and tried to compose himself. He knew that he couldn’t keep the lie going forever, but he also knew that telling his mother the truth could be dangerous.

“Mama,” he said finally. “There’s no easy way to say this, but…the world has changed while you were asleep. The Berlin Wall…it’s no longer there.”

His mother’s eyes widened, and for a moment, Alex thought she was going to have another heart attack. But then, to his surprise, she simply nodded.

“I see,” she said softly. “And I suppose you and your sister have been trying to shield me from the truth. That was very kind of you, but…I’m not a child, Alex. I can handle the truth, no matter how difficult it may be.”

Alex felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had been agonizing over how to tell his mother the truth, but it seemed that she had already figured it out on her own.

For the next few days, Alex’s mother asked him all sorts of questions about the fall of the Berlin Wall. She wanted to know who had torn it down, and why. She wanted to know how the people of Germany were coping with the changes. She even asked Alex to bring her a newspaper so she could read about the events for herself.

As Alex watched her become more and more interested in the world around her, he began to feel a sense of pride. He had managed to keep up the deception for so long, but ultimately, his mother’s intelligence and intuition had led her to the truth.

Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt that haunted him. He knew that he had caused his mother unnecessary pain by keeping the truth from her, and he knew that he would have to make it up to her somehow.

But for now, he was content to sit with her and answer her questions, grateful that she was still alive and that he had been given a second chance to make things right.

Chapter 7: The Unexpected Twist

Alex couldn’t believe what was happening. Everything he had worked so hard to keep hidden was suddenly in danger of being exposed. His mother’s curiosity had finally led her to ask the one question he had been dreading.

“Alex, why are there no more Red flags in the streets?” she asked, her eyes fixed on him.

Alex’s heart sank. He knew that he couldn’t keep up the charade much longer. He had been trying to keep his mother in the dark about the fall of the Berlin Wall and the changing political climate, but it seemed that she was beginning to piece things together.

He took a deep breath and tried to compose himself. “Mother, you have been in a coma for a long time. A lot has changed in the world since then,” he said, trying to sound calm and reassuring.

His mother looked at him skeptically. “What do you mean, Alex? I may have been asleep, but I’m not stupid. I know that something big has happened. You can tell me the truth.”

Alex struggled to find the right words. He knew that his mother’s health was fragile, and he didn’t want to do anything that might put her in danger. But at the same time, he couldn’t keep up the façade forever.

“Mother, please trust me. Everything is fine. You don’t need to worry about anything,” he said, hoping that his mother would drop the subject.

But she didn’t. Instead, she became more insistent. “I want to know what’s going on, Alex. I am your mother, and you can’t keep things from me forever.”

Alex felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. He was trapped, and he knew it. He had no idea how to answer his mother’s questions without revealing the truth.

Suddenly, he had an idea. He remembered a conversation he had with his friend, Denis, who had suggested that they create fake newscasts to keep his mother informed about the outside world. Maybe this was the solution he needed.

He cleared his throat and tried to sound confident. “Mother, I know that you are curious about what’s going on in the world. So, I have decided to create a news program just for you. It will have all the latest news and updates about what’s happening in the world, but it will be tailored just for you. What do you think?”

His mother looked skeptical, but Alex could tell that she was intrigued. “A news program just for me? That sounds interesting. But how will you create it?”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. He had bought himself some time. “I have some friends who work in television. They will help me create the program. It will be like a personal newscast just for you.”

His mother seemed to buy his story, and Alex felt a wave of relief wash over him. He knew that he had just dodged a major bullet. But he also knew that he couldn’t keep up the façade forever. Sooner or later, his mother would find out the truth, and he would have to face the consequences.

As he left his mother’s room, Alex couldn’t shake the feeling that things were about to get much more complicated. He had no idea what the future held, but he knew that he was in for a bumpy ride.

The next few days were a blur of activity as Alex scrambled to create the fake news program. He enlisted the help of Denis and his sister. They scoured the newspapers for news stories that they could manipulate to fit his mother’s worldview.

Finally, after much hard work, the news program was ready. Alex’s mother watched it eagerly, and he could tell that she was pleased with the results. But he also knew that it was only a matter of time before she started asking more questions.

The unexpected twist came on the fifth day of the news program. Alex’s mother suddenly turned to him with a smile on her face. “Alex, I have something to tell you. I had the most wonderful dream last night. In my dream, I saw a world where there was no more communism or capitalism. A world where everyone was equal and free. It was a beautiful dream, Alex. Do you think it could ever come true?”

Alex felt his heart sink. He knew that his mother’s dream was impossible. The world was a complicated place, and there were no easy answers. He didn’t know how to answer his mother’s question without breaking her heart.

But before he could say anything, his sister burst into the room with some exciting news. “Alex, you won’t believe this. We just heard that the government has agreed to bring back the Red flags. They are going to replace all the old flags with new ones to show their support for the communist party.”

Alex’s mother’s face lit up with joy. “That’s wonderful news. It’s a sign that our dreams are coming true. Don’t you think, Alex?”

Alex felt a wave of relief wash over him. He knew that the news was fake, but it had bought him some more time. He nodded in agreement, hoping that his mother would drop the subject.

But as he left the room, he couldn’t shake the feeling that things were spiraling out of control. The unexpected twist had thrown a wrench into his carefully constructed reality, and he didn’t know how much longer he could keep the charade going.

As he lay in bed that night, Alex couldn’t help but wonder what the future held. He knew that the truth would eventually come out, but he didn’t know what the fallout would be. All he knew was that he was in deep trouble, and there was no easy way out.

Chapter 8: The Tension Mounts

Alex sat in his mother’s bedroom, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. He had been living a lie for months, trying to keep his mother in the dark about the fall of the Berlin Wall. But the tension was mounting, and he knew that he couldn’t keep up the charade forever.

As he listened to his mother’s labored breathing, he felt a pang of guilt. She had been a devoted communist, and the news about the fall of the Wall would undoubtedly shock her. But at the same time, Alex knew that he couldn’t keep the truth from her forever. Sooner or later, she would find out, and he would have to deal with the fallout.

He took a deep breath and reached for the phone. He dialed his sister’s number and waited anxiously for her to pick up.

“Hey, Alex,” she said when she finally answered. “What’s up?”

“I need to talk to you,” he said, his voice shaking slightly.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her tone serious.

“It’s about Mom,” he said. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep up the charade. The tension is mounting, and I feel like I’m about to crack.”

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and Alex could hear his sister’s breathing as she thought about what he had said.

“I understand how you feel,” she said finally. “But you need to remember why we’re doing this. We’re doing it for Mom. We don’t want to shock her and cause her any more heart problems.”

“I know that,” Alex said, his frustration mounting. “But it’s getting harder and harder to keep up the act. Every day, I feel like I’m lying to her more and more.”

“I get it,” his sister said. “But we can’t let our emotions get in the way of what’s best for Mom. We need to stay strong and keep up the charade until she’s strong enough to handle the truth.”

Alex sighed and nodded, even though he knew that his sister couldn’t see him. He knew that she was right, but it didn’t make the situation any easier.

“I know you’re right,” he said finally. “I just don’t know how much longer I can do this. It’s like I’m living in a constant state of fear that she’ll find out the truth.”

“I know,” his sister said sympathetically. “But we’ll get through this together. Just hang in there a little while longer, okay?”

Alex hung up the phone and leaned back against the wall, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. He knew that his sister was right, but it didn’t make the situation any easier. Every day, he felt like he was living a lie, and the tension was wearing him down.

As he sat there in his mother’s bedroom, his mind racing, he knew that he had a difficult decision to make. He could either continue to keep up the charade, pretending that the world was still the same as it had been before the fall of the Wall, or he could come clean with his mother and deal with the consequences.

He knew that the latter option would be the most difficult, but he also knew that it was the right thing to do. He couldn’t keep living a lie forever, and he couldn’t bear to see his mother living in a world that no longer existed.

But as he thought about the fallout from telling his mother the truth, he felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. He had no idea how she would react, and he knew that it could be devastating for her.

As the tension mounted, Alex realized that he could no longer keep up the charade indefinitely. He needed to make a decision, and he needed to do it soon. The future of his family hung in the balance, and he knew that his choice could have far-reaching consequences.

With a heavy heart, Alex made his decision. He would tell his mother the truth, no matter how difficult it might be. He knew that it was the right thing to do, and he was ready to face the consequences, whatever they might be.

Chapter 9: The Final Showdown

Alex sat at his kitchen table, staring at his hands. He had been up all night, unable to sleep as he tried to come to terms with the decision he had to make. On one hand, he knew that he couldn’t keep up the deception forever. His mother was becoming more aware of the world around her and it was only a matter of time before she discovered the truth. On the other hand, he didn’t know how to break the news to her without causing a serious setback in her health.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. It was a lose-lose situation and he didn’t know what to do. He looked up as his sister, Ariane, walked into the room.

“Hey,” she said, pulling out a chair and sitting down across from him. “You look like you haven’t slept all night.”

“I haven’t,” he replied, running his fingers through his hair.

Ariane leaned forward. “What’s going on? Did something happen?”

Alex shook his head. “No, nothing happened. I just…I don’t know what to do. I can’t keep this up forever, but I don’t know how to tell Mom the truth.”

Ariane frowned. “It’s going to be hard, no doubt about it. But it’s better to tell her now than to keep the lie going any longer.”

Alex nodded slowly. “I know. I just…I don’t want to hurt her.”

“I know,” Ariane said gently. “But sometimes we have to make tough choices in order to do what’s right.”

Alex sighed heavily. “I guess you’re right.”

Ariane stood up. “Come on,” she said, holding out her hand. “Let’s go talk to Mom. We’ll do it together.”

Alex hesitated for a moment before standing up and taking his sister’s hand. Together, they made their way to their mother’s bedroom. They found her sitting up in bed, looking out the window.

“Hey, Mom,” Alex said softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m…I’m okay,” his mother said, turning to look at him. “What’s going on?”

Alex took a deep breath. “Mom, there’s something I need to tell you.”

His mother’s eyes widened. “What is it?”

Alex hesitated for a moment before plunging ahead. “The Berlin Wall fell while you were in a coma. It’s been almost a year since it happened.”

There was a moment of stunned silence as his mother processed the information. Then, she began to shake her head.

“No,” she said firmly. “That’s not true. The Wall is still standing. I remember it clearly.”

“Mom, I’m sorry,” Alex said, reaching out to take her hand. “But it’s true. The Wall came down. Germany was reunited.”

His mother’s face crumpled and she began to cry. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she asked between sobs.

“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Alex said, his own voice breaking. “I didn’t know how to tell you without causing another heart attack.”

His mother sniffled and wiped her eyes. “I understand. But…I wish you had told me sooner.”

“I’m sorry,” Alex said again.

There was a long moment of silence before his mother spoke again. “What happens now?”

Alex and Ariane exchanged a glance before Alex spoke up. “Now we move forward, together. We’ll help you through this and we’ll make sure you’re okay.”

His mother nodded slowly. “Okay,” she said softly. “Thank you for telling me.”

Alex and Ariane both hugged their mother tightly. It wasn’t going to be easy, but they knew they would get through it together. The truth was out, and now it was time to move forward.

Chapter 10: The Aftermath

Alex stood there, staring at his mother as she took in the truth about the Berlin Wall. He had finally decided to come clean with her, to tell her everything about what had happened while she was in a coma. As he watched her process the information, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him.

His mother looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, her voice shaking.

Alex took a deep breath. “I was afraid it would be too much for you to handle,” he replied. “I didn’t want you to have another heart attack.”

His mother nodded slowly, still processing the information. After a few moments, she looked up at Alex again. “I understand why you did what you did,” she said. “But I wish you had told me the truth.”

Alex felt a twinge of guilt in his chest. He knew he had been wrong to keep the truth from his mother for so long. “I’m sorry, Mom,” he said. “I should have told you sooner.”

His mother smiled weakly. “It’s okay,” she said. “I forgive you.”

Alex felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He had been carrying this secret around for so long, and now that it was out in the open, he felt like a new man.

But the aftermath of his decision was not just limited to his mother. As he looked around the room, he saw the pain and confusion in the faces of his family members. His sister, who had helped him construct the false reality around their mother, looked as though she had been punched in the gut. His father, who had always been a staunch anti-communist, looked like he was about to pass out.

Alex knew that his decision had consequences, and he would have to face them head-on. But he also knew that he had done the right thing. He had protected his mother from the truth in the only way he knew how, and he had kept her alive.

As the days went by, Alex’s family slowly began to come to terms with the truth. They realized that Alex had been acting out of love, and that he had only wanted to protect their mother. While they would never forget the deception that had taken place, they understood why it had happened.

Alex’s mother, however, struggled to come to terms with the truth. She had been a devout communist for most of her life, and the fall of the Berlin Wall was a devastating blow to her beliefs. As she processed the information, Alex was there to support her, to help her through the difficult transition.

In the end, Alex’s decision to come clean with his mother had been the right one. It had been a difficult and painful journey, but it had ultimately brought his family closer together. They had weathered the storm and come out stronger on the other side.

As Alex looked around at his family gathered together in the living room, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. The future was uncertain, and there would no doubt be more challenges to come. But for now, he knew that they would face them together.

The end.

Some scenes from the movie Good Bye, Lenin! written by A.I.

Scene 1

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Logline: When the Berlin Wall falls, Alex must keep his communist mother in a coma from learning the truth, leading him to create an elaborate ruse that becomes increasingly difficult to maintain.


Alex Kerner – A young man who loves his mother more than anything and will do whatever it takes to protect her.

Christian Kerner – Alex’s father, who left the family when Alex was young.

Ariane Kerner – Alex’s sister, who is skeptical of the ruse and worries about the consequences.

Mrs. Kerner – Alex’s mother, a staunch communist who falls into a coma just before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Setting: Berlin, Germany in 1989.

Scene 1:


Alex sits by his mother’s bedside, holding her hand. A heart monitor beeps in the background.


You’re going to be okay, Mom. I promise.

A doctor enters the room, followed by Christian and Ariane.


I’m sorry, Mr. Kerner, but your wife’s condition has not improved. We’ve done all we can for her. It’s up to her now.


Is there anything I can do? Anything at all?


Just keep talking to her. Sometimes, that can help stimulate the brain and encourage the patient to wake up.


I’ll do anything to make her better.


We all will, Alex.



I don’t know, Alex. Maybe it’s time to face the truth. Mom needs to know what’s happened in the world while she’s been asleep.


(shaking his head)

No. I can’t risk her health like that. She’s always been a true communist. If she wakes up and finds out that the wall has fallen, it could be too much for her to take.



But how long can we keep up this charade? It’s been months. We’re running out of time.


(to Alex)

I agree with Ariane. We need to tell her the truth.



I can’t. I won’t. We’ll just have to keep up the ruse for as long as it takes.

The camera zooms in on Alex’s face as he looks down at his sleeping mother, determination etched on his features.


Scene 2


ALEX KERNER (30s) paces back and forth outside the hospital, his eyes red and puffy. His sister, ARIANE (late 20s), approaches him from behind.


Alex, have you spoken to the doctor?


(barely holding back tears)

Yes. They say she’s stable, but they don’t know when she’ll wake up.



I can’t believe this is happening.

Alex takes a deep breath and pulls out a piece of paper.



I’ve made a list of things we need to do when she wakes up. We’ll have to bring her home and take care of her ourselves.



I know. I’ll help you any way I can.


(voice breaking)

Thanks, Ariane. I don’t know what I’d do without you.



We’re family. We stick together.

They share a hug as the camera pans out to show the bustling city behind them.


Scene 3

Logline: A son must keep up an elaborate ruse to keep his mother from discovering the fall of the Berlin Wall as she lies in a coma.

Character’s Description:

Alex Kerner – A hardworking and devoted son who will do anything to protect his mother’s fragile state of mind.

Christiane Kerner – Alex’s mother, an avid communist supporter who falls into a coma right as the Berlin Wall falls.

Setting: The Kerner Family Apartment

Scene 3:


Alex stands in the living room, his eyes darting back and forth as he formulates a plan in his head. He looks at the walls, at the pictures hanging there, and to the furniture. He then looks to his mother’s unconscious form, lying peacefully in her bed.


(to himself)

I need to create a new world for her, one where the Wall still stands, and everything is the way it used to be.

He walks slowly around the room, taking in every detail. He spots a picture of his mother and father standing in front of the Brandenburg Gate.



That’s it. That’s the key.

He rushes over to the picture and examines it closely.


(to himself)

I can use this to create a fake news report. One that shows that the Wall is still standing and the world outside is just as it was before she fell into a coma.

He takes a deep breath and heads over to his computer, ready to start his elaborate hoax.


Scene 4


Alex is frantically running around the apartment, trying to clean up the mess from last night’s hastily thrown together dinner party. His mother, in her coma-induced state, is sleeping soundly in the living room.

Alex’s sister, Ariane, walks in and sees the chaos.


What’s going on here? Why are you cleaning like a madman?


We had people over last night, remember? And I need to keep this place spotless so Mom doesn’t suspect a thing.



Relax, Alex. Mom is still in a coma. She’s not going to wake up and start questioning our every move.



I know, but we have to keep up appearances. It’s the only way to keep her from finding out the truth about the Berlin Wall.


(putting her hand on Alex’s shoulder)

I know it’s hard, but we’ll get through this. We’re in this together.

Alex nods, grateful for his sister’s support.

Suddenly, they hear a knock at the door. Alex’s heart sinks as he realizes he forgot to cancel a repair person he had scheduled for that morning.



Oh no. It’s the repair person. You distract him while I hide anything that might give away the truth.

Ariane nods, knowing the drill. She opens the door to reveal a gruff-looking repairman.


I’m here to fix the sink.



Oh, um, yes. Come on in.

As the repairman starts working on the sink, Ariane engages him in conversation, trying to keep his attention away from the living room where their mother lies.

Meanwhile, Alex is frantically hiding anything that might give away the truth about the fall of the Berlin Wall. He stuffs newspapers and magazines into a drawer, and covers up the TV with a blanket.

Just as he’s finishing up, there’s a loud crash from the kitchen.



What was that?

Alex rushes to the kitchen to find the repairman standing in front of the open cupboard.



What the hell is this? Why are there so many newspapers in here?

Alex’s heart sinks as he realizes he’s been caught.

CUT TO: To Be Continued.

Scene 5


Alex nervously paces in front of his apartment building, waiting for his sister to arrive. He takes deep breaths and looks up to the sky, hoping for some guidance.

Suddenly, his sister NADIA pulls up in her car and jumps out.

Nadia: “What’s going on? Why did you sound so urgent on the phone?”

Alex: “Mom’s waking up. She’s starting to ask questions. We need to be careful with what we say.”

Nadia: “Alright, let’s go inside and talk about it.”


Alex and Nadia sit down at the kitchen table and start strategizing.

Alex: “I’ve been preparing her for the changes in the world, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. I don’t want to lie to her, but I don’t want to shock her either.”

Nadia: “I understand. We’ll figure something out. We can’t let her find out about the fall of the Berlin Wall. It could kill her.”

Suddenly, they hear a faint voice coming from the other room. It’s their mother, KATHARINA.

Katharina: “Alex? Nadia? Is that you?”

Alex and Nadia freeze, not knowing what to say.

Katharina: “I can hear you whispering. What’s going on?”

Alex takes a deep breath and slowly walks towards Katharina’s room.

Alex: “Everything’s fine, Mom. We’re just catching up.”

Katharina: “I feel like I’ve been asleep for years. Has anything happened while I was out?”

Alex’s heart sinks. He knows he has to tread carefully.

Alex: “Just some minor things, Mom. Don’t worry about it. We’ll catch you up on everything.”

Katharina: “Okay, I trust you two. You’ve always taken care of me.”

Alex and Nadia exchange worried glances. They know that time is running out and they need to come up with a plan fast.


Author: AI