Field of Dreams

“One man’s field of dreams, an epic journey, bending reality to reconcile with the past, heal the present and secure the future.”

Watch the original version of Field of Dreams


The evening sky over Iowa was ablaze with colors, the sun setting in a fiery spectacle. Beneath this kaleidoscope, an ordinary cornfield rustled in the gentle breeze. In the midst of this mundane tranquility, a whisper echoed through the rows of grand, green corn – a voice soft and ethereal, yet resounding with purpose.

“If you build it, they will come.”

To the untrained ear, the voice would have been indistinguishable from the wind rustling through the tall cornstalks. But Ray Kinsella, the farmer tending to the rolling farmland, froze as the words swept over him. An air of mystic uncertainty hung around him, the command from the otherwise vacant fields of corn leaving him rooted to the spot.

Ray was not particularly adventurous, never inclined to greater aspirations than his cornfield and family. Yet, there was something in that voice – a compelling urgency that stirred within him a curiosity so powerful that he could not ignore it.

His broad, calloused hands left the handle of the plow, touching the silken tassels of the corn, feeling the eerie hum of an invitation to an escapade uncharted. The sunset sky seemed to burn brighter, the winds seemed to blow with a secret, and the voice – the ethereal voice – echoed once more, whispering of an adventure that beckoned to him from his very own cornfield.

Chapter 1: “Voices in the Cornfield”:

“Ray, are you listening?” Annie’s voice cut through the reverie, pulling Ray back to the reality of their modest farmhouse and endless chores.

“Huh? Oh, yeah… Sorry, Annie,” Ray stammered, still entranced by the echo of the mysterious voice.

Annie Kinsella, Ray’s spirited wife, looked at him with a quizzical expression. “Lost in your dreams again, Ray?” she jested, her hazel eyes twinkling. Ray just smiled in response, the strange voice and its even stranger message still at the back of his mind.

That night, as the farmstead settled under a blanket of sparkling stars, Ray lay wide awake. The voice had planted an idea, a possibility that refused to fade. His heart thrummed with the thought of constructing a baseball diamond amid his cornfield, an enterprise as absurd as it was intriguing.

Day after day, the voice would command, “If you build it, they will come,” and Ray, despite the odds, found himself succumbing to its hypnotic assurance. It was a preposterous idea, he admitted to himself. Yet, he could not shake the feeling of this being something bigger than him, something that had chosen him, and would not rest until complete.

His decision came one bright morning, the sun casting long shadows over the corn. To Annie, his words came as a shock. “A baseball diamond, Ray? Are you out of your mind?”

Ray could only smile, his heart already committed to this wild endeavor. “Maybe I am, Annie. But I have to do this.”

So, the cornfield was uprooted, the tall stalks replaced by an immaculate baseball diamond. His neighbors and friends gawked at the sight, their disbelief as conspicuous as the virgin diamond amid the golden fields. Whispers of insanity, impracticality, and ruin wafted in the air, but Ray was undeterred. For the voice had promised – “If you build it, they will come.”

And come they did. As the last of the sun’s rays disappeared over the horizon, figures began to appear from the towering corn. The figures of legendary, deceased ballplayers, heralded by the great Shoeless Joe Jackson himself. Their ghostly semblance was bathed in the moon’s milky glow as they started playing ball on Ray’s diamond.

Laughter, applause, cheers, and a symphony of bat hitting ball seeped into the quiet, rural night. Ray watched, a thrill tickling his veins, his heart pounding with the rhythm of the game. This wasn’t just about baseball anymore; it was about belief, it was about magic.

And as Ray Kinsella looked upon his field of dreams, under the star-studded Iowa sky, the voice whispered once more, its tone triumphant, full of more promises and mysteries to unravel. It was far from over; it had only just begun. The night was young and the game, the magical game in the field of dreams, was in full swing. This was the beginning of Ray’s extraordinary journey – an adventure set amid cornfields and touched by the beauty of magic, a saga that was destined to be extraordinary.

Chapter 2: “Innocence of Dreams”

Inside the quiet farmlands of Iowa, where corn stalks stood tall against the backdrop of a twilight sky, Ray Kinsella, a farmer as ordinary as the rest, dared to do the extraordinary. Despite the suspicious glances and hushed whispers from the townsfolk, he began the transformation of an abundance of cornfields into the contours of a baseball diamond.

The townsfolk had openly scoffed at him. “What’s Kinsella up to? Putting up a baseball field instead of crops?” they would mutter, shaking their heads in disbelief. But the once faint whisper was now a resonating echo in Ray’s mind, “If you build it, they will come.” And, it was this echoing voice that led him to believe in the unimaginable.

Ray worked tirelessly, marking the boundaries, building the bases, erecting the backstop, and creating the pitcher’s mound. Every drop of sweat that fell onto the field seemed to be a testament to his growing faith in the mysterious voice that was guiding his actions. The work was hard, the hours long, but each swing of the hammer and every mound of earth moved brought him closer to the manifestation of his fantastical vision.

At last, the day came when Ray, standing at home plate with blistered hands and an exhausted yet hopeful heart, looked out onto a flawless baseball field amidst his cornfields. As the sun set, the newly installed lights flickered on, bathing the field in a warm, ethereal glow. He couldn’t believe he had actually done it. He’d built them a field. But who were they? And would they really come?

Then, the extraordinary happened. From the dense cornfields, a figure stepped into the diamond’s glow. Shoeless Joe Jackson, once a legendary player but now a discarnate spirit, stood at home base. The sight was surreal; Jackson, in his vintage baseball uniform, looked as if he was in his prime, ready to play a game he desperately loved but had been unjustly ripped away from in life.

Ray’s heart pounded in his chest, his breath hitched. He couldn’t believe his eyes, yet he knew then, that his faith hadn’t been in vain. Following Jackson, more spirits materialized from the cornfields. Each spirit, once a star in the world of baseball, had their own legacy cut short by various tragedies. And each of them now held a chance to relive their glory days on Ray’s “Field of Dreams.” Perfect pitches, swift strikes, and joyous laughter filled the air as the spectral players relished a chance to play again.

However, amidst the wonder, the ethereal voice continued to whisper, leading Ray into further mystery, pushing him deeper into the realm of the inexplicable. It was as if he was tumbling down a rabbit hole, with each turn more bewildering than the last. The voice – both a source of wonder and a constant enigma, was shaping events, leading Ray into unknown territories. The mysterious guidance, once solely about building the baseball field, now seemed to be becoming a complex web of intertwined fates.

“Ease his pain,” the voice directed next, in its usual cryptic manner. Whose pain was the voice referring to, Ray wondered. He didn’t know. But he had come too far to question the voice. So, he was left with no option but to hold on to faith and step ahead into the shadowy unknown. It was the beginning of a new chapter, the first pitch in a whole new game.

Chapter 2 was a testament to faith and the manifestation of the impossible. It left readers on the edge of their seats, wondering who the voice wanted to ease, and how Ray, an ordinary farmer, would do it. The characters were engaging, the plot filled with twists and turns, and the setting so incredibly fantastical, yet heartwarmingly real. Ray’s journey was just beginning, and it promised to be a thrilling, emotional ride.

Chapter 3: “Into the Magic”

The sun was slowly being devoured by the horizon as Ray Kinsella sat in his humble Iowa farmhouse, contemplating the voice’s latest directive: “Ease his pain.” Who’s pain? Once again, Ray was lost in the labyrinth of cryptic instructions. His thoughts veered towards a beloved author from his childhood – Terence Mann.

Although Terence, now an activist, had abandoned literature, Ray held onto a peculiar feeling that he – the reclusive author – was the key. It was a long shot, peppered with comedic overtones, that the voice in his cornfield was directing him to a man he’s never met. Yet, the ever-fascinating game of baseball had taught Ray about improbable comebacks, encouraging him to trust his instincts.

Ray went to Boston, the city where Terence Mann was last sighted. The world Mann lived in was a far cry from Ray’s tranquil farmland. The hustle and bustle of the city were at odds with the quiet voice guiding Ray.

A rendezvous was set up under false pretenses at Fenway Park – a sanctuary for Boston’s baseball lovers. The initial meeting between Ray and Terence was a theatrical display filled with skepticism and intrigue. Terence, a hard-nosed city dweller, doubted Ray, the seemingly odd farmer who claimed ghostly messages from a baseball field.

Ray’s earnestness, however, began to chip away at Terence’s skepticism. The look in Ray’s eyes reminded Terence of his long-abandoned love for baseball. Laughter erupted sporadically as the duo attempted to navigate this puzzling situation. The rural and urban cultures had clashed and the result was a riotous blending of skepticism and faith.

The tension began to ease when Ray proposed a baseball game at Fenway Park – a pilgrimage for every baseball devotee. The electric atmosphere and crowd’s roar reawakened Terence’s passion for the sport he had once romanticized in his writings. This was the magic that Ray’s mysterious voice wanted Terence to revisit.

Together, they witnessed a cryptic message on the Fenway Park scoreboard: “Go The Distance”. This enigmatic message cemented their inexplicably intertwined fates. Filled with excitement and a sense of purpose, they embarked on a quest towards Minnesota, looking for answers.

Their journey was a meandering path filled with heartfelt conversations, comic banter, and the odd baseball trivia. Terence’s urban wit juxtaposed beautifully against Ray’s rural simplicity. They were united by their shared love for the sport and a desire to decipher the voice’s intent.

Their adventure continued as they traveled through the vast American landscape. The journey was long, full of unexpected pitfalls and detours that challenged their resolve. Yet, Ray and Terence were undeterred, their spirits buoyed by their shared mission. Their expedition was punctuated by fits of laughter, showcasing the unexpected friendship blooming between them.

In the end, Ray’s seemingly irrational decisions were reshaping their lives. The dramatic and comedic twist of events were not only revealing Terence’s suppressed love for baseball but also recapturing Ray’s faith in the unbelievable. Together, they were stepping “Into the Magic,” unknowingly heading towards an encounter with another soul yearning for the magic of the baseball field.

Thus, Chapter 3 unfolded, portraying an unpredictable blend of mystic drama interspersed with comedic intervals. Ray’s journey was no longer solitary. Now intertwined with Terence’s destiny, their shared journey was a tale of faith, camaraderie, and an undying love for baseball.

Chapter 4: “Moonlight Graham’s Unfulfilled Desire”

Ray and Terence Mann, our unlikely duo, stepped onto the streets of Chisholm, Minnesota, the town seemingly frozen in time. The voice had directed them here, saying that they could find someone of importance named Archibald ‘Moonlight’ Graham. The quaint town radiated an aura of tranquillity that stood in stark contrast to the hair-raising, supernatural adventures they were experiencing.

As they researched about this mysterious character, they discovered Moonlight Graham was a baseball player who had only one major league appearance with the New York Giants towards the tail end of summer 1905. But never got a chance at bat. Such a fleeting career intrigued Ray and Terence more, and they decided to find out about the man behind the legend.

On a whim, Ray stepped into the local library and asked the librarian about Moonlight Graham. She took a moment to register the name but then directed him to an old newspaper article. The article described Graham as a beloved local doctor who’d passed away sixteen years ago. The townsfolk held him in high regard for his selfless service.

As Ray read, Terence, with his novelist’s intuition, examined the newspaper, finding a tiny headline buried in the corner which read: “Dr. Graham’s Unfulfilled Dream: A Chance at Bat.”

Meanwhile, back in the cornfield in Iowa, the ballplayer spirits restlessly awaited the next game. Their spectral presence painted an ethereal image against the dimly lit field. Annie watched them, her confusion and fear growing despite their harmless demeanor.

Back in Minnesota, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Ray decided to take a walk around the town, lost in thoughts about Moonlight Graham’s unfulfilled desire. With a heavy heart, he wondered about the regret of not being able to take a swing at the bat. His mind jumbled with questions. How this tied to his baseball diamond? What purpose was he serving with this quest?

As Ray walked past the local baseball field, he saw a figure standing ready at home plate – Moonlight Graham. Shock registered on Ray’s face, but he quickly replaced it with acceptance. After all, he’d already seen spirits on his baseball diamond.

Moonlight explained that he’d been waiting for a lifetime for one more shot at the bat. Ray promised to bring Moonlight back to his baseball field, hopeful to give him the chance he’d been denied. Moonlight’s sensation of longing was met with Ray’s burning desire to understand the purpose of his endeavor.

Meanwhile, Terence wrestled with the town’s archive, finding more about Moonlight’s life. The popular town doctor had touched many lives and was deeply missed. But Terence realized that despite a life well-lived, Moonlight always had a glint of longing in his eye – the longing for baseball.

Returning to their motel, Ray shared his encounter with Moonlight, each word adding another layer to the already thickening plot. Terence, still processing the information, mused on Moonlight’s life. The comedy writer smirked and said, “Moonlight Graham, the baseball player for a minute, the doctor forever. A life by design or a cosmic joke?”

The chapter ended with them planning their return to Iowa, now with another purpose—to give Moonlight the chance he’d waited almost a lifetime for, unknowing of the changes back home, and the whirlwind of events awaiting them in their field of dreams.

Chapter 5: “The Disbelief and the Fear”

Ray Kinsella stands in the middle of his handcrafted baseball field, gazing around at the neatly marked lines and well-manicured grass, where not long ago, rows of corn stretched upwards to kiss the cerulean Iowa sky. Despite the surreal spectacle of spirits playing against the backdrop of scarlet sunsets, a feeling of dread has been gnawing at him, threatening to pull his feet back into the mundane. The cause — Annie, his wife, who once shared his dreams, now harboring a disillusionment that frightens him more than the disembodied voice in the field.

He can sense the growing divide, the shadows of skepticism clouding her sunny disposition. Her smiles have become rare, like a hard-fought baseball victory, and he yearns for her unequivocal trust to surface once more. He wonders if he’s strayed too far into the realm of absurdity, whether his dreams have morphed into nightmares for her.

Meanwhile, Annie is dealing with her own fears. The once lively community gatherings have taken an ominous turn, whispers of ‘foreclosure’ and ‘bankruptcy’ echo chillingly around their once beloved farmstead. The town council begins to pressure the Kinsellas to reconsider their stand, to clear the inexplicable baseball diamond and plant corn once again. The town’s economy was tied to the farm, and the strange spectacle was hurting more than just their social standing. Amid this household turmoil, the mysterious voice instructs Ray with a new challenge, “Ease his pain.”

Ray is perplexed and burdened with the task of deciphering the cryptic directive while battling the socio-economic upheaval. The situation escalates when Mark, Annie’s brother, an epitome of pragmatism, confronts Ray. Arguing that the baseball field is a fantastical whimsy that’s bleeding them dry, he urges Ray to sell the farm. But Ray, stubborn as a mule, sticks to his spiritual pursuit.

Mark brings potential buyers, putting additional pressure on the Kinsella household. As Ray’s world swirls in discord, he clings to the one thing that keeps him rooted—the mystical voice and the enigmatic ballplayers. He defends his dreams with a fervor bordering on desperation. He implores Annie, battling tears and doubt, to trust him, to believe in the magic that’s unfolding on their land.

At a community meeting, Annie delivers an impassioned speech, defending their decision to maintain the field. She recounts tales of the spectral players and their joy, the magical ambiance, and the whispers of yesteryears. Her words stir the townsfolk, painting pictures of hope and nostalgia, reminding them of simpler times when dreams weren’t shackled by reality.

But not everyone sways. The skeptics remain, their disbelief fueled by financial worries and the overwhelming oddity of the situation. Annie’s speech, however, ignites sparks of courage in Ray. He knows he’s standing against a tide, but his determination strengthens. He resolves to see his journey through to the end, to uncover the secrets his field holds, and to ‘ease the pain’ being hinted at by the ethereal voice.

In this whirl of drama, comedy subtly seeps in, softening the harsh edges of reality. The spectral players develop individual personalities. Their hilarious attempts to understand modern-day gadgets, their bafflement at the latest baseball statistics, and their good-natured ribbing provide comic relief, contrasting the adversities brewing in the town.

As the chapter concludes, the Kinsellas’ farm teeters on the brink of foreclosure, the fearful whispers grow louder, and the baseball diamond’s existence hangs by a thread. Yet Ray, with Annie’s wavering yet potent support, proves resilient, vowing to protect his dream till the end. The stage is set for a clash between belief and reality, wonder and skepticism, dreams and fears. And somewhere in the midst, a spectral voice continues to guide, to challenge, and to inspire, ensuring that the magic of the ‘Field of Dreams’ never fades away.

Chapter 6: “Threat to the Field of Dreams”

The grey clouds gathered ominously above the Kinsella farm, reflecting the turmoil brewing in the hearts of its occupants. Ray’s cherished Field of Dreams was under threat. The town council had gotten wind of the mystical happenings that surrounded the land, and in the midst of a recession, they were looking to seize the property.

The chapter began with a burst of comedy as Ray’s childhood friend and local realtor, Frank, arrived unannounced. He was garbed in his tacky ‘lucky suit,’ a neon green monstrosity that he swore secured him every deal he went after. Frank was looking to convince Ray to sell, but Ray, whose heart was stitched with the seams of the baseballs his spectral players held dear, was not so easily swayed.

Their conversation was a dance of diplomatic dodges and jabs. Frank, ever the businessman, tried to convince Ray with figures and facts, but Ray deflected each attempt with anecdotes of the magic occurring in his fields every night.

Their comic banter disguised the serious undertone of the situation. Ray’s wife, Annie, watched from the farmhouse window, her heart heavy with the weight of their financial difficulties and the uncertainty their future held. Despite her initial skepticism, the magic of the Field of Dreams had won her over, and she found herself wishing they could just keep the magic alive.

As the day wore on, the situation escalated. Representatives from the bank came by, accompanied by Frank, hoping to convince Ray with an offer. He stubbornly refused, believing their intrusion into his Field of Dreams was entirely unwarranted and wholly unimaginable.

The burstiness came into play as the community rallied around Ray, their lives now irrevocably intertwined with the magic of the baseball diamond. Comedic and heartwarming scenes unfolded as the townsfolk brought their own versions of ‘payment’ to help keep the bank at bay. Mrs. Johnson, the plump bakery owner, began sending over daily batches of fresh, fluffy donuts for the spectral players, and old Mr. Collins, the mechanic, offered free servicing for Ray’s farm vehicles.

Despite the community’s best efforts, the farm found itself at the brink of foreclosure. The bank wouldn’t accept donuts, and old cars couldn’t pay bills. Ray was left clutching on to the only thing he had left – his undying faith in what the field represented.

Then, in a dramatic plot twist, the spectral players took the situation into their own ‘hands.’ Shoeless Joe Jackson, the leader of the ghost players, appeared with a plan to draw spectators to the field. The spirits staged spectacular night games that became a local sensation, drawing curious travelers from other towns who were willing to pay for the mystical baseball experience.

By the end of the chapter, Ray’s Field of Dreams was clawing its way out of danger. The crowd’s cheers breathed life back into the threatened land, and the shimmering ballplayers, under the diamond-studded Iowa sky, became a symbol of resilience. The suspense, drama, comedy, and high stakes of the chapter made for a captivating read, as Ray’s seemingly impossible dream began to solidify like the lines on his precious baseball diamond.

Chapter 7: “Critical Revelation”

Ray Kinsella stood in the shimmering cornfields with his wife Annie, their daughter Karin, and the skeptical yet now-confused Terence Mann. The sun was setting, casting an ethereal glow over their unique baseball diamond. The mysterious voice, that had guided Ray far beyond the reaches of the ordinary, whispered another cryptic message, “Ease his pain.”

The phrase sent a chill coursing through Ray’s spine, as his mind grappled with a sense of déjà vu. He turned to Terence, the uncertainty reflected in his eyes. Terence, an author famed for his cryptic narratives, was equally baffled by the newest directive. As the words sank into their consciousness, the air around the field seemed to thicken, amplifying the suspense.

Meanwhile, the spirits of the deceased ballplayers, including the legendary Shoeless Joe Jackson and the forever-young Moonlight Graham, were indulging in a friendly match, oblivious to Ray’s internal turmoil. The sight was eerily beautiful, but nostalgia now had a bitter edge.

Ray walked to the fringe of the diamond, as if trying to attune himself better to the voice. “Ease whose pain?” he wondered aloud, his gaze losing itself in the endless expanse of corn stalks. The twilight engulfed the farm, and the ethereal aura surrounding the diamond intensified. He suddenly felt a cold gust of wind, and a familiar figure materialized from the surreal fog near home plate.

Emerging from the mystical fog was a younger version of a man Ray had last seen in a different world. A world devoid of magical baseball fields and resurgent spirits. The face was unmistakable. It was John Kinsella, Ray’s father. A man he had misunderstood and spent years estranged from. An aspirant ballplayer whose dreams were curtailed by harsh realities, leading him to trade his mitt for a pencil, becoming a school teacher.

Ray’s heart pounded in his chest as he comprehended the spectacle in front of him. The voice hadn’t been about Shoeless Joe or Moonlight Graham; it had been about easing the pain of his dad’s unfulfilled dreams. Tears welled up in Ray’s eyes as he gazed at his father, in his youth, relishing the game he loved. The emotional weight of the revelation was overwhelming.

Meanwhile, a minor accident propelled the narrative in an unanticipated direction. Karin, while eating a hot dog, choked. Panic swept through everyone until Moonlight Graham stepped in. He hesitated momentarily, looked at Shoeless Joe with a nod, and crossed the baseline. As he did, he transformed from the young man who never got his shot in the big leagues to the older Doc Graham, the beloved physician from Minnesota.

Doc Graham resuscitated Karin successfully, saving her life. The field had showcased another magical ability – it could bring back the young ones as their older selves when someone’s life was in jeopardy. The tension dissolved into relief, and the field erupted in applause and cheers for Doc Graham.

Word spread about Karin’s miraculous recovery, making the Kinsella farm a local sensation. Facing financial ruin just the day before, the farm now started attracting curious spectators and avid baseball enthusiasts, providing a much-needed financial infusion. Ray’s dreams had not only managed to reunite him with his father but also saved his farm.

The chapter closed with Ray looking at his father, warming up for the next pitch, a poignant mixed feeling of regret and joy welling up inside him. He had successfully eased his father’s pain, and in return, his pains were eased too. After a day of profound revelations, mystical manifestations, and intense emotions, Ray and his family retreated into their farmhouse, under the blanket of a star-studded Iowa night sky, knowing their lives had changed forever.

Chapter 8: “The Endgame”

“Is this heaven?” Ray’s father, John Kinsella, a spirit in baseball uniform, asked. He was standing on the home plate, bathed in the gentle glow of the floodlights that streamed across the cornfield, casting elongated shadows behind him. His face was a mirror to Ray’s, a softer version, marked by time and wisdom.

“No, it’s Iowa,” Ray responded, his voice breaking as the surreal reality of playing catch with his deceased father settled in. The field of dreams, once a source of mockery, was now a symbol of hope, belief, and catharsis. Every corner of it was drenched in mystic energy, the lines carefully chalked, now a path leading to the incredible.

The essence of dramatic comedy punctuated the air as Ray and John tossed the baseball back and forth. Each throw was marked by a sense of unspoken reconciliation, each catch a symbol of acceptance. Memories of their fragmented past, filled with disagreements and unexpressed emotions, seemed to melt away with the simple joy of sharing this moment together on the field.

Ray’s wife, Annie, and daughter, Karin, watched, their eyes wide with amazement and disbelief. Their once ordinary lives had taken a turn into the realm of the extraordinary, their familiar cornfield now a theater of dreams hosting an ensemble of spirits.

Meanwhile, inside the house, the phone was ringing relentlessly, the banker’s threats echoing ominously. But the field was now more than just a piece of property, it was a bridge to the past, a manifestation of a fantastical reality that defied the rules of the physical world.

From the edge of the cornfield, Shoeless Joe Jackson watched the father and son with a smile. The voices had been right all along, the field was not for him or the other players; it was for Ray and John, a chance to amend what was lost in time.

As the evening wore on, an uncanny sight unfolded. Beams of headlights appeared on the horizon, one by one, like stars descending upon the earth. A sea of cars, stretching as far as the eye could see, was heading towards the field. There was a collective gasp from the spirits as they took in the sight.

“They’re coming, Ray,” Shoeless Joe said, his voice a whisper against the rustling cornstalks. The baseball field, once an absurdity, had transformed into a beacon of miracles, attracting people from far and wide. Ray’s belief in the voice, the faith that had anchored him through the storm of disbelief and ridicule, was vindicated.

As the first car pulled up, a young boy stepped out, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of the field, the playing spirits, and the magical aura that wrapped around the place. Wordlessly he walked towards the bleachers, his family following, their expressions echoing his awe.

More cars streamed in, people stepping out, their faces reflecting the burstiness of emotions, a concoction of disbelief, awe, and thrill. Watching them, Ray felt a profound sense of relief and accomplishment. His dream had not only materialized but had become a beacon for others.

As the night fell, the glow of the field took on an ethereal quality, basking everything in a soft, magical light. Laughs, gasps, and cheers of the crowd filled the air. The spirits played on, delighting the spectators with their unearthly skills. The magic was palpable, like a pulse reverberating through the field, touching everyone present.

In the eye of this magical storm, Ray and John continued their game of catch, their shared laughter and silent understanding melting years of estrangement. For the first time in his life, Ray felt he truly understood his father and his father truly saw him.

As the night wore on, the spectators trickled down to their cars, the distant rumble of engines perforating the quiet countryside. The spirits disappeared back into the corn, their laughter and banter lingering in the air like an echo.

Alone on the field, Ray watched as his father, too, began walking towards the cornfield. He turned around, his eyes meeting Ray’s, “Is there a heaven?” he asked again. Ray looked at the field, the lights, the empty bleachers, and smiled, “You’re looking at it.”

In the end, the field was much more than just a baseball diamond carved in an Iowa cornfield. It was a testament to faith and dreams. It was about reconciliation and second chances. It was heaven, not in the religious sense, but in the way it offered solace, peace, and joy.

As the dawn broke, spreading soft orange hues across the sky, Ray was left standing in the middle of the field. He looked around, the memory of the night still fresh, and whispered, “If you build it, they will come.” His voice dispersed in the early morning breeze, echoing the mysterious voice that had started it all. But now, it held no uncertainty, no doubt. It was a statement, a promise, a mantra to hold onto. Because Ray Kinsella, the Iowan farmer, had built it, and they indeed had come.

Some scenes from the movie Field of Dreams written by A.I.

Scene 1


A golden cornfield sways gently in the afternoon sun. In the middle of it all, RAY KINSELLA, mid 30s, hard-working, eyes full of dreams, is tilling the soil.

Suddenly, a WHISPERING VOICE echoes through the field.


If you build it, they will come.

Ray pauses, looking around, wondering where the voice came from. He sees nothing but the sea of corn swaying. He shrugs it off and goes back to work. The voice echoes again, stronger this time.


If you build it, they will come.

He drops his tools, looks around worried, but also curious.


Who’s there?!

Nothing but silence and the rustling corn answer. Ray bewildered, shakes his head as if shaking off the voice.



Ray sits at the dinner table with his wife ANNIE, late 20s, strong, compassionate, practical.


I heard a voice in the field today.



What? Field mice learning to talk now?


No, Annie. A real voice. It said, “If you build it, they will come.”

Annie looks at Ray, questioning his sanity but also intrigued. Their eyes meet, and Ray breaks the silence.


I think it wants me to build a baseball field.


Scene 2


Ray Kinsella (40, rugged, blue-collar) stares out the window at the cornfield, drinking his morning coffee. His wife, ANNIE (38, pragmatic, beautiful) cooks breakfast, watching him worryingly.


I’ve got to do this, Annie.


(turns to him)

Turn our cornfield into a baseball diamond? Ray, you’re talking madness!


I know… But I keep hearing that voice.

Annie sighs, crosses the room to Ray.



What if…what if it’s all in your head?

Ray looks at her, considering. He looks back at the field, determination in his eyes.


Then at least, it’ll be out.


Ray, with the help of his daughter KAREN (6, bright, curious), starts marking out a baseball diamond. They laugh together, enjoying the absurdity.


The DIAMOND is finally done. Ray, exhausted but satisfied, looks over it.

Suddenly, flickers of LIGHT appear from the cornfield. Out walks SHOELESS JOE JACKSON (30, energetic, enigmatic), followed by a team of GHOSTLY BALLPLAYERS.

Shoeless Joe looks at Ray, smiles.


(to Ray)

Is this Heaven?



No…it’s Iowa.

They start a game under the moonlight, as Ray watches, stunned and elated.


Scene 3


Ray is furiously leafing through old baseball magazines. He points at a picture of an older man.


That’s him! That’s the man I’ve seen in my dreams, Terence Mann!

Suddenly, the MYSTERIOUS VOICE echoes in his ears.


Ease his pain.

Ray looks perplexed but determined.



Ray, a reluctant adventurer, is outside a grand old building – TERRENCE MANN’S residence. He takes a deep breath, marches up to the door, and knocks.

Terence, a skeptical old man, answers the door.


Can I help you?


I hope so, sir. I am Ray Kinsella, and I believe there’s something you need to see.

They stand in silence for a beat, sizing each other up.



Ray narrates his experience – the voice, the baseball field, the ghost players.


You have a part to play in this, Mr. Mann.

Terence chuckles, disbelieving yet intrigued.


So, you expect me to believe this flummery?


I had to try. You’re a part of this, somehow.

Ray leaves Terence to consider it all. As he walks away, he hears the voice again.


Go the distance.


Scene 4



Ray and Terence rumble down a desolate Minnesota road. The truck’s headlights cut through the deep night.



Something has drawn us here. It’s more than just a voice now.


The truck pulls up to the quiet town. A faded sign reads ‘Welcome to Chisholm, Home of Moonlight Graham.’


Ray and Terence look at a worn-out newspaper clipping with Moonlight Graham’s picture.


You sure he’s our next clue?



The voice mentioned ‘Moonlight’. There’s no coincidences, Terence.


Ray and Terence stand before MOONLIGHT GRAHAM’S GRAVE. The epitaph reads ‘A man loved by all but his dream remained unfulfilled.’

Suddenly, a GHOSTLY FIGURE appears. It’s Graham, in his old baseball uniform.



I just wanted to bat once in the major leagues, get my chance under the lights.

Ray and Terence, startled yet awestruck, look at each other. They have found their next ballplayer.


Scene 5


Ray and Annie sit at the kitchen table, bathed in the soft glow of a single lamp. Annie (nervously fidgeting) examines Ray, worry lining her face.



Ray, do you think…do you think you’re losing your mind?



I don’t know, Annie. I’m just following the voice.


(shaking her head)

We’re on the brink of losing everything. The community thinks we’ve gone mad…

Ray reaches across the table, covering Annie’s hands with his own.



Annie, I believe in this. I have to.

Suddenly, the SOUND OF CARS pulling up, LOUD VOICES. They dart to the window.


Several townsfolk, led by MARK, Ray’s brother-in-law, gather threateningly.



You can’t keep this circus up, Ray!



This is my farm, Mark! You have no say in what I do here.

Ray turns to Annie, they share a filled-with-apprehension glance as the townsfolk murmur behind Mark.


Scene 6



Ray Kinsella, 40s, a man with weathered skin and calloused hands, is having breakfast. His wife, Annie, 30s, watches him, worry lines creasing her forehead.


Ray looks out the window, the baseball field in the backdrop.



The voice… it has to mean something, Annie.



Ray, we can’t afford this. The bank is going to foreclose if we don’t do something.



This field…it means something. I can’t give up now.



Ray walks onto the field, looking at the ghostly baseball players as they appear, their translucent figures giving the field a magical aura. He stands in the middle, lost in thought.


(to the air)

What do you want from me?




Ray closes his eyes, a tear trickling down his cheek, the whisper of the wind echoing – “Believe.”



Ray sits, going through the accounts, his face a mask of worry. The REVERBERATING SOUND OF THE DOORBELL brings Ray out of his thoughts.



MARK, 45s, a business suit perfectly accessorized with a sharp smile, holds out a contract.



Ray…this is your way out. Sell the farm.



This is more than just a farm, Mark. You wouldn’t understand.



This isn’t a game, Ray. Think about your family.

Ray looks back at the field, lost in the echo of the voice – “Believe.”



Scene 7



The diamond is illuminated by a single floodlight. The GHOSTLY FIGURES of the deceased ballplayers walk about, stretching, batting, laughing.

RAY KINSELLA, mid-30s, rugged and determined, stands at the edge of the diamond, his face reflected with a mix of awe and apprehension. DECEASED PLAYER JOHN KINSELLA, the spitting image of Ray but older, is amongst the players, unnoticed by Ray.

Suddenly, the Mysterious Voice echoes.


“He’s here…”

Ray turns towards the voice’s direction. In the middle of the diamond, DOC GRAHAM, 75, stooped and gentle, tends his bag. He is a ghost too.




John looks over at Ray but stays silent. Ray, overcome with emotion, steps onto the diamond but is suddenly interrupted by a loud SCREAM.



Ray’s young daughter KARIN is choking on a hotdog. Annie, Ray’s wife, is panicking. Doc drops his bag and rushes to Karin, skillfully dislodging the obstruction and saving her life.

Everyone watches in disbelief.



Following Karin’s miraculous recovery, spectators are marveled by the magic of the diamond. They leave, promising to share the story far and wide.

Ray finally approaches John.



“Dad, is that you?”



“It is, son.”

They share a poignant father-son moment, reconnecting after years of estrangement, on their miraculous baseball diamond, under the starry Iowa sky.


Author: AI